This site established on 10-21-2010 at 9:13 P.M. E.S.T. David George DeLancey World Wide Wisdom was created in 2006.
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4-4-2011 1:59 p.m. e.s.t. Words that rhyme with governance. search
~ance~ ' State or condition : Absorptance. Action. Continuance. from Latin antia ant + ia, n. and Latin-entia - ent + - ian
Suffixes - ance: used to form nouns corresponding to verbs or to adjectives ending in-ant (brilliance
Related topics ' ` -ancy (suffix) -ence (suffix) n. Absorptance: the ratio of absorbed to incident radiatio-Ancy=ancy: condition of - ance and -Y denoting state or quality (brilliancy) -ence='State of condition:dependence/action:emergence
Radiation: A method of surveying in which the field is triangulated by lines radiating from a central point.
radiance~radiancy~radiances or radiancies {radiance fr' radiant, after such pairs as E attendant; radiancy fr. 'radiant + cy} The equality or state of being radiant: vivid brightness: splendor. :the flux density of radiant energy per unit solid angle and per unit projected area of radiating surface. : a deep pink that is bluer, lighter, and stronger than average coral (sence 3b), deeper than fiesta, and yellower and deeper than begonia. : Radiant: marked by or expressive of joy, pleasure, love, confidence, or happiness : seeing to radiate some quality esp, good : radianting or diffusing splendor, glory, or a similar quality : Glowing, Brilliant. Found at Webster's Third New International Dictionary._____2:16 p.m.
2:56 P.M. ____INVITING PREMISSES____ In sense fr. ME premisse, fr. MF, fr. ML, praemissa fr. L, fem of praemissus past part of praemittere, to place ahead, send ahead, fr. prae- pre + mittere to send; in other sences, fr. ME premisses, fr. ML praemissa, fr. L, neut, pl, of praemissus -more at SMITE 1: a proposition antecedently supposed or proved: a basis of argument : as a: proposition in logic stated or assumed as leading to a conclusion : either of the first two propositions of a syllogism from which the conclusion is drawn b: something assumed or taken for granted : PRESUPPOSITION ; esp : something implied to a condition precedent cobs : a STIPULATION <the ~ s observed, thy will by my performance shall be served ~ property that is conveyed by bequest or deed. a specific piece or tract of land with the structures on it. The place of business of an enterprise or institution ~ an antecedent happening or circumstance - usu, used in pl. to use, send or do in advance or as an initial step. ~ put before something else.
4-8-2011 4:44 p.m. e.s.t. Definitions Tacitly : in a tacit manner; as a:without speaking <held his book, ~ assuring him that she valued it fully b:by unexpressed agreement, allowance, or understanding : Implicitly. acquiescently <~consenting to mitted by the judges to practice
Broadside : the side of a ship, above the waterline :a broad or nearly unbroken surface of an object <couldn't hit the ~ of a barn> :a sizable sheet of paper printed on one side only; esp : one publicizing a controversy or official proclamation : their simultaneous discharge : a volly esp : with the broadside turned toward a given object or point : at large : at random to a number of prospects. + Broadsword : a sword with a broad blade for cutting rather than thrusting. + Broad-spoken :adj : PLAINSPOKEN, OUTSPOKEN + Broadside-on sideways <drifting broadside on> with the side or longer dimension foremost. + Broadwise : In the direction of the breadth:with broadside foremost
I just published this site on 4-8-2011 for five years for $124.75. What a deal instead of having at the end of my site name as, it will now just have .com. The previous although was free. Now my next .com with yola will be my full name. This will be in motion come around the beginning of the summer 2011. It will have much about me including my Presidential Application the most important job 'of' the United States. That application will consist of five issues, a couple of pieces of advise and your full attention which through time of course may qualify me to the job and allow your presidency to continue. Till Next Time with Art Economics History and the DeLancey History Files. 5:57 p.m. e.s.t. >>>>>>>>>>> I have now as web-sites www.MyWebsiteDeLancey' <<<< 4-9-2011 1:53 p.m. and continuing today with terms that we own.
Disciplinary ~ of or relating to ecclesiastical discipline or legislation. Satisfaction Guaranteed ~ the act of one who makes a guaranty or acts as a surety ~ an agreement by which one "person" undertakes to secure "another' in the possession or enjoyment of something ~ an expressed or implied assurance of the quality of "goods" offered for sale or the length of satisfactory use to be expected from a product ~ an expressed assurance of satisfaction with a definite promise of purchase "money" to be returned of goods to be replaced or other specified assurance ~ something given by way of security ~ something made or held as a security
Person ~ an individual human being <a very interesting ~> < any ~ present : personage
Another ~ different or distinct from one first named or considered <the same scene viewed from ~ angle>
Goods ~ good, conforming to a certain ideal or standard of morality or requirements : the genuine article : but it is thee '
2:05 p.m. e.s.t. \\\\\/////:+~ Game - in the pursuit of an object or purpose : method of procedure : COURSE, PLAN, TACTIC <the authorities decided to play a waiting> < the president tried another ~ : an illegal fraudulent, or shady scheme or maneuver : RACKET, DODGE, TRICK, akin to OHG & ON gamon pleasure, amusement] 1. a: an amusement or pastime : DIVERSION, PLAY 2. a: a scheme or strategy employed + physical or mental competition conducted according to rules in which the participants play in direct opposition to each other, each side striving to win and to keep the other side from doing so -
So ~ when followed without pause by a stressed syllable sometimes : In a manner or way that is indicated or suggested : for that reason
Your ~ of or belonging to you or yourself or yourselves as possessor or possessors : due to you : inherent in you : associated or connected with you <~ heart> <~ talents> <~ bodies> : of or relating to you or yourself or yourselves as object of an action : experience by you as object ,~ discharge from the army > <~ election as the officers for the coming year> d: that you have to do with or are supposed to possess or to have knowledge or a share of or some special interest in
Heterogeneous ~ differing inkind <a ~ population <genetically ~> consisting in dissimilar ingredients or constituents <~ substances> <a town may be culturally or economically ~ having different values, opinions, or backgrounds <the family is ~ enough to make quite a good party it itself 3. a: made up of parts or elements that are not unified, compatible, or proportionate <no ~ hotchpotch but a book with an underlying unity 6: not uniform in structure or composition by reason of structure and presence : of : relating to or accruing in or being a system that is not uniform throughout by boundaries ------Searched word was from this sentence + A system of heterogeneous taxation based on expediency to a comprehensive, system conforming to essentially different economic principles.
Dissipated ~ from a sentence having this terming "dissipated assets" : given to or marked by / dissipation. term dissipated is first known in 1744. Dissolute : lacking restraint; especially : marked by "indulgence" in things <the dissolute and degrading aspects of human nature. first known use 14th century
Indulgence ~ remission of part or all of the temporal and especially purgatorial punishment that according to Roman Catholicism is due for sins where eternal punishment has been remitted and whose guilt has been pardoned (as through the sacrament of reconciliation) :the act of indulging : the state of being indulgent :an extension of time for payment or performance granted as a form. 14th century first known. Synonyms : benevolence, boon, courtesy, grace, favor, kindness, mercy, service, turn Antonyms : basic, essential, fundamentals, must, waiver, advantage, benefit, blessing, godsend, manna, liberty, license (or license) privilege. Near Antonyms : hindrance, hurdle, impediment, interference, obstacle.
Deficit ~ deficiency in amount or quality <a deficit in rainfall> : a lack or impairment in a functional capacity <congnitive deficit> <a hearing deficit> DISADVANTAGED <scored two runs to overcome a 2-1 deficit> 2. a: an excess of expenditures over revenue b: a loss in business operation / French deficit, from Latin deficit it is wanting, 3rd singular present indicative of deficere
Immediately ~ in direct connection or relation : DIRECTLY <the parties immediately involved in the case> <the house immediately beyond this one> + The new law will become effective immediately. 15th cent.
Receipts ~ 1: recipe 2: a. obsolete : receptacle b. archaic : verb a revenue office 3: the act or process of receiving 4: something received - usually used in plural 5: a. writing acknowledging the receiving of goods or money + open immediately upon receite, from Anglo-French, from Medieval. Latin Recepta, probably from latin, neuter plural of Receptus, past participle of recipere to receive 1st known use : 14th Century
War ~ [ME werre, warre, fr. ONF werre, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG werre confusion, strife, 1.a: a state of usu. open and declared armed hostile conflict between political units (as state or nations) <~ cannot exist between two countries unless each of them has its own government b: a struggle of any degree of intensity carried on between opposing forces. In a particular "field" or by a "particular" means or for a particular goal.
War Dance ~ 1: a dance, usu, representing war in pantomine that is performed by "primi'tive peoples as preparartion for battle or in celabration to victory 2; an American Indian or American founded Indian of whom dance consisting of vigorous sideward bouncing steps for a mixed round or toe-heel steps for a male solo that is used as a ceremonial dance or show dance 3: Vigorous jumping about suggestive of a know Indian war dance.
Book ~ akin to OHG buoh book, ON bok, Goth boka letter. OE boc beech; prob. fr. the early Germanic use of beech wood as a medium for the carving of "runic" characters 1.a: formal written document; esp : a deed of conveyance of land -SEE BOOKLAND "collection" of written sheets of skin or tablets of wood or ivory. an official or personal set of standards, rules, or policies. An area of experience or knowledge / The total available knowledge and experience that can be brought to bear on a task or problem <tried every trick in the ~ to win the election> The aggregate "charges" that can be made or "present" against an accused person <thought to get off with just a reprimand, but they threw the ~ at> a position from which one must answer for certain acts : ACCOUNT - usu. used with bring or call <our system of bringing the guilty to ~ {D.G.DeLancey ~ the more money one country has in its bank as savings the better the war = W,ith A, R,eason}
5:11 p.m. e.s.t. Name ~ 1.a: a word or sound or a combination of words or sounds by which an individual or a class of individuals (as persons or things) is regularly known or designated : a distinctive and specific appellation : a word with little or no connotation that can serve as the subject of a sentence; also : the symbolic equivalent of such a word : a designating or identifying ~ a symbol of divinity or an actual vehicle of divine attributes may mean either character or manifestation
Vehicle Money ~ Vehicle \ transmitting agent, vehicle, more at WAY 1.a: an inert substance : an agent of transmission 3. a: a mode of expression : FORM, STYLE. <words, pictures, and other ~s of expression <find a new form of verse which shall be as satisfactory a - for... to secure the adoption of other extraneous legislation. b: a container in which something is conveyed <the research ~s <have the space b: MEDIUM 3c <the organ had been for centuries the ~ of life... as a ~ of culture... Money something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment <have used gold, copper, wampum, or cattle for ~. as /most things in order could be used as money; before the Unites States was created and America was given its name for instance; land was a particular. a: officially coined or stamped metal currency b: MONEY OF ACCOUNT <a coin worth less than a penny in our ~> c: coinage or negotiable paper issued as legal tender by a recognized authority (as a government ) (asset or compensation in the form of or readily convertible to cash : Monetary possessions <cam lose or make a lot of ~ in that business> <allowed to accept for services> : pecuniary gain. Pecuniary is taking the form of or consisting of money <the chief... entitled to certain regular gifts, ~ or in kind 2: of or relating to money : MONEYARY (~gain) <~needs> ,the medieval ~ motive. _ - - _ 5:53 p.m.
4-11-2011 5:15 p.m. e.s.t. Based on a search, start is, argument 3-30-11 then to logic then to Inference -~- having an act of a conclusion by deductive reasoning from given facts. The conclusion drawn is also called an inference also called deductive logic ~ is reasoning which constructs or evaluates deductive arguments. (Reasoning - the faculty of reason Intuition (knowledge), understanding without apparent effort. Reason ~ like habit or intuition, is a means by which thinking comes from one idea to a related idea. It is the way rational beings propose and consider explanations concerning ~cause and effort~, \true/ and \false/, and what is "good" or "bad". In contrast to reason as an abstract noun, (a reason) is a consideration which explains or Justifies some event, phenomenon or behavior. Reason is closely identified with the ability to self-con-sciously change beliefs, attitudes, traditions, and institutions , and therefore with the Capacity for freedom and self-determination.
5:28 p.m. still to date, although this was penned at 11:22 on 10-2-2010 There once was a day where nothing mattered. This event was as calm as a pond, such a calmness may come from the south. Though this day was emerged in the north east. Much experience did come from this area, the year had been 1686. A ship enters New York's Port, the individual in calm had been Stephen DeLancey French name Etienne. A being of twenty three years of age from Caen France Stephen better known as Etienne thus deported Caen to travel to holland and then to make his way to the New World.
King James II convinced to have obtained New England as a Dominion, reached his expectancy through leadership, mercantilism, and friendship with those whom resided abroad. King James's Realm being in familiar with other realms felt the need to justify. (Etienne) now Stephen through being in denization from French connections to English connections is now to continue the importance of art economics history a category of every aspect. 11:33 a.m.
After 5:15 p.m. Before Stephen De Lancey left France in 1686 he had in all 300 pounds of jewels on his possession, it is told they were sown into his trousers in accommodation of his mother. Etienne also having calm of nothing at an age of twenty-three was well aware of the religious persecutions surrounding the home he was once grown from. These persecutions were reached through the religious justifications of the time, and occupancy of established characteristics. Knowing this Mr. DeLancey found comfort within his reach. Law and obedience was upon the daily value and plenty ness to culture brought the more to society.
As his family whom held the Bureaucracy of France and others sharing Realms was at its 200th anniversary. (Etienne) Stephen DeLancey being the last line of his lineage as history states was now to start a new and perhaps, continuance of bureaucracy within another continent. { I shall continue at another time ~ 5:53 p.m. 4-11-2011 }
4-11-11~8:47 p.m. e.s.t. His arrival here in America leaving his Mother of said Branch being in France led Stephen; to be in judgment of what is and what is to be and or become. For the next fourteen years Etienne is to be single and engaging in politics and mercantilism. He was to now build ships with investors. His ship building led to the acommodation of pirates; Captain William Kidd eventually being one of the more important of pirates. William Kidd being of a captaincy obtained the piracy through the King of England, in accordance of trapping French and Spanish vessels whom over bordered waters of England territorial rights were in illegal trading conditions. Stephen DeLancey married in 1700 and had two infant's born in 1701 and 1702 which died. His marriage into the Cortlandt family brought him more stability in New York's American allegiance. His next eight children are of the years 1703 - 1719. History notices five, and it is possible out of the eight that one had also passed away.
During this calm and achieving ascendancy of his life were episodes such as the Leiser experience, King Philipse War, Peter Zinger and Freedom of the Press. (Etienne) Stephen DeLancey passing in 1741 has been admired through the New York Journal as the richest man and family in America amongst other prosperity's. His offspring are of great acceptance. Being in relation of the blood relation of the Cortlandt family brings them as second cousins to Rembrandt, and other known acquaintances, some whom are yet to be known. The research of Etienne DeLancey's family in those relationships will add to the book started by D.A. Story The DeLancey's "A Romance of a Great Family" it consists of family members and some brief inquiries. Those relationships as of now in current history can be found at
Stephens oldest son James DeLancey born in 1703 and his next ten years experienced the Queen of England's migration of London to America. This migration were of the gangs of London, the sons and daughters of some of the more wealthiest and scholastic of its time, people in Europe and abroad. These sons and daughters were of whom by any or circumstantial choice, did not accumilate to the better of society. After decades and continuance towards the residency, and accumilation of a populas England was now in pursuit. The personage of this sort were to be transported to the colonies of England. One main occupancy was America's North and South Carolina, Virginia, New York, and Massachusetts. These gangs of London England's occupancy did have some artisan skills and othe performing interest's. Although room and board was of some capability.
The Queen of England realizing the American colonies asserting a self manufacturing degree, thought it acceptable for the transporting of these families, to broaden their ecceptance in a forming society. This forming society, although having a surrounding limitation through Indian treaties and their capabilities, had been in relation of future family inheritances. During these four colonial transportation efforts were kidnappers, transporting abroad to the colonies whom ever could afford the fee. These bordering individuals perhaps, a high percentage of them only had enough to go one way. Once arriving to deport into America and in realization through authority in which by understanding were not quite accepted could not yet turn them back. The arrivals ended up being sent to New York's port. Before these arrivals Pennsylvania was the highest of population, now to be second by New York, and that just being the lower portion. Through time most individuals came and went. It was still acceptable through authorities to venture through the Appalachian and wilderness hither. New York now even more becoming the true main port of northern America. New York at its best having a more capability of sea vessels and water ways was of high transportation of sales and commerce. Boston in regard being second sharing with New Hampshire and some of its northern lands per say shore line. The two Islands off of Cape Cod was of this time of New York's holdings, fishing and whaling being the transportation unit. Seasonal occupancy of some of these eastern coastal waters was very standard in the 16th century and early 17th but occupancy became a choice the first quarter of the 1600's.
9:03 p.m. e.s.t. 4-12-2011 After the Queens death permanent residency became a more main factor. In regards of Indian relations this occupying of territory became influential. Government holding of law and order was also essential towards Indian affairs. In Colonial times a Chief Justice was very essential to a community, also in favor were the Royal Governors. In most sorting environments many did see favor in the individualistic quality one would bear. The Royal Governors had their hands full, dealing with some Indians whom did not quite have recognition of a certain accruing law and order. In that manner, some of the non Indian residents also had some reactions of quarreling. In consideration of time and character many assembling their governments had to deal with factors and opposing qualities. This had been going on since the 1600's Hundreds as described earlier with the Leiser experience.
Many whom experienced law making would carry a very great weight towards justice. In recognition of New York we have amongst others the son of Etienne DeLancey, his first born surviving body of interest, James DeLancey. James went to school in England after growing up in America through his childhood years. His learning would in fact start in America. He attended two prestigious learning facilities in England. He arrived back in America twelve years before his fathers death, and became Judge of New York and the proceeding colonies in factor. He then attained the life long possession of Chief Justice an overseeing position only one would want. Although the other Chief Justices did reside in the colonies of England's realm James DeLancey's position was of the up most interest. In 1733 he became the leading Judge over the Freedom of the Press case containing libel seditious, it was called this in factor of a news paper of influence concerning two gentlemen and Peter Zinger. The two gentlemen were in the continued process of elaborating some questions put upon the current Governor. Mr. Zinger was on trial because it was his news paper in which these statements were publicized. He was put on bail at high risk and held until acquitted. His wife continued to operate the news paper, and further continuance went on with it when Peter Zinger was set free.
More to come on the occurrences of Colonial America dealing with freedom, anticipation, character-of-judgment, and recognition of sorting out differences concerning a public's well fair. 9:31 p.m.
Oliver De Lancey Jr. (1749 - 3 September 1822) of New York, New York. For several years he represented Maidstone in Parliament while residing in England.
Maidstone is the County town of Kent, England, 32 miles south-east of London. It was the centre of the agricultural county of Kent, known as the Garden of England. There is evidence of a settlement in the area dating back to beyond the stone-age "Wikipedia" The river Medway runs through the centre of the town linking Maidstone to Rochester and the Thames Estuary
Maidstone is twinned with Beauvais in Picardy France. The post Renaissance Latin rendering is Bellovacum from the Belgic tribe the Bellovaci, whose capital it was. At the coronation of kings the Bishop of Beauvais wore the royal mantle and went, with the Bishop of Langres, to raise the king from his throne to present him to the people.

5-30-2011 9:47 p.m. e.s.t. The Ottoman Empire {~} Syria ~ The Ottomans were nomadic Muslim Turks from central Asia who had converted to Islam by Umayyad conquerors in the Eight century. Led by Uthman (hence the Western term Ottoman), they founded a principality in 1300 amid the ruins of the Mongolwrecked Seljuk Empire in northwest Turkey. Fifty years later Uthman's successors invade Europe. They conquered Constantinople in 1453 and in the sixteenth century conquered all of the Middle East. From 1300 to 1916, when the empire fell, 36 sultans, all descendants of Uthman, ruled most of the Muslim world. Europeans referred to the Ottoman throne as the Sublime Porte, a name derived from a gate of the Sultan's palace in Istanbul. read more at
Ancient Syria ~ The first recorded mention of Greater Syria is in Egyptian annals detailing expenditures to the Syrian coast land to log the cedar, pine, and cypress of the Ammanus and Lebanon mountain ranges in the fourth millennium. Sumner, a kingdom of non-Semitic peoples that formed the southern boundary of ancient Babylonia, also sent expeditions in the third millennium, chiefly in pursuit of cedar from the Ammanus most probably traded with the Syrian port city of Byblos which was also negotiating with Egypt for exportation of timber and the resin necessary for mummification.
An enormous commercial network linking Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Aegean, and the Syrian coast was developed. The network was perhaps under the aegis of the kingdom of Ebla ("city of the white stone"), the chief site of which was discovered in 1975 at Tall Mardikh, find more history at About.Com Earl Syrian Observance or Ancient Syria.
The next descriptions are of countries that are political, taken from a Political Map: There are 48 of this particular map. This area described is mostly the European countries from the northwest and above the Meditarranean Sea. 11:08 p.m.
Iceland ~ is a European island country in the North Atlantic Ocean on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The settlement of Iceland began in AD 874 when the Morivegian chieftain Ingolfur Armarson became the first permanent settlement on the Island
Flags and Coat of Arms after each description.

Ireland ~ is the third largest island in Europe and the twentieth largest island in the world. The earliest records of Ireland come from Greco-Roman geographers. Ptolemy in his Almagest refers to Ireland as Mikia Brettania (Lesser Britain), in contrast to the larger island which he called Megale Brettania (Great Britain) Ptolemy records sixteen tribes inhabiting every part of Ireland in 100 A.D.

United Kingdom ~ The UK or Britain ~ Is a sovereign state eastern part of the Island. Ireland any many smaller islands. The name "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland comprising of Brythonic Britain and Gaelic Ireland. Insular Celtic from anatomically modern humans of the prehistoric period. There were waves beginning by about 30.000 years ago. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands.

Norway ~ A Nordic Country throughout a large area in the Scandinavian peninsula, as well as Jan Mayer, the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island (is not subject to the Antarctic Treaty. Nordic country on the Scandinavian.

Sweden ~ Is a Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden shares borders with Norway to the west and Finland to the east, and is connected to Denmark by Oresund Bridge. The Swedish name Sverige (a conjunction of the words Svea and Rike - the latter is still spelled with the "Rige" "Kingdom of Swedes" excluding the Geats in Gotoland. Pro-history 12,000 B.C. with the Palaeolithic reindeer.

Latvia ~ A country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. Bordered by Estonia to the north and lithuania to the south. Around the beginning of the third millemium BC (3000 BC) the Pato Baltic ancestors of the Latian people settled on the easttern coast of the Baltic Sea. Had true routes to Rome and Byzantium taking local ambor for precious metals.

Belorussia ~ Officially the Republic of Belarus, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, bordered clockwise by Russia to Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania and Latvia its capital is Minsk, with the Grand Duchy of Luthania the old Ruthenian lands by which a name described by )White Rus) from "White Ruthenia refers to the named "Balarus" Cimmerians and other pastoralists roamed through the area by 1000 BC. By 500 BCE Slavs had taken up residence there with Scythian pressure on the outskirts of their territories.

Lithuania ~ A Baltic State, across the Baltic Sea to the west - Sweden and Denmark. 1st arrival assumed 10th millennium BC. 1st of name place written found in a medieval German manuscript, annals of Quedinburg, in an entry dated 9 March 1009.____-At my Anciently DeLancey site there is a man whom dated his 1st Easter calender you'll see it somewhere on the 1st row 1st page. This calender was just for his personal use.
Finland ~ In the Fennoscsndian region of Mother Europe ~ estonia to its south across the Gulf of Finland. Eigth largest country in Europe in terms of area. The most sparsely populated country in the European Union. Definitely a place for visit and business.

Estonia ~ Boardered by the Gulf of Finland to the west and the Baltic Sea. Hym where would they live? Perhps some were mobile and to have had enough offered residence and economic balance of hold by a time of security. (Ponran?) Temple for Estonia by derive from or as Tacitus who in his book Germanic (c.a. 98 AD) describes a people called the Aestii.
Denmark ~ Officially the Kingdom of Denmark is a Scandinavian country together with Greenland and the Faroe Islands compromise the countries southwest of Sweden and south of Norway and bordered to the south by Germany. Borders both the Baltic and North Sea. Archaeological findings in Denmark date back to the (Eern?) interglacial period from 130,000-100,000 BC. It has been inhabited since around 12,500 BC. Agricultural since 3900 BC Roman Emperor went against Denmarks in the time of David King YPPer of Uppsala governed what compromised Denmark by these territories Jutland, Funen, Zealand, Mon, Falster, Lalland and Skane. 1800 - 600 Bc Burial grounds in Denmark. Found also were Furs and the San Chariot

The Netherlands ~ Constituent Country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Netherlands in its entirety is often referred to as Holland -N. and S. Holland are two of its provinces which leave 10 others.l see terminology of "The Netherlands"

Germany ~ is a Federal Parliamentary Republic of sixteen states. The English word "Germany derives from Latin term germania, which came into use after Julius Caesar adopted it for the people east of the Rhine. In other languages it has various names

Poland ~ 312,679 square Kilometres (120,726 sq mi) 69th largest country in the world and 9th largest in Europe. 38 million people. 34th most pupolous in the world. In central Europe borders by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east; and the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave, to the north.

Russia ~ Is a state in northern Eurasia. It is a semi-presidential republic, compromising 83 federal subjects. It shares borders with 15 country regional ares. The name Russia is derived from "Rus" a medieval state populated mostly by the East Slavs

Ukraine ~ an area of 603,628 km making it the largest contiguous county on the European continent is associated with the Black Sea and sea of Azov to the south and southeast. Established by the Varangians in the 9th century known as the Ukraine the medieval state of Kievon Rus, the first east slavic state and had a weakness in the 12th century.

France ~ Historical France Flag 1370 to 1600 Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. Main ideas expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. The French Republic is defined as indivisible, secular, democratic and social by its constitution. DeLancey, from one to a place or another in built refers to the ancestry of ancient knowledge and usage of the tool of what is. Lance and or the Javelin represent the same ordeal as the term Frankin and Javelin in Egypt it is a unique concept, it goes as far as the holding or septor that in cause one should come and go; meaning ancient. As the terming in modern goes Frankly Madam I don't give a hoot (as one continues to glance at the breath of the suspense, such as a steam in which will let go from the earth). The representation in which already had meaning to had a new formality.

Morocco ~ In North Africa. It is translated from the term "The Western Kingdom" 1st Independent State or place was The Berber Kingdom of Mauretania under, Ruled Sector of Bocchus I around 110 BC

Tunisia ~ or also spelled Tunesia ~ Bordered by Algeria, Libya and the Mediterranean Sea. at the beginning of "recorded" history; It's area settled by Phoenicians starting as early as the 10th century B.C. North Africa Nile Delta.

Algeria ~ In Antiquity Algeria it was known as Numidia Kingdom ~ Numidian people -__- relations with Carthginians and Romans, and ancient Greeks. It had a fine calvary and fertile area. Name derived from Algiers which was a result of jaza'ir Cam' mazghana, the Arabic for "the island of Mazghanna used by early medeival geographers as Al-Idrsi Numidia 202 B.C. Roman Republic 46 B.C. Vandal Kingdom from 430

Portugal ~ The land has been continually settled since prehistoric time. In 29 B.C. the territory was occupied by the Gallaeci and the Lusitanians when it was integrated in the Roman Empire as the provinces of lusitania and part of Gallaecia. Ancient port ~ Portus Cale.

Spain ~ 1st known peoples were the celts and the Iberians. The Roman Empire conquered the area and named it Hispania; Could refer to the terming "Land of the setting Sun" or possible end, edge, or distant sight.

Italy ~ Antiachus of Syracuse was a greek historian who flourished around 420 B.C. Little is known of his life, except by his works, which by pieces remaining give high accuracy. he wrote a history of Sicily from as early as 424 B.C. which was used by Thucydides and the colonizing of Italy and referred to by Strabo and Dionysius of Halicarnassus.

Switzerland ~ The sixes federation was founded in 1291 as a defensive alliance among three original three. In 1499 the confederation secured independence from the Holy Roman Empire.

Belgium ~ Is a federal state in Western Europe. In the northwest part of Gaul, a Roman Province. Before 100 B.C. of the Roman Invasion it was inhabited by Belge, a mix of celtic and Germanic Peoples. A gradual immigration by Germanic Frankish tribes during the 5th century brought the area under the rule of the Merovingian Kings. A gradual shift of power during the 8th century led the Kingdom of the Franks to evolve into the Carolingian Empire. The Treaty of Verdun in 843 divided the region into Middle and Western Francia and therefor into a set of more or less independent fiefdoms which, during the Middle Ages, were vassals either of the King of France or of the Holy Roman Empire.

Austria ~ settled in ancient times, was occupied in Pre-Roman times by various celtic tribes. After the Roman Empire, the area was invaded by Bavarians, Slavs, and Avars. Charlemagne conquered it in 788 A.D.

Hungary ~ It is situated in the Ponnonian Basen. The Roman Empire conquered territory west of the Danube between 35 and 9 B.C. From 9 B.C. to the end of the 4th century Ponnonia was part of the Roman Empire, located within part of later Hungary territory later came the Huns, who built up a powerful empire. After Hunnish, the Germanic Ostrogoths, Lombards, and Gepids , and polyethic Avars, had presence in the Carpathian Basin. Hungary was established in 895, some 60 years after the division of the Carolingian Empire at the Treaty of Verdun in 843, before the unification of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.

Croatia ~ The Croats arrived in the early 7th century. They organized two dukedoms. The first king, King Tomislav was crowned 925 A.D. and Croatia entered a union with Hungary in 1102. In 1527, the Croatian Parliament elected Ferdinand from the House of Habsburg to the Croatian throne.

Slovenia ~ evidence of human habitation around 250,000 years ago. A flute was found, allegedly the oldest known musical instrument in the world discovered by Divie Babe in a cave near Cerkno, dating from the Wurm glacial age when the area was inhabited by Neanderthals.

Slovakia ~ Tools found there which date at 270,000 B.C. in the Early Paleolithic era. Slovic tribes settled here in the 8th century

Czech Republic ~ The Bohemian or Czech State emerged in the late 9th century, when it was unified by the Premyslid dynasty. It was part of the Holy Roman Empire. ~ Czechoslovakia

Romania ~ Name means (Man , Person) comes from Roman (previously Ruman. It is derived from romonus, ("citizen of Rome") The oldest surviving document written in Romanian is a 1521 letter known as the "Letter of Neacsu from Compulung".

Serbia ~ Paleo-Balkan peoples, such as the Thracians, Dacians, Illyrians were autochthonous inhabitants of Serbia prior to the Roman conquest in the 1st Century B.C. Greeks expanded into the south of modern Serbia in the 4th century B.C., the northernmost point of Alexander the Great's empire, being the town of Kalekrsevica. The Celtic tribe of Scordisci settled in the 3rd century B.C. and built many fortifications and cities in Serbia, such as Singidunum, now known as Belgrade.

Bosnia and Herzegovina ~ On the Balkan Peninsula. The earliest Neolithic population became known in the Antiquity as the Illyrians. Celtic migration in the 4th century B.C. were also notable.

Macedonia ~ Earliest known settlements date back 9,000 years. Ancient Macedonians. It was called Emathia (from King Emathian) Search Argead Dynasty.

Turkey ~ Is an Eurasian Country. Is one of the most inhabited regions in the world. The settlement of Troy started in the Neolithic and continued into the Iron Age. History of Anatolia and Thrace. Hittites were a Bronze Age people of Anatolia who were around 2300 B.C. They came to Anatolia about 1950 B.C. until 12 B.C.

Georgia ~ Coat of Arms of Georgian Orthodox Church ___ Is a sovereign state in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Ancient kingdoms of Colchis and Iberia. Georgia reached the peak of its political and economic strength during the reign of King David IV and Queen Tomar in the 11-12th centuries. At the beginning of the 19th century Georgia was annexed by the Russian Empire.

Moldavia ~ Geographic and historical region and former principality in Eastern Europe, corresponding the the territory between the Eastern Carpathians and the Driester river. An initially Independent and later Autonomous state.It existed from the 14th century to 1859, when united with Wallachia as the basis of the modern Romania state; at various times, the state included the regions of Bessarabia (with the Budjak), all of Bukovina , and (under Stephen the Great) Pokuttya.

Kazakhstan ~ Officially the Republic of Kazakhstan. Located in Central Asia. Inhabited by Nomadic tribes. The word "Kazakh" is generally used to refer to people of ethnic Kazakh descent including those living in China, Afghanistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and other countries.

Armenia ~ Officially the republic of Armenia. Armenia is a member of more than 40 internationals organizations including The United Nations, The Council of Europe, The Asian Development Bank, The Commonwealth of Independent States, The World Trade Organization, World Customs Organization, The Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, and La Francophonie. It is a member of the CSTO military alliance, and also participates in NATO's partnership for Peace (PfP) Programme. Armenia lies in the highlands surrounding the Biblical mountains of Ararat upon which Noah's Ark is said to have come to rest after the flood.

Iran ~ Proposal Coat of Arms Iran no Royalist opposition ~ The name Iran has been in use natively since the Sassanian era and came into use internationally in 1935, before which the country was known to the Western World as Persia.

Azerbaijan ~ Officially the Republic of Azerbaijan; Is the largest country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. The name derives from Atropates, a Persian satrap under the Achaemenid Empire, that was later reinstated as the Satrap of media under Alexander of Macedonia.

Cyprus ~ Officially thew Republic of Cyprus. An advanced, high-income economy with a high Human-Development Index, the Republic of Cyprus was a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement until it joined the European Union on May 1, 2004

Greece ~ Also known as Hellas and officially the Hellenic Republic. Generally considered the Cradle of Western Civilization. Athens and Sparta led the way in rebelling the Persian Empire in a series of battles. Both were later overshadowed by Thebes and eventually Macedonia with the latter under the guidance of Alexander the Great uniting and leading the Greek world to victory over the Persians.

Montenegro ~ of the socialist "COA" Republic ~ Meaning Black Mountain. The history of Montenegro dates back to the 9th century with the emergence of Duklia, a vassal state of the Byzantine Empire. In those years, Duklia was ruled by the House of Vojislavijevic. In 1042, after a 25 year rule, King Vojislav won a decisive battle near Bar against Byzantium, and Duklja became independent.

Kosovo ~ The region was absorbed into the Bulgarian Empire in the 850's. It was retaken by Byzantine after 1018.

Saudi Arabia ~ Is the third largest Country in the Middle East by land area, constituting the bulk of the Arabian Peninsula, and the third-largest Arab country

6-26-2011 8:35 p.m -_- Montferrat ~ Is a British overseas territory located in the Leeward Islands, part of the chain of islands called the Lesser Antilles in the West Indies. Christopher Columbus gave Montserrat its name on his second voyage to the New World in 1493, after Montserrat mountain located in Catalonia. Montserrat is nicked-named the Emerald Isle of the Caribbean, both for its resemblance to coastal Ireland and for Irish decent of its inhabitants. (wikipedia)
"The Empire and the Papacy, 918-1273" from Internet Archive.
The Marquises and Dukes of Montferrat were the rulers of a territory in Piedmont south of the Pol and east of Turin called Montferrat. The March of Montferrat was created by Berenger II of Italy in 950 during a redistribution of power in the northwest of his kingdom. It was originally named after and held by the Aleramici. In 1574 Montferrat was raised to a Duchy by Maximilion II, Holy Roman Emperor (see Duchy of Montferrat). wikipedia search List of Rulers of Montferrat . {Marquesses are of the Aleramici dynasty, Palaeologus dynasty, Gonzaga dynasty of the third there were also these title holdings; Duke of Mantua War of the Mantuan Succession (1627-1631) - a portion was lost to the Duchy of Savoy. Also ther was the Duke of Nevers until 1659.
William V, Marquess of Montferrat (1115-1191) also known as William the Old to distinguish him from his eldest son, William Longswoed, was marquess of Montferrat from 1136 to his death in 1191. William was the only son of marquess Renier I and his wife Gisela, a daughter of William I, Count of Burgundy and widow of Count Humbert II of Savoy. William married Judith or Ita von Babenberg, daughter of Leopold III of Austria and Agnes of Germany sometime before March 28, 1133 Judith was probably about 15 at the time. (taken from wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia) Children are William Longsword, Count of Jaffa and Ascalon, father of Baldwin V of Jerusalem, + Conrad King of Jerusalem, + Boniface, his successor to Montferrat and founder of the Kingdom of Thessalonica, + Frederick, who entered the Church and became Bishop of Alba, + Renier, married into the Byzantine Imperial Family. And three daughters Agnes, who married Count Guido Guerra III Guidi of Ventimiglia, + Adelasia or Azalais (d. 1232) who married Monfred II, marquess of Saluzzo 1182 and was regent of her grandson Monfred III, + Albert, marquess of Malaspina married a daughter of William as well.
7-8-2011 9:27 p.m. e.s.t. Map of the Holy Roman Empire. from creative commons at

Old - Swiss - Confederacy

7-12-2011 4:40 p.m. Wessex ~ or kingdom of the west saxons was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in south west England, from the 6th century until the emergence of a united English state in the 10th century, under the Wessex dynasty. It was to be an earldom after Canute the Great's conquest of 1016, from 1020 to 1066. After the Norman Conquest there was a dissolution of the English earldoms, and Wessex was split among the followers of William the Conqueror.
Picture is of Cerdic of Wessex. Reign 519-534. Could be the first King of Anglo-Saxon Wessex. Cited by the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as the founder of the kingdom of Wessex. _source: wikipedia_ and ancestors of all its subsequent kings. Research on this particular individual and or even the reigns of 490-534 by Anglo-Saxon dominants is highly recommended.

7-21-2011 7:51 p.m. A Legal Tender binding system of Instrumental usage. Documentation and Contract.
The Contract Documentation "relates" to all pre-tender, tender and contractual documentation. Contract Documentation provides builders with sufficient information to be construct required works to meet the service delivery requirements.
Documentation ~ Purpose of documentation is the use to support a tool or a process. Noun ~ material that provides official information or evidence or that serves as a record you will have to complete the relevant documentation. + the written specification and instructions accompanying a computer program or hardware. + the process of classifying and annotating texts, photographs, ect: had arranged the collection and documentation of photographs.
Contract ~ A written or spoken agreement, esp. One concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law, a branch of law concerned with the making and observation of such agreements.
Estimated Foreigners Temporarily in the United States. ~ According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the resident population of the United States, projected to 6/30/11 at 20:53 UTC (EST+5) is 311,663,213 component settings for June 2011 ___ One birth every..._______... 8 seconds ___ One death every...______... 13 seconds __________ One International migrant (net) every... ____ ... 43 seconds____ Net gain of one person every..._____ 13 seconds____ taken from the U.S. Census Bureau U.S. Pop Clock Projection _____________________________ Pop=Population Other findings USA.Gov 1-800-Fed-Info 1-800-333-4636 ~ Library of Congress
Colonial American Police Force
Madison "leveling impulse' of democracy to restrict the wealth and power of economic and social elites in favor of the public at large. Representative Democracy
Direct democracy; From wikipedia, the Free encyclopedia. The earliest known direct democracy is said to be the Athenian democracy in the 5th century BC, although due to the basic fact that women and slaves were not allowed to take part in it, it may be argued that it was not a true democracy.
Direct Democracy ~ Classically termed Pure Democracy; comprises a form of democracy and theory of civics -(of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals 'civil rights' 'civil liberty' 'civic duties' 'civic pride' it is the study of government with attention to the role of citizens-as apposed to external factors-in the operation and oversight of government. ~ wherein sovereignty is lodged in the assembly of all citizens who choose to participate. Search Initial search Leveling Impulse of Democracy
Fiscal Commission
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC. 20500
Senate Budget Committee
Another Grateful Day. 4/14/2012 it is now 10:51 A.M. E.S.T. This next entry is of - Encouragement ~ It was searched by me a few days ago from the inquiry of President Harding. I found an established property being of the State of Arkansas its capability lies in the town of Searcy On the 22nd of August 2007 a proclamation was issued by the mayor as an effort to get Americans to participate for the day of encouragement. It was signed by the governor on September 12, 2007 "State Day of Encouragement" for Arkansas. Found at wikipedia.
My next search was of - Courage ~ Is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intinidation. Courage is acting in spite of fear - "Physical Courage" is courage in the force of physical pain, hardship, death, or threat of death, while: moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement.
My next search was of - Promise ~ Is a commitment by someone to do or not do something. In the law of contract, on exchange of promises is usually held to be legally enforceable, according to the Latin maxim pacta sunt servanda. Politics ~ Promises are made to offer election. Political tactic to offer promise that would guarantee a better future.
My next search was of - Contract ~ Is an agreement entered into voluntarily by two parties or more with the intention of creating a legal obligation, which may have elements in writing, though contracts can be made orally. The remedy for breach of contract can be "damages". In equity, the remedy can be specific performance of the contract or an injunction. ______ has more definition and results of such conditions positive and negative towards the compensation of money.
Earning of money and other concurrences. Remedy is the possibility between earning and concurrence that goes, comes and or is subdued by its course ~-~ David George Delancey _____ 11:26 A.M.
11:27 A.M. \\\\//// ~1~_ Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs \\\\\\\\\////////// ~2~_ Office of Federal Procurement ~ Policy ~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\////////// ~3~_ Procurement ~ Is the acquisition of goods or services. It is favorable that the goods/services are appropriated and that they are procured at the best possible "cost" to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location. Almost all purchasing decisions include factors such as delivery and handling, marginal benefit, and price fluctuations. Procurement generally involves making buying decisions under conditions of scarcity. \\\\\\\\\\///////// ~4~_ Office of Federal Financial Management ~~~~~
Budget and Accounting Act od 1921 ~
Executive Order ~ Committee on Oversight and Government Reform ~
Office of General Council ~
Office of Legislative Affairs ~
Budget Review Division ~
Legislative Reference Division ~
Executive Branch ~ Congressional Budget Office ~ Department of the Treasury ~ Joint Committee on Taxation ~ Testimony ~ Information Technology ~ Information Policy ~ Privacy ~ Statistical Policy ~ _______ 12:06 P.M.
This next entry is of interest to the claiming of the DeLancey Family prior to leaving Europe in new conditions to access the governmental acquisitions of the new founded Continent America i which by prior conquering was established as still an acquisition to its course. In the book by D.A. Story The DeLancey's "A Romance of a Great Family" He then in through recognition and research during the making of this book between the end of the 1920's and the beginning of the 1930's as that information is as far only available, had acquired the fundamental that the DeLancey's were Knights of the Holy Roman Empire based upon their Coat of Arms. I shall add that description at another date. For now lets acknowledge some Art Economics History of the past in due course to submission and character if possible. Although we may agree something will accrue from it._______ 12:12 P.M. E.S.T. 4/14/12

Next entry is of the ~ Island of Bornholm "The Island of the Burgundians" is a Danish island in the Baltic Sea located to the east of (most of) the rest of Denmark, the south of Sweden, and the north of Poland.

Next insert ~ Near east 500 A.D.

Next insert ~ Eastern Hemisphere 476 A.D.

Carthage Map ~ This next entry _______ fill in at another date ______

Next entry ~ Praetorian Prefectures of the Roman Empire 395 A.D.

Next ~ Roman Empire A.D. 125

Invasion of the Roman Empire 100 - 500 CE ~ A.D.

Next map of Assyria ~ Assyrian Empire - 824 B.C. in the darker green lime color. ________ Assyrian Empire - 671 B.C. in the lighter and larger of it.

Mediterranean Relief _________________________________ 12:56 P.M.

John Hancock ~ First signer of the Declaration of Independence

4-4-11 3:22 p.m. The Presidency is the highest political office in the United States by influence and recognition. 2-21-11
1. George Washington Feb 22, 1732 Dec 14, 1797 2. John Adams ~ Oct 30, 1735 - July 4, 18266 __ 3. Thomas Jefferson ~ April 13, 1743 - July 4, 1826 __ 4. James Madison ~ March 16, 1751 - June 28, 1836 __ 5. James Monroe ~ April 28, 1758 - July 4, 1831 __ 6. John Quincy Adams ~ July 11, 1767 - Feb 23, 1848 __ 7. Andrew Jackson ~ March 15, 1782 - June 8, 1845 _____ 8. Martin Van Buren ~ Dec 5, 1782 - July 24, 1862 9. William Henry Harrison ~ Feb 9, 1773 - April 4, 1841 __ 10. John Tyler ~ March 29, 1790 - Jan 15, 1849 __ 11. James K. Polk ~ Nov 2, 1795 - June 15, 1849 __ 12. Zachory Taylor ~ Nov 24, 1784 - July 9, 1850 __ 13. Millard Fillmore ~ Jan 7, 1800 - March 8, 1874 14. Franklin Pierce ~ Nov 23, 1804 - Oct 8, 1869 __ 15. James Buchanan ~ April 23, 1791 - June 1, 1868 ___________________ 16. Abraham Lincoln ~ Feb 12, 1809 - April 15, 1865 _____________________________________ 17. Andrew Johnson ~ Dec 29, 1808 - July 31, 1875 _____________________________________ 18. Ulysses S. Grant ~ born ~ Hiram Ulysses Grant _ April 27, 1822 July 23 1893 _________________________________________ 19. Rutherford B. Hayes ~ Oct 4,1822 - Jan 17, 1893 ____________________________________ 20. James A, Garfield ~ Nov 19, 1831 - Sept 19, 1881 ____________________________________ 21. Chester A. Arthur ~ Oct 5, 1829 - Nov 18, 1886 ____________________________________ 22. Grover Cleveland ~ March 18, 1837 - June 24, 1908 ____________________________________ 23. Benjamin Harrison ~ August 20, 1833 - March 13, 1901 _________________________________ 24. Grover Cleveland ~ re-elected as the 24th President ________________________________ 25. William McKinley ~ Jan 29, 1843 Sept 14, 1901 March 4 1897 Sept 14, 1901 March 4, 1909 _________________________________________ 26. Theodore Roosevelt ~ Oct 27, 1858 - Jan 6, 1919 ____________________________________ 27. William Howard Taft ~ Sept 15, 1857 - March 8, 1930 __________________________________ 28. Woodrow Wilson ~ Dec 28, 1856 - Feb 3, 1924 29. Warren G. Harding ~ Nov 2, 1865 - August 2, 1923 _____________________________________ 30. Calvin Coolidge ~ July 4, 1872 - Jan 5, 1933 _ 31. Herbert Hoover ~ Aug 10, 1874 - Oct 20, 1964 32. Franklin D. Roosevelt ~ Jan 30, 1882 - April 12, 1945 __________________________________ 33. Harry Truman ~ May 8, 1884 - Dec 26, 1972 34. Dwight D. Eisenhower ~ Oct 14, 1890 - March, 1969 _____________________________________ 35. John F. Kennedy ~ May 29, 1917 - Nov, 22, 1963 _____________________________________ 36. Lyndon B. Johnson ~ Aug 27, 1908 - Jan 22, 1973 ____________________________________ 37. Richard Nixon ~ Jan 9, 1913 - April 22, 1964 38. Gerald Rudolph Ford ~ born Leslie Lynch King Jr. ______________________________________ July 14, 1913 Dec 26, 2006 _________________ 39. Jimmy Carter ~ Oct 1, 1924 _____________ 40. Ronald Reagan ~ Feb 6, 1911 - June 5, 2004 41. George H. W. Bush ~ June 12, 1924 ________ 42. Bill Clinton ~ William_Jefferson "Bill" Clinton William Jefferson Blyth III-Aug 19, 1946 _______ 43. George W. Bush July 6, 1946 _____________ 44. Barack Obama ~ Aug 4, 1961 ____ _, ____
*Dates in office with the position of the vice presidents*
1. April 30, 1789 No party March 4, 1797 ___________________ v.p. John Adams _______ 2. March 4, 1797 Federalist March 4, 1801 ___________________ v.p. Thomas Jefferson __ 3. March 4, 1801 Democratic-Republican March 4, 1809 ____________ v.p. Aaron Burr and George Clinton ____________________________ 4. March 4, 1809 March 4, 1817 ___________________________ partly vacant with Eldridge Gerr _________________________ 5. March 4, 1817 Democratic-Republican March 4, 1825 _____________ v.p. Daniel D. Tompkins 6. March 4,1825 Democratic-Republican National Republican March 4, 1829 v.p. John C. Calhoun 7. March 4, 1829 Democratic March 4, 1837 _____ v.p. partly vacant with Martin Van Buren 8. March 4, 1837 Democratic March 4, 1841 ________________ v.p. Richard Mentor Johnson 9. March 4, 1841 Whig April 4, 1841 ________________ v.p John Tyler _________________________________________ 10. April 4, 1841 Whig to Sept 13, 1841 No Party to March 4, 1845 v.p. Vacant ________________ 11. March 4, 1845 Democratic March 4, 1849 _______________ v.p. George M. Dallas ______ 12. March 4, 1849 Whig July 9, 1850 _______________ v.p. Millard Fillmore _______ 13. July 9, 1850 Whig March 4, 1853 _______________ v.p. Vacant _________________________________________ 14. March 4, 1852 Democratic March 4, 1857 ________ v.p. William R. King and partly vacant 15. March 4, 1857 Democratic march 4, 1861 __________ v.p. John C Breckinridge _________ 16. March 4,1861 Republican National Union April 15,1865 ____ v.p. Hannibal Hamlin & Andrew Jackson __________________________________ 17. April 15,1865 Democratic National Union, National Union, No Party March 4, 1869 v.p. Vacant ___________________________________ 18. March 4,1869 Republican March 4,1877 ________ v.p.'s Schuyler Colfax, Henry Wilson & partly vacant _____________________________ 19. March 4, 1877 Republican March 4, 1881 ________________ v.p. William A Wheeler ____ 20. March 4, 1881 Republican Sept 19, 1881 ________________ v.p. Charles A. Arthur _____ 21. Sept 19, 1881 Republican March 4, 1885 ________________ v.p. Vacant ______________ 22. March 4, 1885 Democratic March 4, 1889 ____ v.p. Thomas A Hendricks and partly vacant 23. March 4, 1889 Republican March 4, 1893 ________________ v.p. Levi P. Morton ________ 24. March 4, 1893 Democratic March 4, 1897 ________________ v.p. Adlai E. Stevenson ____ 25. March 4, 1897 Republican Sept 14, 1901 ___ v.p partly vacant with Theodore Roosevelt ____ 26. Sept 14, 1901 Republican March 4, 1909 __ v.p. partly vacant with Charles W. Fairbanks ___ 27. March 4, 1909 Republican March 4, 1913 ___ v.p. James S. Sherman and partly vacant ______ 28. March 4, 1913 Democratic March 4,1921 _______________ v.p. Thomas R. Marshall _____ 29. March 4, 1921 Republican August 2, 1923 _______________ v.p. Calvin Coolidge ________ 30. August 2, 1923 Republican March 4, 1929 _____ v.p. partly vacant with Charles D. Dawes _ 31. March 4, 1929 Republican March 4, 1933 ________________ v.p. Charles Curtis ________ 32. March 4,1933 Democratic April 12,1945 ______ v.p. John Nance Garner, Henry Wallace, Harry S.Truman ________________________________________ 33. April 12, 1945 Democratic Jan 20, 1953 ______ v.p. partly vacant with Alben W. Barkley 34. Jan 20, 1953 Republican Jan 20, 1961 _______ v.p. Richard Nixon ________________ 35. Jan 20, 1961 Republican Nov 22, 1963 ________ v.p. Lyndon B. Johnson ___________ 36. Nov 22, 1963 Democratic Jan 20, 1969 ___ v.p. partly vacant with Hubert Humphrey ____ 37. Jan 20, 1969 Republican Aug 9, 1944 _____ v.p. partly vacant with Gerald Ford _________ 38. Aug 9, 1974 Republican Jan 20, 1977 _____ v.p. partly vacant with Nelson Rockefeller ____ 39. Jan 20, 1977 Democratic Jan 20, 1981 _________ v.p. Walter Mondale _____________ 40. Jan 20, 1981 Republican Jan, 1989 __________ v.p. George H. W. Bush __________ 41. Jan 20, 1989 Republican Jan 20, 1993 ___________ v.p. Dan Quayle _______________ 42. Jan 20, 1993 Democratic Jan 20, 2001 ____________ v.p. Al Gore _________________ 43. Jan 20, 2001 Republican Jan 20, 2009 _____________ v.p. Dick Cheney ____________ 44. Jan 20, 2009 Democratic Incumbent Jan 20 2017 _________ v.p. Joe Biden
This site has been published to the web 3-23-2011 9:42 p.m. e.s.t. -------- and more to come.
4-10-2011 3:38 p.m. e.s.t. Hamilton ~ $10.00 bill. This next entry was taken from an excerpt from He is the architect of the modern American economic system. (two years after becoming) Treasury Secretary in 1789. He submitted to the Congress the Report on the Subject of Manufacturers, where he set out the "economic development strategy". It is understood that he argued on "Industries in their infancy", in which need to be protected and nurtured by government before they can stand on their own feet. Hamilton's report was not just about "Trade protectionism" - he also argued for public investment in infrastructure.
Benjamin Franklin did not share Hamilton's infant industry doctrine.
At the time, the existence of almost-free land in the United States made it necessary for American manufacturers to offer wages around four times higher than the European average, as otherwise the workers would have run away to set up farms (this was no idle threat, given that many of them were farmers in their previous lives).
Franklin argued, that American manufacturers could not survive unless they were "protected" from low-wage competition-or what is known as 'social dumping' today-from-Europe. (D.G.DeLancey An advantage perhaps.
National Trade Investigations
Value (economics) ~ from wikipedia ~ An economic value is the worth of a goods or service as determined by the market. Social Order which in main operational factors "normal" ways of relating and behaving. The notion of social contract is that individuals unite into a society by a process of mutual consent, agreeing to abide by certain rules and to accept duties to protect one another from violence, fraud, or negligence.
Article I of the Constitution States ' All legislative powers herein "granted" shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives, "The House and Senate are equal partners in the legislative process - legislation cannot be enacted without the consent of both Chambers. However, the Constitution grants each chamber some unique powers. The Senate ratifies treaties and approves top presidential appointments while the House initiates revenue-raising bills. The House initiates impeachment cases, while the Senate decides impeachment cases. A two-thirds vote of the Senate is required before an impeachment person can be forcibly removed from office. (D.G.DeLancey ~ The term Congress can also refer to a particular meeting of the legislature. A "Congress" covers two years, and the current 112th Congress convened on January 3, 2011. A legislator in either house is a "Member of Congress", though usually only representatives are referred to in speech as a congressman, women, or person because members of the Senate are almost universally referred to as senator. A Legislative starts with an idea, it then is invested towards or through a legislation by now a certain form of committee it then is through transition and in legal becomes a part of a legislature, a branch of governmental policy).
{}~ [ tive = the initial venture expressed ] [ tion = the initial overture needed ] [ ture = the understanding received exceptionally ] David George DeLancey a study early in life well invested; the conduct of meaning. Sometime in the 1st decade of the 1980's the curious of what words meant became a challenge. This talent started with the terming of Thank You - To Help Another Needed Keeper You Aughto Understand. After a purchase of an old shot gun at a selling stand on the side of a country road it was a curious decision of why the weapon was being sold and also the value of it. The last exchanging words just felt uncomfortable, which were thank you. I drove off working as a tractor trailer driver with time on my side and vested it with appropriateness. -----------------{} The trigger was broken, fact. Found A Collective Talent --------------------------- ---------Glad--------- Guidance Left A Desire The End / To Have Expressed Expression Needing Decision ++============= Policy / Preparations Over Leadership Inviting Collective Yieldings ___ __ings- In Needing Guidance -Situated / this reflects a conclusion of a total acceptance, which only can be a balance of share that is added to. ( In or in and ing) are relatively alike as like (ed and en in such endings as ended and taken or spoken) the 'n' itself carries weight differently than the 'd' although in; end, all three letters are equally balanced. The first way of balance here in this paragraphical venture was not in consideration of the usage of letters or wording but to an individual. Because of that is why an individual comes first, by the decision of making.
Artificial Intelligence Systems
Alexander Hamilton (January 11, 1755 or 1757 - July 12, 1804 Aide-de-camp to General George Washington. Hamilton was the primary author of the economic policies of the George Washington Administration, especially the funding of the state debts by the Federal government, the establishment of a national bank, a system of tariffs, and friendly trade relations with Britain. He was leader of the Federalist Party, and was opposed by Democratic-Republican Party led by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.
James Madison (March 16, 1751-June 28, 1836) Principal author of the United States Constitution. In 1788, he wrote over a third of the Federalist Papers, the most influential commentary on the Constitution. As a political theorist, Madison's most distinctive belief was that the new republic needed checks and balances to protect individual rights from tyranny of the majority.
During the late 1600's a formed idea was established to bring about paper currency for public use. This reason had been in order of the fact that the weight and measures of raw material was not sufficient. Massachusetts is where this happened. Their current usage was mostly of the Spanish coin, which has jagged edges. Make a hole with your fingers in order to see through it. See those bending crevices that's how the coin appeared. People would then snip off parts of the coinage for personal measure and sale of exchange. Through time somehow the paper currency went out of usage. Etienne (Stephen) DeLancey was now accumulating quite a fortune while residing in New York, New York. Where he settled again by marriage and sought a child in 1701, died of infancy, 1702, died of infancy, and 1703 to accumulate eight in his reign in which then passing early mid 1700's.
Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 - July 4, 1826) Principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776). Jefferson served as the wartime Governor of Virginia (1779-1781), barely escaping capture by the British in 1781. Many people disliked his tenure, and he did not win office again in Virginia. From mid 1784 through late 1789 Jefferson lived outside the United States. He served in Paris initially as a commissioner to help negotiate commercial treaties. In May he succeeded Benjamin Franklin as the U.S. Minister to France. Mr. Franklin also resided outside the United States during the Revolutionary War only to enter once via way of Canada to work a small period, perhaps several or so days only in his basement in Philadelphia. He owned properties in America, France, and England, and he wasn't alone in that manner.
Mr. Jefferson was the first United States Secretary of State (1789-1793) under George Washington and devised him against a national bank and the Jay Treaty. He was second Vice President (1797-1801) under John Adams.
Jay Treaty ~ also known as Jay's Treaty, The British Treaty and the Treaty of London of 1794, resolving some issues remaining since the Treaty of Paris 1783, which ended the American Revolution, and allowing ten or more years of mostly peace full "trade" between the United States and Britain in the midst of the French Revolutionary Wars that had begun in 1793.
The Jay Treaty was hotly consented by the Jeffersonians in the United States, but it was ratified by a 2/3 majority of the Senate of the United States. Jay's Treaty became a central issue of contention- leading to the formation of the "First Party System" in the United States.
John Jay (December 12, 1745 - May 17, 1829) He was the first Chief Justice of the United States (1789-1795). he served as President of the Continental Congress (1778-1779). During and after the Revolutionary War he was a minister (ambassador) to Spain and France, helping to fashion United States foreign policy, and to secure favorable peace terms from Great Britain (with Jay's Treaty of 1794) and the First French Republic. He was Governor of New York State from 1795 to 1801. The Jay family was of French origin and prominent in New York. In 1685 his paternal grandfather, Augustus's son and John's father, was a merchant and had ten children with his wife, Mary Van Cortlandt. Only seven of the children survived. After Jay was born, his family moved from Manhattan to Rye for a healthier environment; two of his siblings were blinded by the smallpox epidemic of 1739 and two suffered from mental handicaps. Etienne DeLancey also married into this Cortlandt family making Jay & DeLancey brother-in-laws. The Cortlandt family are cousins to the famous artist Rembrandt. He can found at
4-10-2011 8:02 p.m. e.s.t. Till next Time ~ To Be Continued...
Atificial Intelligence Agencies.
Have you ever noticed that when a group is formed for instance, in an attempt to become independent from an existence of, that a, or the group had been dependent on each-other. Take a voting :degree" for instance, you'll be very dependent on the factor of an election and after the fact you will have achieved an independence. Although when in view notice of the pertaining matter an allowance will accrue. David George DeLancey of course no-one else is pertaining the allowance here, although the only exchange of course is your opinion of my paragraphical ventures. I think we can agree on one think, that possibilities do arise. ...
DeLancey's foregone ambiguity #84 Archives History of New York James DeLancey mid 1700's sometime before the French and Indian War. said: Can there be a clearer proof of our infancy or negligence, than to find the legislature at a loss to adjust a geographical question respecting a country so near our old maritime settlements. ! And does it not reflect disagree upon the whole nation, that no attempt has been since made to explore the exterior parts of the continent, at the public expense ? We have added nothing to the French discoveries by our conquest of Canada; this day not to determine its breadth and explore its wealth, but open new objects to the view of moral as well as natural philosophy. This has since been done by sir Alexander M ' Kenzie, from Canada, and by Clarke and others by the authority of the United State!? In this exigency Mr. DeLancey passed the bills that were ready, and pearogued the assembly till the next day; when, after artfully informing the whole province by a speech that the council had rejected their bill because they thought it their duty to insist on a conformity with the royal instructions, he declared his hopes that they would make the necessary provision in manner might lay the council under no difficulty, and urged both unanimity and despatch.
To this they answer in an address, asserting that the delay was not chargeable upon them, their bill being agreeable *' to a method long pursued, settled with, and solemnly agreed to, by the late governor Clinton; "but promise on * ^ this pressing occasion, in pure regard to his majesty's service and the interest of the country, to endeavor to frame a bill in such a manner as may obviate the objections lately made,"
DeLancey Political Formality
4-11-2011 4:21 p.m. e.s.t. ---New York - New Jersey Line War
ency ~ condition or quality : Complacency
Ideas of Dualism ~ The Venture of the Mind. A brewed scripture (as early as Genesis 2:7) where the creater is said to have formed the first human a living, psycho-physical fusion of mind and body ~ a holistic dualism Mind/body dualism is also seen in the writings of :ZARATHUSHTRA:. :Plato; and Aristato deal with speculations as to the existence of an incorporeal soul that bore the faculties of intelligence and wisdom.
Bore ~ Incorporeal ity or uncarnate means without the nature of a body or substance. A realm of exsistence, or "place", that is distinct from the corporeal or material universe. Prime mover or first cause.
Intelligible Realm
Value ~ See above status seems it was already classified.
What could come of the realm. A position I intend to create, preferably through a booking status.
Divine ~~~~~~ Divinity
Transcendent or Transcendental Power or Diety
In Religion - is a 'condition' or state of being that surpasses a physical existence and in one form is also independent of it. A tradition eventually in a Respect, acknowledging an Absolute or in like a motion of God or to be with God, with and of are of equal balances
Of ~ a preposition and post position of `~"introduces"~ ` a prepositional phrase. "The cat sleeps on the sofa the word on is a preposition = of, to, in, for, with and on. Indicates a relation between things mentioned in a sentence. (law) forms the final exSent = plicit act of a judge-ruled process, and also the symbol principal act connected in Red wiki " authoritarion monarchy "
Somewhere found in literaturic language ~ Finding the dea that there is just one ontological entity at play to be too mechanistic, or simply unintelligible located by D. G. DeLancey within the month of April and concerning of the DeLancey History Files based on Art Economics History.
... three dots represents a continuance of a sentence either before or afterwards... usually attached to the form-ing or form-ed sentence. Not like what I have here at the beginning. ... to function: Sentence logic - Propositional calculus (TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL PROPOSITIONAL LOGIC) is a propositional logic whose interpretation limits the truth values of its propositions to two, usually true and false. Truth-functional propositional logic and systems isomorphic to it are considered to be Zeroth Order Logic from one phenomenon to others or another. If once or any property which is `?~preserved~?` by an isomorphism, is also true of the others. In consideration of agreement towards the faculty of its correspondence.
The wear and tear of society; The local motive breath. after ?... it's an illusion; the; Fall of a society is the... of another (Collaps)
Physical law ! is a scientific generalization based on empirical observations of physical behavior "(law of nature)" laws of nature are observable. Scientific laws are imperical, describing observable patterns. 5:14 p.m.
9:32 4-12-11 Goods ~ In economics and accounting a good is a product that can be used to satisfy some desire or need. More narrowly but commonly, a good is a tangible physical product that can be contrasted with a service which is intangible.
Service ~ A service is the intangible equivalent of an economic good.
Intangible ~ refers to intangibles - The term intangibles is most commonly used to describe economic intangibles that are recognized but not quantified within a given theory of economics.
Theory ~
Asset ~ In financial accounting they are economic resources. Anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered an asset.
Injection ~ Economic is a boost entered into the economic cycle, includes government spending, investment and exports.
Spending or spend ~
Investment ~
Injecting liquidity ~ Is a last resort based on a Central Bank to operate as a lender if a lender bank is unwilling to offer enough credit at this rate. One particular is based on the United States the Federal Reserve which maintains target on the federal funds rate. To keep the economy stable banks loan each other money overnight to each other.
The Federal Funds Rate of the United States is the interest rate at private depository institutions (mostly banks). Although the Interest of the Nations Public is at risk when they as the economic value cannot define equal opportunity dealing with a fluxuating flow of currency.
When Federal funds do not meet requirements financial transactions will decline. The remidy to allow a fluxuating continuance of a proper flow and accountability of currency is to assure all the public is associated with this need.
Federal funds transactions neither increase nor decrease total bank reserves. Instead, they redistribute reserves and enable otherwise idle funds to yield a return.
In the factor of yielded circumstance an economy is situated to balance the association of federal funding. Federal funds are definite money, meaning that they are available for immediate spending.
Definitive ~ serving to provide a final solution or to end a situation <a ~ victory> authoritative and apparently exhaustive <a - edition> serving to define or specify precisely ~ <laws> serving as a perfect example <a - bourgeouis> fully differentiated or developed <a ~ organ> 9:55 p.m.
4-14-2011 6:03 p.m. 1791-1811 First Bank of the United States 1811-1816 No Central Bank Second Bank of the United States 1837-1862 Free Bank Era 1846-1921 Independent Treasury System National Banks 1913-Present Federal Reserve System Federal Reserve Act
Tax Incidence =~ In economic, tax incidence is the analysis of the effect of a particular tax on the distribution of economic welfare. ~ : Welfare economics is a branch of economics that uses microeconomic techniques to evaluate economic well-being, especially relative to competitive general equilibrium within an economy as economic efficiency and the resulting income distribution associated with it.
Pareto Efficiency,~ or Pareto optimality ~, is a concept in economics with applications in engineering and social sciences. The term is named after Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist who used the concept in his studies of economic efficiency and income distribution.
Economic Efficiency ~ refers to the use resources so as to maximize the production of goods and services. An economic system is said to be more efficient than another (in relative terms) if it can provide more goods and services for society without using more resources. In absolute terms, a situation can be called economically efficient if: No one can be made better off without making someone else worse off. No additional output can be obtained without increasing the amount of inputs. Production proceeds at the lowest possible per-unit cost. These definitions of efficiency are not exactly equivalent, but they are all encompassed by the idea that a system is efficient if nothing more can be achieved given the resources available. as well as the next three entries
General Equilibrium Theory ~ is a branch of theoretical economics.
Partial Equilibrium ~ Is a type of economics equilibrium, where the clearance on the market of some specific goods is obtained independently from prices and quantities demanded and supplied in other markets.
Comparative Statics ~ Is the comparison of two different economic outcomes, before and after a change in some underlying exogenous.
Webster's Third New International Dictionary search is Severity~ a dimension or classifying seriousness for Technical support issues. Services which allow one to oversee a particular event. In regards to Thomas De Quincey ~ the naked severities of science. /////+\\\\\ and by David George DeLancey ~ In a technological and modern world, television a use in favor of observative knowledge. In addition with the previous before DeLancey, : the equality or state of being sever. : serving, comes before and the start with all its alternatives is severance, before that is; severally : a sole, separate, and exclusive possessions, dominant, or ownership : one's own right without a joint interest in any other person. The next term following severity is; well you may chiefly search those properties they are quite interesting.
Employment Act of 1946 ~ Is a United State Federal Law. Its main purpose was to lay the responsibility of economics stability of inflation and unemployment onto the federal government
Joint Economic Committee ~ is one of four standing joint committees of the U.S. Congress. The Committee was established as a part of the Employment Act of 1946, which deemed the committee responsibility for reporting the current economic condition of the United States and for making suggestions for improvement to the economy. Protected by the laws of government, any act done, being done, or to be done by the United States employs a division of representation by itself. Any act upholds the divisions of public affairs and matters. An economic condition is the responsibility of obtaining a law.
Law ~ is a system of rules and guidelines, usually enforced through a set of instructions. It shapes politics, economics and society in numerous ways and serves as social mediation of relations between people.
Federal Reserve ~ U.S. Treasury ~ The Growth of the population ~ Federal Budget Deficit ~ Foreseeable Future ~ Trade Deficit ~ Budget Deficits ~ Savings Rate ~ Hourly Wage ~ Basic resource at the workings of the law of supply and demand ~ Capitalism (and) (an ) economic systems. ~ Four centuries of America economic system. ~ 17th Century ~ 18th Century ~ 19th century ~ 20th Century ~ Tariff = - ~ International Trade. ~ The National Railroad Network = mass production, mass marketing and mass consumption -~ just about every body used it. In 1850 the U.S. had about 10,000 of track 40 years later it rose to 164,000.
What is the definition of Train.~=Trans-formation-mobile~an act of mobility a response of ability and conduction while the transcontinental bypassed the south, it also left it still severely retarded on economic development. Well into the 20th Century; with no means, ` the will , decline , _ America's tax input.
Local economics in America ~ Early American economists produced just about everything they needed to survive, food. They also traded this product with other goods. What allowed this opportunity to concourse... or just a ? {my sentiment would be some asset}
Andrew Jackson ~ (March 15, 1767-June 8, 1845) Battle of New Orleans (1815) Battle of Horseshoe Bend (1814) Indian Removal Act signed May 26, 1830. His parents religion and nationality ~ Presbyterian Scotch-Irish. Colonists Andrew and Elizebeth Hutchison Jackson. Delegate of the Tennessee Constitution Convention in 1796. Frontier law, actions disputed land claims, a lawyer based on merit he handled assault and battery. In 1788 he was appointed Solicitor of the Western District and held the same position in the government of the Territory South of the River Ohio after 1791. He was elected U.S. Representative the same year Tennessee achieved statehood in 1796. 1797 U.S. Senator as a Democratic-Republican, resigned within a year. 1798 appointed Judge of the Tennessee Supreme Court, serving to 1804. The Western District of North Carolina became the Southwest Territory (1790), the precursor to the state of Tennessee. He was a Planter, Merchant, and Investor. Find more on the net at wikipedia.
Martin Van Buren ~(Dec 5, 1782-July 24, 1862) 10th Secretary of State (1829-1831) Dutch descent, born in America, from New York. He did not want the United States to annex Texas. Aroostook War, Caoline Affair and Panic of 1837. He was born of Kinderhook, New York 25 miles south of Albany. His father, Abraham Van Buren (1737-1817) was a farmer, and a tavern keeper. His mother was Maria Hoes (nee Van Alen) Van Buren (1747-1818) His great-great-great-grandfather Cornelis Maessen Van Buren had come to the New World in 1631 from the village of Buren, Gelderland, Dutch Republic, present day Netherlands. He opposed the plan for the Erie Canal of 1817. Van Buren supported a bill that raised money for the canal through state bonds, and the bill quickly passed through the legislature with the help of his Tammany Hall compatriots. A member of the New York State Constitutional Convention. He was a leading figure of the Albany Regency a generation that dominated New York politics. It played a major role of the "spoils system" a recognized procedure in national, state, and local affairs. February 1821 U.S. Senator. Declined to support the proposal for a Panama Congress. Elected Governor of New York in 1828. He passed the Bank Safety Act (an early form of deposit insurance) In current recognotion deposite insurance is an explicit measuree implemented to protect bank debts when due Banks were restricted by location and did not reap benefits coming from the scale of an economy. To protect local banks in poorer states, the Federal Government created Deposit Insurance. 9:43 p.m.
5-28-2011 6:23 p.m. e.s.t. 9th President William Henry Harrison first President to die in office. The oldest President elected until Ronald Reagan in 1980, and the last President to be born before the United States Declaration of Independence, he died after serving 32 days of President of United States. The 25th Amendment deals with succession to the Presidency which in any case the President is relieved of office. The President assures the acknowledgment of that title and position of Commander and Chief of the Country of the United States of America. John Tyler asserted that he had succeeded to the office of President, as opposed to only obtaining its powers and duties. He also declined to acknowledge documents referring to him as "Acting President".
Against some strong calls against it Tyler took the oath of office and became the tenth President. As 10th President he stood against his party's platform and vetoed several of their proposals. As a result, most of his cabinet resigned, and the Wigs expelled him from the Party. He annexed the republic of Texas in 1845. Tyler was the first president born after the adoption of the Constitution the only president to have held office of President pro tempore of the Senate (in the 2nd highest ranking official of the U.S. Senate. The Constitution initiates the Vice President of the U.S. to be President of the Senate and the highest ranking official of the Senate while not being a member of the body) and the only former President elected to office in the Confederate government during the Civil War.
Texas Annexation of 1845 was the annexation of the Republic of Texas to the United States of America as the 28th state. This act quickly led to the Mexican-American War (1846-48) in which the U.S. captured additional territory (known as the Mexican Cession of 1848) extending the 19th century southern U.S. Territorial acquisitions from mexico all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Texas then claimed the eastern part of this new territory, which compromised parts of present-day Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. This created a continuing dispute between Texas the federal government and the New Mexico Territory until the Compromise of 1850, when these lands became parts of other territories of the United States in exchange for the U.S. federal government assuming the Texas Republics $10 million in debt.
Assuming ~ The fallacy of or "begging the question", is committed "when a proposition which requires proof is assumed without proof or more generally denotes when an assumption is used" in some form of the very proposition to be proved, as a premise from which to deduce it. Thus, insofar as principle may refer to arguing for a conclusion that has already been assumed in the Premise this fallacy consists of "begging" the listener to accept the "question" (proposition) before the labor of logic is undertaking. The fallacy may be committed in various ways.
Premise ~ In logic, an argument is a set of one or more declarative sentences (or "propositions) known as the premises along with another declarative sentence (or "proposition") known as the conclusion. __D.G.DeLancey__ Sentence ~ predicate logic, a well formed formula (idea-method-way) with no free variables (such as obstructions - interference - addition of no relative coherence to the original base - unless accepted through again manipulation for it to be lawfully correct. A sentence can be viewed as expressing a proposition. { first order logic \\\/// the will to survive}
James K. Polk ~ He threatened war with Great Britain over the issue of which country owned the Oregon Country, then backed away and split the ownership of the region with Britain. Polk led the nation to a sweeping victory in the Mexican-American War which gave the United States most of its present Southwest. He secured passage of the Walker tariff of 1846, which had low rates that pleased his native South, and he established a Confederate States of America 1861-1865 American Civil War (1861-1865) Treasury System that lasted until 1913.
Independent Treasury System ~ was a system for the retaining of government funds in the United States Treasury and its sub-treasuries, independently of the national banking and financial systems. In one form or another, it existed from 1846 to 1921.
As Independence Values a Treasury its departments recognize the Acts of speculation. As the Country has a money value issued as a currency the expansion of credit to those not retaining as a bank will need the use of money. Independently these banks are in now the trade of the valued monies to those Independent speculations who in view of credit can borrow the funds and in turn through some forms of act and speculation of the economic work force of survival will then lend out the funds and or currency to those with agreeable status to be ensured as to payback such loans.
In all regards the incentive of interest is in, nationally through local and government means a form of tax. Though since it is issued through an Independent Treasury it is allowed only as a departure through the means of the occasional associate terming the independent yet dependent on a means to only use the formed currency.
In all matter the first issuer of a Countries Currency would be the initial weight of National Distribution and thence have the interest of an overall method of interest payment and should be negotiated as a tax, which initiates a degree of payment for return of the established money be-ing used as to then Independently be invested through the individual banking needs.
Once in view of the system now at large since day one, the country has evolved in economic building and structure. Through this the opportunity of spending has multiplied, but yet ever since still leaving the desperate to survive and the willing of that to also spend, if the needs were at hand. When these needs are not appropriated less the tax is to be collected. The War on Competition is the continued struggle on an area's Enterprise. This venture and interest through this paragraph is started with the thought and history of the Panic of 1837, which perhaps, only occurred when a population succeeded the speculation and the money was not brave enough to accommodate all the prolonged efforts of society. It is most likely that individuals withdrew savings because of limits banks were asserting through time. One would house their funds for a spell looking as it was spent and continued to bank their own worth.
6-1-2011 9:21 p.m. e.s.t. Continuing with Independent Treasury System ~ Once the weight of the bank was at hand larger institutions were collecting all their payments. Interesting fact Andrew Jackson created Specie Circular by executive order and refused to renew the charter of the Second bank of the United States, resulting in the withdrawal of government from that bank. Maybe it came near, that the bank was actually running out of money. Legally a bank has to open with a specific amount of security to assure a banking decree. It is well for sure that, that Federal Government was not going to loose any more money. {Debt_is_a_serious_matter. You cannot asset a tax if its surety is not demanded. D.G.DeLancey}
Specie Circular ~ Was an executive order issued by U.S. President Andrew Jackson in 1836 and carried out by President Martin Van Buren. It required payment for government land to be in gold and silver. The act was a reaction to the growing concerns about excessive speculations of land after the Indian removal, which was mostly done with "soft currency". The sale of public lands increased five times between 1834 and 1836. Speculations paid for these purchases with depreciating paper money. While government law already demanded that land purchases be completed with specie or paper notes from specie-backed banks, a large portion of buyers used paper money from state banks not backed by hard money. { I truly believe we back the money as we are the asset D.G.DeLancey }
Zachary Taylor ~ Last president to hold slaves while in office, and last Whig to win the presidential election. Under Taylor's administration, the United States Department of Interior was organized, although the legislation authorizing the department had been approved on President Polk's last day in office. He appointed former Treasury Secretary Thomas Ewing the first Secretary of the Interior.
Department of State duties of this department were placed via the 1st United States Congress which considered the department for domestic concern. Its function is responsible for international relations and is the United States federal executive department. Both department of Interior and State were split when the Interior became a bill on february 15, 1849. It was passed and established on March 3, 1849. Its concern is the management and conservation of most federal land and natural resources, and the administration of programs relating to Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, territorial affairs, and to insular ares of the United States.
Millard Fillmore ~ Again another "? last member of the whig party" He "assumed" the presidency after Taylor's death supported the "Compromise of 1850" which he signed, including the Fugitive Slave Act. After his "presidency", he joined the Know-Nothing movement, throughout the Civil War, he opposed President Lincoln and during Reconstruction supported President Johnson.
Franklin Pierce ~ Took part in the Mexican-American War and became a brigadier general. He was in favor of the Kansas-Nebrasks Act, repealing the Missouri Compromise and renewing the debate over expanding slavery in the west. Several of his diplomats issued the Ostend Manifesto. He was admired and had public criticism in that order.
Manifest Destiny ~ Was the 19th Century American belief that the United States was destined to expand across the North American Continent from the Atlantic Seaboard to the Pacific Ocean. John L.O' Sullivan coined the exact term in the July / August 1845 issue of the United States Magazine and Democratic Review in an article titled "Annevation". The concept of America expansion is much older.

The above picture is of Manifest Destiny and can be seen with a full text description at
Popular sovereignty is the belief that legitimacy of the state is created by the will or consent of its people, who are the source of all political power.
The Declaration of Arbroath of 1320 makes clear that the King of Scots at the time, Robert the Bruce only held his position as monarch subject to him resisting English attempts to control Scotland and makes clear that another king would be chosen if he failed to live up to his responsibility. This has been viewed as a suggestion of popular sovereignty especially at a time when the Devine right of Kings was widely accepted though the reality was that it would have been nobles rather than the people at large who would have done any choosing. Popular sovereignty is thus a basic tenet of most democracies. The central tenet is that legitimacy of rule or of law is based on the consent of the governed. {~If you govern yourself in a country you are governed and by law this allows a full established country law right on the individual. matters of concern of individual are indivisibly taken by a form of document, contract, and or a declaration of some constitutional effort.-D.G.DeLancey~}
James Buchanan ~ A life long bachelor, and the last President born in the 18th Century. He is in fact so far the only President Bachelor. Minister to Russia under Andrew Jackson. Secretary of State under James K. Polk. Franklin Pierce appointed him Minister to the United Kingdom, in which he helped draft the controversial Ostend Manifesto, a document written in 1854 that described the rationale for the United States to purchase Cuba from Spain and implied the U.S. should declare war if Spain refused. During Pierce's administration, Southern expansionists called for Cuba's acquisition as a slave state, but the galvanizing effect of the Kansas-Nebraska Act left the administration unsure of how to proceed.
We all know Abraham Lincoln ~ For more detail on our U.S. President you may go to

Andrew Johnson ~ President over the Reconstruction era of the United States. His tenure was controversial as his positions hostile to the Freedmen came under heavy political attack from republicans.
In Ancient Rome compared to other ancient peoples of the Mediterranean basin, the romans were extremely liberal in freeing slaves and granting Roman citizenship. In fact Freedman formed about 5% of the population of Rome during its Imperial Age.
When Tennessee seceded in 1861, Johnson was a U.S. Senator from Greenville in East Tennessee. A Unionist, he was the only southern senator not to resign.
Ulysses S. Grant ~ Despite civil right accomplishments, Grant's presidency was marred by economic turmoil and multiple scandals. His response to the Panic of 1873 and the severe depression that followed was heavily criticized.
Panic of 1873 ~ It was triggered by the Fall in demand for silver internationally, which followed german's decision to abandon the silver standard in the wake of the Franco- Prussian War. In 1871, Otto Von Bismarck extracted a large indemnity in gold from France and ceased minting silver Thaler coins. The first symptoms of the crisis were financial failures in the Austro-Hungarian capital, Vienna, which spread to most of Europe and North America by 1873. It was a series of economic crisis in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In Britain the result was two decades of stagnation known as the "Long Depression", which weakened Britain's economic leadership in the world. In U.S. literature this global event is usually known as "Panic of 1873" while in Europe it is known as Long depression or Great Depression.
Followed by September 1873 was the period of over expansion that was from the railroad boom. It came at the end of a series of economic setback : The Black Friday Panic of 1869, the Chicago fire of 1871, the outbreak of equine influenza in 1872, and demonetization of silver in 1873.
Panic of 1893 ~ Marked by the collapse of railroad overbuilding and shaky railroad financing which set off a series of bank failures.
By David George DeLancey author of this site. It is good behavior to suspect that a public as an asset would actually back money by spending it. While the country's currency is in circulation and being taxed, that tax being the revenue will secure the economic balance of the Federal Government spending. As the public being the governed that government, as an overall unit has the prosperity to advance. It cost's nothing to keep money in the bank, it is a tool to be used in which reflects investment. Money as being a tool brings surety. Not many things bring surety, but when used in an overall economic structure, that structure will build and build. When a currency is set fourth only to specific accountabilities and is supported by such institutes such as an Independent Treasury System, that economic currency is in an affect of competition through certain holdings of mass money, equaling diverse powers and will issue speculation on a growing population. Only by a working suspected guarantee of sourced income to then accept the monies in form and degree as of loans with interest and other deposits. For the overall benefit of those who then will be in trade use the currency for higher investments. At the time of this type of circulation the Federal Government is not in first issue of the quality of the currency and a percent of the population will be in need of that cash flow. The Federal at then overall acceptance of collecting a tax will then balance the distribution of the countries currency, the return would be the set sales tax; which then as available and independent money will pay for (its) 'the Federal Government spending, Military, and a balance of state need's. At first the state is in issue of its state-income-tax law, it is also hiring the federal department for matters of support, military and infrastructure programs in completion with state fundamentals. So overall a country could have two tax laws a state income tax law and a federal sales tax law. It would be sufficient to see a raise in the wage system if the state tax rises. Either way of collection of taxes the economic scale will function at a certain degree. Now would be the time to except a surety of a particular balance of what a pay scale is. This will be in effect and possible in an affect with sales, what is it worth that's the question and fundamental present in the economic value of society. Of course we can look upon our years of weight and balance of pricing to effort a cause in decision. I would start with the fact that in order to pay for state needs and or the basic function of supply and demand in that order we will find that a function of balance lies somewhere in the demand of Supply and Demand. D.G.DeLancey 12:34 A.M. E.S.T. 6-2- 2011
Rutherford B. Hayes ~ He believed in meritocratic government, equal treatment without regard to race, and improvement throughout education. he ordered federal troops to quell the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and ordered them out of Southern capitals as Reconstruction ended. Reconstruction was the aftermath of the Civil War.
Meritocratic ~ in the first, most administrative sense, is a system of government or other administration (such as business administration) wherein appointments are made and responsibilities assigned to individuals based upon their "merits", namely intelligence, credentials, and education, determined through evaluations or examinations.
To The Function ~ function - the kind of action or activity proper to a person, thing, or institution; the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role.
Sentence Logic ~ Proposition Calculas TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL propositional logic is a propositional logic whose interpretation limits the truth values of its propositions to two, usually true and false. Truth - functional propositional logic and systems isomorphic to it are considered to be ZEROTH ORDER LOGIC from one phenomenon to others or another. If one or any property which is preserved by an isomorphism and which is true of one of the objects, is also true of the other. In consideration of agreement towards the faculty of its correspondence.
The House Initiates Revenues ~ Raising Bills. The House initiates impeachment cases, while the Senate decides impeachment cases. As two-thirds vote of the Senate is required before an impeachment person can be forcibly removed from office. The term congress can also refer to a particular meeting of the legislature. A "Congress" covers two years, and the current 112th Congress convened on January 3, 2011. A legislator in either house is a "Member of Congress", though usually only representatives are referred to in speech as a congressman, women or person because members of the Senate are almost universally referred to as senator.
James A. Garfield ~ He opposed the Greenback March 4, 1881, until his death on September 19, 1881, as a result of being shot by assassin Charles J. Guiteau on July 2, 1881. He was second of four U.S. Presidents assassinated.
bi-metal monetary system ~ Bimetallism is a monetary standard -(~is anything that is accepted as a standard of value and measure of wealth in a particular region~)- } in which the value of the Monetary Unit ~(- In economics currency refers to physical objects generally accepted as a (Medium Exchange) { Money supply is the total amount of "money" available in an economy at a particular point in time-. } is defined as equivalent both__ to a certain quantity of (another standard D.G.DeLancey>) - gold and to a (certain?) quantity of silver; such a system establishes a fixed rate of exchange between the two metals. In the United States, along with establishing the "merit", Alexander Hamilton proposed the adoption of bimetallism, "in order not to abridge the quantity of circulating medium. With its acceptance, Sec 11 of the Coinage Act of 1772 established. The Mint, passed by the United States Congress (perhaps one individual came up with the idea.) on April 2, 1792, established the United States Mint and regulated the coinage of the United States.
This Act established the dollar as the unit of money in the United States, declared it to be lawful tender, and created a "decimal" system for U.S. Currency. (D.G. DeLancey for my opinion the decimal refers to .01 to .99 cents of the dollar {and or due to it} By the act, the Mint was to be situated at the seat of government - ~ ( { Washington D.C. formally the District of Columbia is the Capital of the United States, founded on July 16, 1790 } ) ~ - `~ Capital ~ Capital (economics) a factor of production that is not wanted for itself but for its ability to help in producing goods. ` ~ Financial Capital ~ any form of wealth capable of being employed in the production of more wealth. Human Capital worker's skills and abilities as regards their contribution to an economy. ` ~ Physical Capital ~ any non-human asset made by humans and then used in Production. ` ~ Capital City ~ the area of a country, province, region, or state, regarded as enjoying primary status, usually but not always the seat of government (info found at wikipedia)
Under the Constitution the first Federal Building was the mint building in Philadelphia of 1792 being the nation's capital, of July 31. David Rittenhouse laid the first cornerstone. The 1st was the copper cent, (which we still try to to use today with affordable effort, and no capital gain {D.G.DeLancey}. The Act also stipulated that "the director of the mint... be authorized to contract for and purchase a quantity of copper, not exceeding one hundred and fifty tons... to be coined at the mint into cents and half-cents... and be paid into the treasury of the United States, thence to issue into circulation.
"Furthermore", no copper coins or pieces whatsoever except the said cents and half-cents, shall pass current as many, or shall be paid, or offered to be paid or received in payment for any debt, demand, claims, matter or thing whatsoever". Under Sec. 14, any person could bring gold or silver bullion and have it coined free of charge, or later for a small fee, exchange it immediately for an equivalent value of coin. The paragraph summary states. "Persons may bring gold and silver bullion, to be coined free of expense", Coinage Act of 1834, 1849, 1857, 1864, 1873, 1965 (+ Mill currency - In the United States, it is a unit equivalent (one tenth of a cent). The term was first used by the Continental Congress in 1786, being described as the "lowest money of account of which 1000 shall be equal to a federal dollar. The Coinage Act (1792) describes milles and other subdivisions of the dollar (Perhaps a certain kind of reimbursement. D.G.DeLancey
President Garfield proposed substantial civil service reform, eventually passed in 1883 by his successor, Chester A. Arthur as the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act ~ is a federal law established in 1883 that stipulated that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit. (considerably if you were of a higher age your merit may then already be established, ~ rather you not be there for the learning and techniques of the job and or career |D.G.DeLancey| it seems even though school was mandatory the balance of life associating that first time grab of a job was yet still limited). The act provided selection of government employees competitive exams, rather than ties to politicians or political affiliation. (yet still in order to survive you have to submit right away or do without, based on the way law was in the efforts of distribution) -{D.G.DeLancey). Despite his previous support of the patronage system, President Chester A. Arthur, nevertheless, became an ardent supporter of civil services reform as president. The Act was passed into law on January 16, 1883. The Act was sponsored by Senator George H. Pendleton, democratic of Ohio, and written by Dorman Bridgeman Eaton, a staunch opponent of the patronage system who was later first chairman of the United States Civil Service Commission.
Chester A. Arthur ~ Publisher Alexander K. McClure wrote, "No man ever entered the Presidency so profoundly and widely distrusted, and no one ever retired... more generally respected. " Author Mark twain, deeply cynical about politicians conceded, "It would be hard indeed to better President Arthur's administration." Historically, Arthur is known as the "forgotten" President; who was never fully admired, loved, or feared. As President however, Arthur transcended the office by promoting the general good over partisan politics. Acting independently of party dogma, Arthur also tried to lower tariff rates so the government would not be embarrassed by annual surpluses of revenue. Congress raised about as many rates as it trimmed, but Arthur signed the Tariff Act of 1883 anyway. Aggrieved Westerners and Southerners looked to the Democratic Party for redress, and the tariff began to emerge as a major political issue between the two parties. In addition to his two Supreme Court appointments, Arthur appointed four judges to the United States circuit courts, and thirteen judges to the United States district courts. Upon leaving office, he returned to New York City to serve as council to his old law firm. On November 16, by his order, nearly all of his papers, personal and official, were burned. The next morning he suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage and never regained consciousness. He died the next day at age 57.
Grover Cleveland was the leader of the pro-business Bourbon Democrats who opposed high tariffs, free silver, inflation, imperialism and subsidies to business farmers or veterans. {]~~~~~~~~~~(Strange how a whole of a country supposedly in unit with each other and are straggling to survive are being lead by individuals who oppose not only one issue of the public, but several. Of their liking and, perhaps of no be-half ~ it would seem the first issue for operating a country is the supply and demand of a uniformed currency. The let those cause issue who oppose certain talents, war them out as due course of nature allows; not under a controlled country environment. Then again this country concerning the matter of currency and its public welfare has never been in control. D. G. DeLancey)~~~~~~~~~[} His first battles for political reform and fiscal conservation made him an icon for American conservatives.
Classical Liberalism ~ is a philosophy committee to the ideal of limited government, liberty of individuals ---------{]---------(interesting we have the liberty to go to college and learn something for the effort to be affixed with government but yet government is to big and needs to be less/-/strange; I bet I could fill that seat. D.G.DeLancey) --------------[}-------------- including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and free market. Sometimes it goes "{[assumptions]}" about human nature: ------{]------ (I don't know why acknowledgement can't be achieved, perhaps to tough a challenge D.G.DeLancey) ~[}- People were "egoistic, coldly calculating, essentially invert and atomistic. ------------{]----------- (the next meanings bring my result as *"you can't blame them"* D.G.DeLancey) ~~~[}~~~ Being egoistic, people were motivated solely by pain and pleasure. Being calculating, they made decisions intended to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. If there were no opportunity to increase pleasure or reduce pain, they would become invert. Therefore, the only motivation for labor was either the possibility of great reward or fear of hunger. According to E.K.Hunt. This belief led classical liberal politicians to pass the "Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834, ----- ~~{]~~(interesting nobody actually ask for it D.G.DeLancey) ~~ which limited the provision of social assistance. ~~~~~{]~~~~~ (I guess the collection of taxes wasn't good enough, seemingly based on the distribution of it all there may not have been enough taxes to collect being only some of the people had the availability of having money, strange a tool at work but not really working efficiently D.G. DeLancey).
Benjamin Harrison ~ His administration is most remembered for economic legislation, including the McKinley Tariff and the Sherman Antitrust Act, one for annual federal spending that reached one billion dollars for the first time. Defeated by Cleveland in his bid for re-election in 1892, Harrison returned to private life in Indianapolis. He later represented the republic of Venezuela in an international case against the United Kingdom. He is to date the only President from Indiana and the only one to be grandson of another president..
William McKinley ~ After the Panic of 1893, he made gold the base of currency. He was also assassinated at the Temple of Music, also the afternoon of September 6, 1901. The day he was at Niagara Falls on the 5th the day before he attended the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York.
Theodore Roosevelt ~ He coined the phrase "Square Deal" domestic program based upon three ideals: conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection. Thus, it aimed at helping "middle class"~(is any class of people in the middle of a societal hierarchy) initially between the "working class" and "upper class". A persistent source of confusion surrounding the term "middle class" derives predominant from there being no set criteria for such a definition. From an economic perspective for example, members of the middle class do not necessarily fall in the middle of a society's income distribution. Instead, middle class salaries tend to be determined by middle class occupations, which in turn are attained by means of middle class values. This the term casts a wide net and does not coincide with an "academic" sociological" or "economic definition"
Definition ~ is a "passage" that explains the "meaning" of a term (a word, phrase or other set of symbols), or a type of thing. A term may have many different senses or meanings. A chief difficulty in managing definition is the need to use other terms that are already understood or whose definitions are easily obtainable. (For instance you can get buy with what you have ~ example money, but if you do not have it and the time proceeds as to be without it - A chief difficulty in management will accrue and the prospects of definite resolution will again be delayed and yet still have a definition of what happened D.G. DeLancey). A new definition can be composed by two parts : a genus (or family). An existing definition that serves as a portion of the new definition; all definitions with the same genus are considered member of that genus, and a definition can be composed of multiple genera (more than one genus). 2. The differentia : The portion of the new definition that is not provided by the genera.
In classical thought a definition was taken to be a statement of the essence of a thing. (Such as an oath by a president D.G. DeLancey ~ without the means to run a country such as, and in this order, asset, money, and collection of taxes a country and its business cannot operate sufficiently ~ when the working class are in tune, those that are not are left out ~ One may be left out at any particular point and time. That's why it is essential to always have the public of the country in bound connection to continually have money as a circulating medium. Working will just only give one more and establish a better state which in recognition with other will always have a governmental acquisition to balance the economic structures of its country).
At least one thing is stated to be; 1. a member of the set being defined; this is sometimes called a "base set". 2. All things bearing a certain relation to other members of the set are also to count as members of the set. It is this step that makes the definition recursive. 3. All other things are excluded from the set. {Nothing being the most important thing in the world (D.G.DeLancey)} has correspondence with fundamentals such as consistency, completeness and the number. The successor of a natural "number" is also a "natural" number. Nothing else is a natural number. So "0" will have exactly one successor, which for convenience we call "1" In turn "1" will have exactly one successor which we call "2", and so on. Notice that the second condition in the definition itself refers to natural numbers and hence involves self-reference. (wikipedia) Although this sort of definition involves a form of "circularity", it is not "vicious", and the definition has been quite successful. You can find me there with less a tribute at D.G.DeL-Dorchester Mass as a user talk page establishing 'not one to Article a situation; I just like to contribute, in addition I'm still learning the editing process.
6-12-2011 3:00 P.M. E.S.T. Politics ~ (from Greek "of, for, or relating to citizens") is a process by which groups of people make collective decisions. The term is generally applied to the art or science of running governmental or state affairs. It also refers to behavior within civil governments. However, politics can be observed in other group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions. It consists of "social" relations involving authority or power" and refers to the regulations of Public affairs within a political unit, and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy. The history of politics is reflected in the origin and development of the institutions of government.
6-13-2011 3:21 p.m. e.s.t. William Howard Taft ~ Taft's domestic agenda emphasized trust-busting civil service reform, strengthening the Interstate Commerce Commission, improving the performance of the postal service, and passage of the Sixteenth Amendment. Abroad, Taft sought to further the economic development to underdeveloped nations in Latin America and Asia through "Dollar Diplomacy".
Dollar Diplomacy ~ is the term used to describe the effort of the United States ~ Particularly under President William Howard Taft - to further its aims inLatin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries. The term was originally coined by President Theodore Roosevelt. It was also used in Liberia, where American loans were given in 1913. It was then known as a dollar diplomacy because of the money that went into being able to have soldiers paid without any fighting; as most people would say was quite small wage.
Diplomacy ~ is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations, through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peacemaking, trade, war, economics, culture, environment and human rights. International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians. all source of date 6-13-11
The process of diplomatics, dealing with the study of old documents, also owes its name to the above, but its present meaning is completely distinct from that of diplomacy.
After leaving office Taft spent his time in academic, abitration, and the search for world peace through his self-founded League to Enforce Peace. In 1921, after the First World War, President Warren G. Harding appointed Taft Chief Justice of the United States.
Woodrow Wilson ~ In his first term as President, Wilson persuaded a Democratic Congress to pass major progressive reforms including the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act and an income tax.
Declare War ~ a formal act by which one nation goes to war against another. (If one considers them self as one in a nation it may appear that one may be in a war with another of nation preferably the same. D. G. DeLancey; it also can be a war of balancing, creating and recognizing a debt and deficit.)
War ~ World's Amongst Reason
Wilson went to Paris in 1919 to create the League of Nations and shape the Treaty of Versailles, with special attention on creating new nations out of defunct empires.
Treaty of Versailles ~ was one of the Peace Treaties at the end of World War 1.
Wilsonianism ~ calls for the United States to enter the world arena to fight for democracy, and has been a contentious position in America foreign policy.
Despotism ~ is a form of government in which a single entity, called the despot, rules with absolute power. That entity may be an individual, as in an autocracy, or it may be a group, as in an oligarchy. The word despotism means "rule in the fashion of a despot" and should not be confused with "despot", an individual. Despot comes from the Greek despotes, which roughly means "master" or one with power", and it has been used to translate a wide variety of titles and positions. It was used to describe the unlimited power and authority of the Pharaohs of Egypt, employed in the Byzantine court as a little of nobility, used by the rulers of Byzantine vassal states, and adopted as a title of the Byzantine Emperors.
Executive (government) ~ of government is the part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state bureaucracy. The division of power into separate branches of government is central to the idea of the separation of powers.
Separation of Powers ~ The system is designed to distribute authority away from the executive branch -- an attempt to preserve individual liberty in response to tyrannical leadership throughout history.
Warren G. Harding ~ President Harding rewarded friends and political contributions, referred to as the Ohio Gang, with financially powerful positions.
Calvin Coolidge ~ Coolidge restored public confidence in the White House after the scandals of his predecessor's administration, and left office with considerable popularity. As a Coolidge biographer put it, " He embodied the spirit and hopes of the middle class, could interpret their longings and express their opinions.
Herbert Hoover ~ a trained engineer, deeply believed in the Efficiency Movement, which held that government and the economy were riddled inefficiency and waste, and could be improved by experts who could identify the problems and solve them.
head of government ~ running the functions of the state, managing the bureaucracy, and deciding how to enforce the law ////////////(a law)---(legislative) (becoming a law) ---(legislation) (being a law)---(Legislature) {D.G.DeLancey I can also be found at D.G.DeL-Dorchester Mass\\\\\\\\\\\
Law ~ is a system of rules and guidelines, usually enforced through a set of institution.
Franklin D. Roosevelt ~ Roosevelt dominated the american political scene, not only during the twelve years of his presidency, but for decades afterwards. He orchestrated the realignment of voters that created the Fifth Party System. FDR's New Deal Coalition united labor unions, big city machines, white ethnics, African American and rural white southerners. Roosevelt maintained contracts and mended fences with the Democratic Party during the 1920's especially in New York City's Tammany Hall machine. Roosevelt moderated his stance against that group as well. He helped Alfred E. Smith with the election for governor of New York in 1922 and was even a strong supporter of Smith against his cousin, Republican Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. 1924.
System ~ "Whole compounded of several parts or members, system", literary "composition" is a set of interdependent components forming an integrated whole.
Bureaucracy ~ The purpose of a bureaucracy is to successfully implement the actions of an organization of any size (but often associated with large entities such as government organizations), in acHieving its purpose and mission, and the bureaucracy is tasked to determine how it can achieve its purpose and mission with the greatest possible efficiency and at the least cost of any resource. \\\\\\\\\\ (Government and Public refer to the same agenda D.G.DeLancey) //////////
State ~ "In Linguistics" , Status Constructus, a noun form accuring in Semitic languages.
Definiteness ~
State ~ (plural : status), is a state, condition, or situation.
4:57 p.m.
11:22 p.m. ______ Harry S. Truman ~ Truman, in sharp contrast to the imperious Roosevelt who kept personal control of all major decisions, was a president who relied on his cabinet. he popularized such phrases as "The buck stops here" an "if you can't stand the heat, you better get out of the kitchen. The end of World War 11 was followed by an uneasy transition from war to a peacetime economy. The president was faced with the renewal of labor-management conflicts that had lain dormant during the war years, severe shortages in housing and consumer products, and widespread dissatisfaction with inflation, which at one point hit 6% in a single month. Truman's Second Term (1949-1953) was the first ever believed nationally. His second term was grueling, in large measure because of foreign policy challenges connected directly or indirectly to his policy of containment. In 1948 Truman ordered a controversial addition to the exterior of the White House: a second floor balcony in the south portico that came to be known as the "Truman Balcony". The addition was unpopular. In 1950, the Senate, led by Estes Kefauver, investigated numerous charges of corruption among senior administration officials, some of whom received fur coats and deep freezers for favors. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was involved. In 1950, 166 (IRS) employees either resigned or were fired, and many were facing indictments from the Department of Justice on a variety of Tax-fixing and bribery charges, including the assistant attorney general in charge of the Tax Division. Truman pardoned a Louisiana political figure, George A. Caldwell, a building contractor from Baton Rouge who had been imprisoned in the United States Penitentiary, Atlanta for Income Tax evasion and accepting kickbacks.
Dwight D. Eisenhower ~ He oversaw a ceasefire (which stopped the fighting) during the Korean War. he created NASA (the United States space program) which began a space race against the Soviet Union. Eisenhower believed that the United States should not try to fight wars oversea, but instead that United States amount of nuclear weapons should be increased so it can have an advantage in the Cold War. McCarthism (when Senator Joseph McCarthy was accusing hundreds of people of being communists spies without evidence) was also an issue during his presidency, or the Presidency. Domestically (in the country), the economy was doing very well and the nation was prosperous. Eisenhower supervised the creation of the interstate highway system and created the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. He wanted to continue some New deal "programs" such as Social Security, but at the time, he wanted the "government" to be limited. (when does a certain group gain control over a population ~ Politic, D.G.DeLancey). When Eisenhower's presidency ended he was not very popular. Over time his reputation slowly improved and historians now generally consider him to be a good president. At first, many criticized him for not doing enough to give civil rights to African Americans, but later during his presidency, he signed two civil rights acts and sent federal troops to Topeka, kansas to make sure schools were desegregated. (when the public acknowledges a concern it then is assumed that or by the presidency a government issue will be took care of, D.G.DeLancey).
John F Kennedy ~ Kennedy was the youngest president ever elected. Kennedy was a great speaker and inspired a new generation of young Americans. [+( It appears the Soviet Union and Cuba were engaged in a money transaction involving nuclear missiles, apparently a specific country here needed some hard cash,) D.G.DeLancey; money being the most important thing in the world second to nothing, it would seem to engage in a self protecting war alliance within one's own country which would be sufficient enough to break a trend of competition and or a succession on gaining funds outside the country. Money being important should be operated by the country's succession. This being the people in able to or with the evaluation of succession and or production. Tax is the real income from the populous when the distributional of the funds is at its fundamental awareness.) D.G.DeLancey)+]. He also created a plan called the New Frontier. This was a series of government programs, such as urban renewal, to help poor and working class people. He made the Peace Corps to help poor countries all over the world. He "agreed" to a large tax cut to help the "economy". (agreed, large, and economy represents an overall, D.G.DeLancey.) He also called for Civil Rights Act of 1964 which would make discrimination and segregation illegal. (please yourself, D.G.DeLancey) 12:24 p.m. 6-14-2011
Lyndon B. Johnson ~ Johnson declared a "war on Poverty" He created the "Great Society" (a series of government programs intended to improve the living standards of the country). These programs include public broadcasting, care for the elderly), Medicaid (health care for the poor). He supported civil rights for African Americans and continued where Remedy left off in giving them freedom.
Richard Nixon ~ Nixon put many reforms into law. He created the Department of Environmental Protection, supported anti-drug laws, supported anti-discrimination laws. When inflation was high, he ordered that prices should be frozen for 90 days. In 1974, Nixon made a speech that outlined a plan for universal health care. (It appears when I was just a youngster, that not being able to conquer a career after leaving school or college mostly, that the result would be that most scavengers roamed the area of the United States and perhaps abroad because of the lack of opening up an insurance company or clinic; based on funds, it was exactly impossible.
Gerald Rudolph Ford ~ Because of the Watergate Scandal, Nixon resigned on August 8, 1974. Ford became the President. He was the only President of the United States not to be elected to either the office of President or Vice President. Once he became President, he realized he could do a good job and decided to run for a full term in 1776. Ford was adopted at a young age. His birth name was Leslie Lynch King Jr.
Jimmy Carter ~ Carter had to deal with many problems in the United States. During his presidency, the nation had an energy and economic crisis. The fact that he could not fix these problems led the way for Ronald Reagan to take the role of President. (and also encouraging "Me, David George DeLancey". By 1986 D.G.DeLancey brought about this five issue plan. #1. A one percent sales tax on the dollar, and a half a cent from .01 to .99 cents. #2. Distribution to everyone over the age of Twenty-One. #3. A State tax withheld from ones paycheck. If the state income tax goes up show does the wage. #4. Disabled Persons get more. #5. Retired Persons get more. (It is all about the 'Distribution'; and taxes. Sales tax and state tax are two different taxes. The state can not collect enough Income tax to sustain a balance in " expenditure "; So the federal Government with its sales tax pays for Military and the remaining balance. "A" State Government and the Federal Government in order to serve and protect will have to pay before collection of any taxes. This allows a debt, deficit and two fundamentals that are the base and activity of production. The dollar is an invention, tool, unit, commodity, and an investment. It is also traded for merchandise in an overall government. David George DeLancey. signed 6-13-2011 and...
Ronald Reagan ~ His first term as president over the United States Presidency, was established in 1981, of January 20. Although he did try in 1972 and in 1976. Reagan believed that the government should be small, not big -- this means that the government should not interfere in public value; or peoples lives very much or interfere with what businesses do. He believed in supply-side economics. [{ often called trickle-down economics: is a theory that if taxes were cut on the wealthiest people in society, the wealthy would use their extra money to invest in the economy, but if taxes were increased, the wealthy would leave the country and invest somewhere else where the tax rates are low. (Interesting if I David George DeLancey do not become President I will leave! ~ Weird isn't it). That's almost a threat so i feel the public will do the right thing and when I do I'll leave on good behavior) This reagan supply-side economics was called "Reaganomics" during his term. He lowered every bodies income tax by 25% and cut spending in many government departments. (I feel if something is going to grow let it grow, if the state tax goes up raise the wage. Are we not going to college to work for the government. We are the government we hire government officials. In fact the official Dollar Note itself never mind the other $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, $50.00, $100.00 and possibly my Fifteen Dollar Bill are a forming currency well at this time not the make believe $15.00 are in circulation, allowed "if voted" to be taxed over and over again, (meaning at any time). Take care of that money it's a war out there when your wallet or purse just fell in a puddle of hot oil, lava, sewage, or just a plain puddle of water while riding the horse. Now your wondering where did it go! Probably drying off somewhere on someones fender. D.G. DeLancey). He also allowed inflation from 14% to 4% and vetoed 78 Bills. Reagans economic economic plan resulted in a bad economy during the year 1982, but the economy turned in 1983. He called it "Morning in America" and was re-elected in 1984, +*{-[-(Two years later I David George DeLancey wrote my five issue plan and the attempt for the presidency while visiting New Hampshire. That (Governor received the letter in c/o (care of) President Reagan.I also wrote the same letter to the Governor of Wyoming in c/o (care of) President Clinton in 1986. I also wrote a letter to Senator Kennedy just before he passed away within that year. I also wrote to the Governor of California that same year, as Kennedy passing, he the Governor of California is the only Governor who sent a letter back. You'll find me in the internet with my application and acknowledgement; also I will continue to write to other states to let known the fact of the presidency can assure a public with a politic that it can surpass war. War can be defined as an engaged military... ,;. D. G. DeLancy)-]-}*+. In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became the new leader of the Soviet Union (which was in bad shape and soon to collapse). Reagan had many talks with him and they became good friends. Near the end of his term, they both signed the INF treaty (which greatly reduced the amount of nuclear missiles in both countries.
George H.W. Bush ~ During his Presidency the Cold War ended. When Saddam Hussein (dictator of Iraq) invaded its oil-rich neighbor Kuwait, George H.W.Bush lead a group of over a dozen countries to protect Kuwait from Iraq. This conflict was called the Gulf War. he invaded Panama to remove its dictator Manuel Noreiga who was guilty of drug trafficking. George H. W. Bush also signed in "important" laws such as The Americans With Disabilities Act. During the campaign, he said "Read My Lips : No New taxes", but during his presidency, he increased taxes because the country was in a lot of debt. (I know this for sure, because I was there, o ya I still am so are you, D.G.DeLancey...) He later was criticized for breaking his promise. (How did that happen "overall and all," D.G.DeLancey). Near the end of his term, _+"the country+"_ was in a recession and his approval ratings were falling. (So was my landing gear, D.G.DeLancey). He lost the presidential election of 1992 to Bill clinton. (During this time I was living in magna Utah from October of 1990 to 1995 and left Utah in 2002 to be home with family while some of the opportunity of survival was still a refuge. And here I am since 2005 on the Internet with my continued application towards the White House as to become Chief of Staff and leave the presidency lawful and willing to accept yet another official leader.
Bill Clinton ~ During the early part of Clinton's first term, he implemented a tax code which would increase taxes on the rich and decrease taxes on the poor. The country faced very few challenges during his term. The Cold War was over and there was very little need for the U.S. military to get involved in the world's affairs, so defense spending was significantly lowered. The "economy" was doing very well during his term, though there is a debate whether the economy was well because of Clinton's policies or other policies based on committed Governmental parties. (He also cut back on government spending by easing up on labor and some National Places of Interest. This only happened twice as of the knowledge will proceed and the lengths are about more than 10 days and less then 20 on one occasion and more than 20 and less than 30 on another, this brought that spending to help balance the budget. (If it were me I would of kept those National Places open and those people at a job, they perhaps didn't mind, and collected more taxes. In order to collect more taxes more people would have to spend money. And that is not the case; Example out of 10 people 6 have money and are not worried of spending it; Two have money though are holding out because of next months expenditures, and the other two remaining as it seems are without money. It takes two police-officers to secure a property's being in meant of day. The money to them is already being payed by Governmental officials. We are the government, we then support the government establishing by taxes and earning some productive wage. Option is, is that the money gets printed then it is distributed to the public, populus, and government all the same representation; It the earns a functional income, wage, productivity. Productivity in this overall manner is considered a value. D. G. DeLancey). The decade ended with being the first time the United States did not have to borrow money to pay for its budget. (Time consuming, D. G. DeLancey). (My comments are within Parenthesis (), with my initials and surname D.G.DeLancey, which will appear as David George DeLancey and how it will appear as The United States Presidential Official Signature, other then that it is just my official signature.
George W. Bush ~ He put the "No Child Left Behind Act into law. It gave more money to American schools. It also made students take more tests to measure their progress. He added part D. to medicare. (I guess cash wasn't good enough "I suppose it's W-ithin A R-eason, D.G. DeLancey), which gives older people "free" medicine if they can not afford it. (Interesting ! ? ; Lent someone $20.00 without applying the tax, sooner or later that $20.00 being borrowed over and over again will just end up in collection of the Federal Government and or just the Federal Reserves Bank of the United States; what happened to the circulation and possible income and thought of interest, D. G. DeLancey). He also signed very large tax cuts during his presidency. ( Interesting who own's the money; next who is going to claim it for real, D.G.DeLancey ). These tax cuts and the government spending more money made it so that the government spent more money (? // D.G.DeLancey), then it took in, and it had to borrow money. His second term ~ In 2005, Hurricane Katrina happened. President George W. Bush was strongly criticized for taking too long to respond, but he did sign several acts into law which would help Hurricane Katrina victims (Equal rights is number one in my law biding effort, D.G.DeLancey). Although the economy was doing very well during much of his presidency, in early 2008, the economy was slowing down. Bush signed a bill into law which would give money a value of $600.00 to every American citizen "hoping" (assuming: D.G.DeLancey) that people would go out and spend money so that it would prevent a recession from happening. Later in 2008the stock market crashed and the country fell into its worst recession since the Great Depression. Bush helped create a 700 Billion Dollar bailout, (Hym what happened to competition, D. G. DeLancey) which would give money to corporations (large businesses) to prevent them from being bankrupt and to try to prevent the recession from getting worse. (If we are supposed to prevent a recession from getting worse, don't we already have some kind of problem, D.G.DeLancey). Bush's approved ratings were at an all-time low during the end of the time he was president. Bush said that the current opinion polls do not matter that history would be the judge of his presidency. (Truth will always prevail : D. G. DeLancey). During the last few days he was... President Bush gave his farewell address. (where people can vote for their leaders.
Barack Obama ~ When the President became in charge, the U.S. was in a big recession. He asked Congress to spend an extra $787 Billion Dollars ($787,000,000,000) to try to end the recession. He called the Plan the Stimulus Bill. The stimulus bill funded many road projects, gave money to schools, gave tax credits to many Americans, and funded many science and research projects. Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which would bring health care reform to the United States, changing the system so that more people can afford health care. (more people ? is this all people, D.G.DeLancey). Although his popularity was very high (around 70% approval) when he entered office, his approval ratings fell to 45% during the year of 2010. (One is Dependent on a Factor, once that supposed factor is in final challenge, the authority in notice becomes an Independent. Such as having money to pay for personal needs, and seek refuge through an overall tax collection in which balances out any deficit caused by debt. Pertaining the characteristics of Government, "we as the government of a country, are at war ; if you will). D. G. DeLancey) ...under the Obama administration, the federal government is becoming too big and spending too much money. (Personally I really don't care how big our federal government gets, how many government officials we have, just as long as the State Income Tax is set at a respectable rate and the Federal Sales Tax is collected periodically. This is being acknowledged by your next President, of The United States; David George DeLancey, only time will tell).
6:43 P.M. 6-14-2011 Income Tax ~ Is a tax levied on the income of individuals or businesses (corporations or other legal entities). Various income tax systems exist, with varying degrees of tax incidence ~(is the analysis of the effect of a particular tax on the distribution of economics welfare ~(is a branch of economics that uses microeconomics techniques to evaluate economic well-being, especially relative to competition general equilibrium within an economy as to "economic efficiency" and the resulting income distribution aggregating with it). Income taxation can be progressive, proportional, or regressive. When the tax is levied on the income of companies, it is often called corporate tax, corporate income tax, or profit tax. Individuals Income Taxes often tax the total income. The "tax net" refers to the types of payment that are taxed, which included personal earnings (wages), capital gains, and business income. (Business Income is a Representation based on Business. Refer to the Dictionary for definition of business relating to individuals, a group as a whole or other entity pertaining to conduct transactions of differentiality.
Business ~ is an organization engaged in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers or other business.
Sherman Anti Trust Act ~ July 2, 1890, requires the United States federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, companies, and organizations suspected of violating the Act. It was the first Federal statute to limit "Artels" and "monopolies" and today still forms the basis for most antitrust litigation by the United States federal government. However, for the most part, politicians were unwilling to refer to the law until Theodore Roosevelt's presidency (1901-1909_
Anachronistic ~ is an inconsistency in some chronological arrangement especially a chronological misplacing of persons, events, objects, or customs in regard to each other.
Sales Tax ~ is a consumption tax charged at the point of purchase for certain goods and services. The tax amount is usually calculated by applying a percentage rate to the taxable price of a sale. Ideally, a sales tax would have a high compliance rate, be difficult to avoid, and be simple to calculate.
Search David George DeLancey for President of the United States of America
Eminence ~ Emmenence =- : 1. high station, rank, or repute : philosophers of eminence. 2. a high place a part; a hill or elevation; height. 3. (Initial Capital letter) Roman Catholic Church. a title of honor, applied to cardinals (usually preceded by His or Yours). Origin 1375-1425; late Middle English < Anglo-French < latin eminentia, equivalent to emin (base of eminere to stand out; see eminent) +-entia - ence -Synonyms 1. conspicuousness, note, fame. 2. prominence. Related words for : eminence - distinction,note, preeminence, tubercle, tuberosity. Eminence ~ The projecting prominent part of an organ, especially a bone. Also from a medical Dictionary : Eminence : a protuberance or projection on a bodily part and especially a bone.
6-16-2011 8:13 P.M. E.S.T. Wellfare State ~ is a "concept" of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal "provisions" for a good life.
Avail ~ To be of use ~ to be worth ~ to be strong.
Autonomess state ~ autonomes ~ plural of autonome ~ autonomous ~ French adjective 1. Self governing. Governing independently. 2. Acting on one's own or independently; of a child acting without being governed by parental or guardian rules. 3. (Celtic linguistics of a verb form) Used with no subject, indicating an unknown or unspecific agent; used in singular situations as the passive in English (the difference being that the theme in the English passive construction is the subject, while in the Celtic autonomous construction the theme is the object and there is no subject.
United Nations ~ From Absolute Astronomy ~ 1942 World War II : The term "United Nations" is first officially used to describe the Allied pact. 1945 Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru join the United Nations. 1945 Founding negotiations of United Nations in San Francisco 1945 United Nations Charter signed. 1945 United Nations founded. 1946 Afghanistan, Iceland and Sweden join the United Nations. 1945 By a vote of 65 to 7, the United States Senate approves the entry of the United States into the United Nations. 1946 First meeting of the United Nations 1946 Last meeting of the League of Nations 1946 United Nations first meeting in Long Island.
Council of Europe ~ The council is one of the oldest international organizations working towards European Integration, having been founded in 1949. It has a particular emphasis on legal standards, human rights, democratic development, the rule of law and culture co-operation. It has 47 member states with some 800 million citizens. It is distinct from the European Union (EU) which has common policies binding laws and only twenty-seven members. The two share certain symbols about their flags.
The Asian Development Bank ~ ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is a trade bloc agreement by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations supporting local manufacturing in all ASEAN
The Commonwealth of Independent States ~ is a regional organization whose participating countries are Soviet Republics, formed during the breakup of the Soviet Union. After discussion about the creation of a common economic space between the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, agreement in principle about the creation of the space was announced after a meeting in the Mascan suburb of Nova-Ogarevo on 23 February 2003. The Kiev, would initially by headed by a representative of Kazakhstan, and would not be subordinate to the governments of the four nation. The ultimate goal would be a regional organization that would be open for other countries to join as well, and could eventually lead even to a single currency.
The World Trade Organization ~ is an organization that intends to supervise and liberalize International Trade. The organization officially commenced on January 1, 1995 under the Marrakech agreement, replacing the General agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which commenced in 1948. The organization deals with regulation of trade between participating countries; it provides a framework for negotiating and formalizing trade agreements, and a dispute resolution process aimed at enforcing participants' adherence to WTO agreements which are signed by representatives of member governments and ratified by their parliaments.
The Organization of the Black Sea Economics Organization ~ and or Cooperation ~ On 25 June 1992, the Heads of State and Government of eleven countries signed in Istanbul the Summit Declaration and the Bosporus Statement giving birth to the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC). It came into existence as a model of multilateral political and economic initiatives aimed at fostering interaction and harmony among the Member States, as well as to ensure peace stability and prosperity encouraging friendly and good neighborly relations in the Black Sea region.
La Francophonie ~ is an international organization of polities and governments with French as the mother or customary language, where in a significant proportion of people are francophones (French speakers) or where there is a notably affiliation with the French language or culture.
Nato's Partnership for Peace (PfP) ~ also in description as "(North) Atlantic Alliance", is an international military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed in April 1949. The NATO headquarters are in Brussels Belgium, and the organization constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its member states agree to "mutual defense in response to an (attack) by any {external} party.
Non Aligned Movement ~ [In addition to this date and time these reviews are of Facts, Discussion, Forum, and Encyclopedia Article of Absolute Astronomy] ~ The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is an intergovernmental organization of states considering themselves not aligned formally with or against any major Power bloc. As of 2010, the organization has 118 members and 18 observer countries. Generally speaking (as of 2010), the Non-Aligned Movement members can be described as all of those countries which belong to the group of 77 (along with Belarus and Uzbekistan), but which are not observers in Non-Aligned Movement and are not oceanian (with the exception of Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.
European Union ~ is an economic and political union of 27 member states which are located primarily in Europe. Committed to "regional integration", the EU was established by the "Treaty of Maastricht" in 1993 upon the foundations of the European Communities. With over 500 million citizens, the EU generated an estimated 28% share (US$16.5 trillion) of the nominal and about 21% (US$14.8 trillion) of the PPP gross world product in 2009.
Nominal ~ definition from Merriam-Webster ~ __1. of, relating to, or being a noun or a word or expression taking a noun "construction" . __2. of, relating to, or constituting a name. __3. a: existing or being something in name or form only <nominal head of his party> b: of, being or relating to a designated or theoretical size that may vary from the actual. __4. Approximate. ___ 6-26-2011 9:09 p.m. finish with nominal c: Trifling, Insignificant <involvement was nominal> <charged only nominal rent>. 4. A: equal to the annual rate of simple interest that would obtain if interest were not compounded when in fact it is compounded and paid for periods of less than a year. b : equal to the percentage by which a repaid loan exceeds the principal borrowed with no adjustments made for inflation. 5: being according to plan : Satisfactory <everything was nominal during the launch>.
Compound ~ 1 : to put together (parts) so as to form a whole : Combine < compound ingredients> 2 : to form by combining parts < compound a medicine> 3. a : to settle amicably : adjust by agreement _ b : to agree for a consideration not to prosecute (an offense) < compound a felony > 4. a : to pay (interest) on both the accrued interest and the principal. b : to add to : Augment < we compounded our error in later policy - Robert Lakachman > 1 : to become joined in a compound. 2 : to come to terms of agreement.
9:27 p.m. Politics ~ (from Greek "of, for, or relating to citizens") is a process by which groups of people make collection decisions. The term is generally applied to the art or science of running governmental or state affairs. {your the government and the state[D.G.DeLancey] remember that} It also refers to behavior within civil government [that was a perfect example }civil government{ (now claim it) as well as the money, it's the law. D. G. DeLancey]. However, politics can be observed in other group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions. it consists of :social relations involving authority or power" and refers to the regulation of public affairs within a political unit, and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy. The history of politics is reflected in the origin and development of the institutions of government.
Government ~ In social science {~(~ are the fields of scholarship that study society : ~ a group of "people" -related- to each other through persistent relations / knowledge \ :-) } thew term government refers to the "legislators" "administrators", ++++we as individuals are legislators we have people represent us with that title we then administer a legislative to the record for judgment to become part of an ordinance by an existing or lawful law | D.G.DeLancey++++ and "arbitrators" in the administrative bureaucracy who control the "state". {{{--It is fact that an individual is a state in relation to bureaucracy. Most cases we will see that nothing as of "THE" or "A" will go in front of a terming "Bureaucracy or as will be used as a small "b". My family held a Bureaucracy for many years in France although that type of bureaucracy was meant for all as many knew of the factors of the time. It was heavily resided for over two hundred years. David.G.DeLancey --}}} ~ { [ - is the compulsory political "institution" ===as we are again D.G.DeL===--is any structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behavior of a set of individuals | one realizes another | with a given human community; /(state) of a centralized government that maintains a monopoly of the legitimate use of force within a certain territory; (government) at a given, and to the system of government by which they are organized. Government is the means by which state policy is enforced, as well as the mechanism for determining the policy of the state.
Policy Money ~ In usage as of Monetary Policy = is the progress by which the monetary authority: -(~is a generic term in finance and economics for the entity which controls the money supply -[ is the total amount of money available in an economy at a particular point in time. (monetary authority - of a given currency, and has the right to set interest rates, and other Parameters which control the cost and availability of money.) (continued with monetary policy___of a country controls the supply of money,+keep it within+ often targeting a rate on interest {{{{THIS COULD BE A TAX}}}} -~- is a fee paid by a borrower of assets }}}}WE'RE THE ASSET WE"RE JUST AFFILIATED WITH OTHER"S AGAIN A TERMED RECOGNITION IS AN ASSET; WE BACK THE MONEY claim it{{{{ to the owner as a form of compensation ({[ which means money makes money for itself. We pay the sales tax and we benefit, as well as when we pay for the state income tax rate which when I am president we will only have two identifiable tax measurements a sales tax which comes first and a state income tax which comes second. The State Income Tax is the only tax that may go up, if so then the wage goes up. Sales tax also gets applied to the state if needed for compensation, sales tax is Federal, it pays for military and other federal needs. David George DeLancey a Presidential Candidate since 1986 description is important. ]}) for the use of the assets. (preferably an agreement of some document D.G.DeLancey) It is most commonly the price paid for the use of borrowed money, or, money earned ({ via again an interest }) by deposited funds. (keeping your memory fundamentals is the future connect for the possibilities to excel D.G.DeLancey). (Monetary Policy____for the purpose of promoting economic growth and stability. The official goals usually include relatively stable prices and how unemployment.. . (What's the price of your thought, could your thought be stable, and yet have the inquiry to add to it, perhaps some form of unemployment ~ D. G. DeLancey). Monetary theory provides insight into how to craft optimal monetary policy. (Nothing Is The Most Important Thing In The World) }David George DeLancey{} (government continuing States are served by a continuous succession of different governments. Each successive government is composed of a specialized and privileged body of individuals who monopolize political {)-we're political, I don't believe we have to be I just believe we are -politic is another form of populus D.G.DeLancey-(} decision-making, and are separated by status and organization from the population {{{populus is a factor popula-tion is the overall supposed judgement}}} as some societies, this group is often a self-perpetuating or hereditary class. Continued with the start which is Politics. The word politics comes from the Greek word (Politika), modeled on Aristotle's "affairs of the city", the name of his book on governing and governments, which was rendered in English mid 15th century as latimized "Poletiques ". Thus it became "politics" in Middle English c. 1520's (see the Concise Oxford Dictionary). The singular politic first Middle French politique, in turn from Latin politicus which is the latinisation of the Greek (Politikos), meaning amongst others "of, for, or relating to citizens," "civil". "civic"."belonging to the state", in turn from (polites). "citizen" " and may have also been spelled "citezen" and that from (polis) "city".
Native Americans ~ Lewis H. Morgan author of Ancient Society, consider the American Indians to be the link between the primitive and patriarchal state of society.
I David George DeLancey, attest that when one is in notice of another a society first starts just before the notice. It then is shared, and within the society, with societal options an occurrence happens; it then, perhaps if not already governed becomes associated with the original state. Patience and pleasure are situated with time, when organized it becomes a governmental situation in which by holding in observance will be established as a government. For instance: Holiday ~ is a day designated as having special significance for which individuals, a government, or a religious group have deemed that observation is warranted. It is generally an "official" (more common) or unofficial observance of religious, national, or cultural significance, often accompanied by celebration or festivities.
The word holiday derived from the notion of "Holy Day", and gradually evolved to its current form. (It is most likely that a particular point in time that especially happened once and had been denoted will have a high tactfulness. This in due time one may observe that of another, D.G.DeLancey.
Thankfulness ~ Gratitude, appreciation and a positive emotion and or attitude in acknowledgement of a benefit that one has received or will receive.
To Transmit Information (we may concern money as an important form of information amongst due process D.G.DeLancey), both the addresser and the addresser must use the same code, whether in literal sense, e.g. Morse Code or in the form of a language. The denotative meaning of a signifier is intended to communicate the objective semantic content of the representing thing. So, in the case of a lexical word, say "book", the intention is to do no more than describe the physical object. Any other meanings or implications will be connotative meanings. taken from search Denotation (semiotics) 11:11 P.M. E.S.T.
6-29-2011 8:00 p.m. at next pictures incert
7-8-2011 searching terming of word "Land" 10:45 p.m. e.s.t.
7-12-2011 4:32 p.m. 16th New York State Legislative ~ consisting of the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly, met from November 6, 1792, to March 12, 1793 during the sixteenth year of George Clinton's governorship, in New York City. President of the State Senate Lt. Gov. Pierre Van Cortlandt speaker of the house John Watts )Fed). Members - 24 Senators, 70 Assemblymen. Senate Majority Democratic-Republican (13-11) Assembly Majority; Democratic-Republic.
Characters ~ non plural ~ 1: The aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing. 2; One such feature or trait : characteristic. 3: Moral or ethical quality : a man of fine, honorable character. {to portray; describe} {to engrave; inscribe} Origin 1275-1325 graving tool, its mark. Charak
Marcus Junius Brutus ~ Brutus is believed by many scholars to be the pen-name of Yates. Robert Yates (politician. Representation; Brutus argues that a free republic cannot exist in such a large territory as the United States. He uses the examples of the Greek and Roman republics that became tyrannical as their territory grew. Hw states that a true republic comes from the people, not representatives of the people. With the population and geographical size of the United States, he warns that citizens "will have very little acquaintance with those who may be chosen to represent them; a great part of them will, probably, not know the characters of their own members. from search was \-John DeLancey-/ you may add such things as \representative of New York/, or / \-and New York Politics-/. __{([ It would seem sufficient for everyone to represent something of character. We so far carry these opportunities; Police, Fire, Medical, Maintenance, Family Acquaintances, Friendship and Neighboring. What is truly needed is the opportunity to coexist with each other with no or very little dilemma. Money is a tool towards the propositioning of leverage. We need this to obtain a fair citizenship. David George DeLancey. ])}__
John DeLancey was one of the Assemblymen of New York County along with Nicholas Cruger, Richard Furman, Josiah Ogden Hoffman, Jonathan Post Jr., James M Hughes, James Watson. All were Federalists. They were associated with the 18th New York State Legislature July 1, 1794 - June 30, 1795 and Richard Furman, Jonathan Post Jr. and James Watson went on to the 19th. During the 17th Robert Boyd and William Willcocks were replaced. During the 16th John DeLancey, Hoffman, Livingston, Watts, Gilbert Cocks and Wylly. During the 15th DeLancey was not there. Relation of the DeLancey Family affiliated with the 14th New York State Legislature. President of the Senate Lt. Gov. Pierre Van Cortlandt. Speaker of the house John Watts. Senators ~ Samuel Townsend, Samuel Jones, Philip Van Cortlandt, Peter Schuyler. Nicholas Cruger, James Watson, John Watts, James Hunter. Of the 13th Lt Gov. Pierre Van Cortlandt, speaker of the house Gullian Verplank. Duration July 1, 1789 - June 30, 1790 Abraham Yates Jr. who are strong + relation to the DeLancey family. 12th New York State Legislature. Lt Gov. Pierre Van Cortlandt - President of the State Senator ~ Speaker of the House John Lansing Jr. also Mayor of Albany. 11th ~ Lt Gov. Pierre Van Cortlandt. Speaker, Richard Varick, July 1, 1787 - June 30, 1788. New York Nicholas Bayard 10th again Van Cortlandt & Varick. Cortlandt Senate president, speaker John Lansing Jr. July 1, 1785 - June 30, 1786 8th Van Cortlandt President, Speaker, David Gelston July 1, 1784 - June 30, 1785 7th Cortlandt same, speaker, John Hathorn July 1, 1783 - June 30, 1784 6th President Cortlandt, Speaker of the House Evert Bancker July 1, 1782 - June 30, 1783. 5th Cortlandt & Bancker July 1, 1781 - June 30, 1782. 4th Cortlandt, Bancker July 2, 1780 - July 1, 1781 3rd Cortlandt, Bancker. July 1, 1779 - July 2, 1780. 2nd Cortlandt, Walter Livingston, July 1, 1778 - July 30, 1779. 1st President of the State Senate - Vacant, Temporary President Pierre Van Cortlandt, Speaker of the House, Walter Livingston. State Constitutional Convention. Constitution of New York 1777. It was on Sunday evening, April 20, 1777. when the constitution was adopted with one dissenting vote at Kingston New York.
Article VII of the New York Constitution states. That every male inhabitant of full age, who shall have personally resided within one of the counties of this State for six months immediately preceding the day of election shall, at such election, be entitled to vote for representatives of the said county in assembly; if during the time aforesaid, he shall have been a freeholder, possessing a freehold of the value of twenty pounds, within said county, or have rented a tenement therein of the yearly value of forty shillings, and been rated and actually paid taxes to this state : Provided always that every person who now is a freeman of the city of New York on or before the fourteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Five, and shall be actually and usually resident in the said cities, respectively, shall be entitled to vote for representatives in assembly within his said place of residence. Under this constitution, the assembly had a provision for a maximum of 70 members, with the following apportionment. City and County of New York Manhattan - nine. Albany - ten. Dutchess County - seven. Westchester - six. Ulster - six. Suffolk - five. Queens - four. Orange - four. Kings - two. Tyron now Montgomery - six. Richmond - two. Charlotte now Washington - four. Cumberland - partitioned January 15, 1775 for the creation of the state of Vermont - three. Glouster - partitioned January 15, 1775 also for Vermont - two.
This apportionment stood unchanged until seven years after the end of the Revolution, when a census was held to correct the apportionment.
Apportionment ~ means distribution or allotment in proper shares.
7-13-2011 7:45 p.m. e.s.t. Allotment ~ Subscription (finance) refers to the process of investors signing up and committing to invest in a financial instrument, before the actual closing of the purchase. {allotment is a method of distributing securities to investors when an issue has been oversubscribed. At the end of the subscription period, the demand for a new issue can exceed the number of shares or bonds being issued. In such cases, the underwriting bank allots the securities with the approval of the issuer, either by lottery or on the basis of a formula. An allotment formula usually takes into account the issuer's preferred target investor groups.
Oversubscribing ~ A funding round is oversubscribed when the company has obtained for funding commitments from investors that in aggregate amount to more money than the company needs or intends to raise. It may be used informally to describe a state where there is more money available than the company needs.
Initial Public Offering ~ History In 1602, the Dutch East India Company was the first company to issue stocks and bonds in the world in an initial public offering.
Freedom of the City ~
Freeholder ~ One who holds title to real property in free simple or an estate in land, a form of freehold ownership. Also refers to a proprietor who holds a piece of land outright and has the right to lease, rent or sell as pleases.
John DeLancey was assembled with the new York State Legislature from the 16th session starting July 1, 1792 through the 17th & 18th to June 30, 1795 each year of the same dates. The Speakers of the House had been from 1795 to 1792 William North, James Watson, and John Watts. The President of the Senate was once again and from the beginning Lt. Gov. Pierre Van Cortlandt whom held that position for about 17 years. He is the son of New York Mayor Stephanus Van Cortlandt and Catherine DePeyster. Stephanus Van Cortlandt's daughter Anne married Etienne (Stephen) DeLancey.
Plantagent Lancastrian Line ~
Dual Monarchy of England and France ~It commenced on 21 October 1422 upon the death of King Charles VI of France, who had signed the Treaty of Troyes which gave the French crown to his son-in-law Henry V of England and Henry's heirs.
Bertrand du Guesclin ~ 1300-13 July 1380 known for his Fabian strategy, he took part in six pitched battles and won the four, the four in which he held command. His family were the seigneurs of Broons where he was born, near Dinan, Brittany. He initially served Charles of Blois in the Breton War of Succession (1341-1364). Charles was supported by the French crown, while his rival, Jean de Monfort, was allied with England.
John IV, Duke of Brittany ~: John IV of Monfort (in Breton Yann Monforgh, in French Jean de Monfort (1295-16 September 1345. `'Chateau d Hennebon'`), was duke of Brittany, from 1341 to his death. He was son of Duke Arthur II and Yolande de Dreux, Countess of Monfort, his second wife. In 1322 he succeeded his mother as Count of Monfort, and in 1329, he married Joanna of Flanders at Chartes. The had two children. John V. Duke of Brittany (1339-1399) + Joan of Brittany (1341-after 20 October 1399), married before 21 October 1385 Ralph Basset, 4th Baron Basset de Drayton.
Breton War of Succession ~ When his half-brother, duke John III, died with no male heirs in 1341, John IV decided to contest the rights of his niece, Joanna of Penthievre, and he husband, Charles of Blois, to the Duchy of Brittany. This led to the Hundred Years ' War. His patron in this quest was King Edward of England.
Angles ~ is a modern English term for a Germanic people who took their name from the ancestral cultural region of Angeln a district located in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The Angles were one of the main groups that settled in Britain in the post-Roman period, founding several of the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England and their name is the root of the name "England".
Bernicia ~ was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom established by Anglian settlers of the 6th century in what is now southeastern Scotland and North East England. The Anglian territory of Bernicia was approximately equivalent to the modern English counties of Northumberland and Durham, and the former Scottish counties of Berwickshire and East Lothian, stretching from the Forth to the Tees. In the early 7th century, it merged with its southern neighbour, Deira, to form the kingdom of Northumbria and its borders subsequently expanded considerably.
British - Brynich - Bernicia is mentioned in the 9th Century Historia Brittonum under the Welsh name of Berneich or Bimeich and in Old Welsh poetry and elsewhere under the name of Bryneich or Brynaich.

above Roman Empire
7-13-2011 9:02 p.m.
below Danemark-Angeln

7-15-2011 3:24 P.M. E.S.T. __Comprehensive Deal ~ at ~ 1. of large scope; covering or involving much; inclusive : a comprehensive study of world affairs. 2. Comprehending mentally; having an extensive mental range or grasp. 3. Insurance. Covering or providing broad protection against loss.
Balance of the Economy ~ affiliated circumstances; Balance of Trade, is the difference between a monetary value. - The net asset positioning, this is in affect of a trade - and debt account; the effects of debt based on a trading process is what is to be accumulated as balance in sequence of the asset.
Exchange Rate Movement ~ Exchange = of goods and services, or trade. + Rate = (tax) a type of taxation system used to fund local government.
Debt Limit Increase ~ or Debt Ceiling : With monthly deficits averaging $125 billion and with the United States government at large will continue to see an over inactive balance of debt. The Ceiling ~ based on all government checks, that somehow can't be guaranteed by top officials such as the 'elected' President of the United States Government, you'll find in that aspect of job opportunity that a debt or suspected fee will reach a virtual limit, the ceiling. This is based on a figuration by government officials who set the limit of debt which can go up numerous times during the operation of a formed government. We now have in 2011 a serious problem with the currency flow and the terming of currency, it is not in a balance circulation in which allows the effort of transacting a fund from one unique to another; in that manner the overall tax is not being supplemented towards government. Things like food stamps and other well fair accommodations due in course to reflect our dollar standard are also not in respect of a tax. What you see is what you get.
What is now, and perhaps means again is that our debt estimated level is supposed to reach a certain amount. Then at that limit cuts the or a need to be enacted, this is retrospect of the terming and word usage of system. Search for "System" With a suggested hike on the level limit of debt our accommodations could yet example another political debt session.
Stopgap ~ 1: something that fills the place of something else that is lacking; temporary substitute; makeshift : Candles are a stopgap when the electricity fails. Origin 1525. Synonyms. improvised, temporary, substitute, impromptu.
Fiscal Discipline ~ "Public Finance" ~ "Budget Deficit" ~ "Revenue" ~"Expenditure" ~ particularly by a government. "Budget Surplus" "Established Capital". Fiscal discipline refers to a government that has established a good economy. It seemingly means that a country's government has already reached a stable economy.
Supply-Side-Economics ~ definition sourced at Columbia Encyclopedia. Economic theory that concentrates on influencing the supply of labor and goods as a path to economic health rather than approaching the issue through such macroeconomic concerns as gross national product.
The US Debt Ceiling ~ go to
Budget Deficit ~ The opposite of a deficit is a surplus. In most cases, those who experience a budget deficit borrow funds to make up the difference between projected and actual income and expenses. A budget deficit accumulated by the Federal Government of the United States must be financed by the issuance of treasury bonds. A budget is a plan for the expenditure and receipt of funds to support a business, agency, program, or project. Deficits occur because cash is not available to cover expenses.
Government Obligations ~ Definition from ~ US government debt instruments the government has pledged to repay. Definition of Instruments can be found also at with search of Government Obligations. An obligation is the act of binding, oneself by social, legal, or moral tie. The constraining power of a promise, contract, law, or sense of duty.
My next three pages are to be as; Worldliness of Art ~ Widening of Economics ~ Wisdom of History
Government Withholding Payments ~ something to look into, perhaps a strategy not in recommendation of David George DeLancey a candidate for The United States Presidency. 4:24 p.m.
Credit Ratings Agency ~
Debt Default ~ Court Supervision ~
Search Real@Politics.Org 4:26 p.m.
8:04 A.M. E.S.T. 4/15/2012 ______The London Company______ Also called the The Virginia Company of London. It was an English joint stock company established by '*royal charter by James I of England in April of 1606 with purpose of establishing colonial settlements in North America. The London Company made landfall on April 26, 1607 at the southern edge of the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, which they named Cape Henry, in present day Virginia Beach. Deciding to move the encampment on May 24, 1607 they established the Jamestown Settlement on the James River about 40 miles (64 km) upstream from the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. Later in 1607, the Plymouth Company established its Popham Colony in present day Maine, but it was abandoned after about a year. By 1609, the Plymouth Company had dissolved. *^As a result the charter for the London Company was adjusted with a new grant that extended from "Sea to Sea" of the previously-shared area between the 34th and 40th Parallel. It was amended in 1612 to include the new territory of the Somers Isles (or Bermuda). Tobacco was tried as a cash crop.
In 1624, the company lost its charter, and Virginia became a royal colony (although it's spin-off the Somers Isles Company existed until 1684).
The business of the company was the settlement of the Virginia colony using, as the labor force, voluntary transportees under the customary indenture system whereby in exchange for seven years of labor for the company, the company provided passage, food, protection and land ownership. In addition to survival, the early colonists had another pressing mission: to make a profit for the owners of the Virginia Company. Supremacy had to be the admittance. At this time timber was the sufficient materialization for profit.
However, the settlers could not devote as much time as the Virginia Company would have liked to their financial responsibilities. They were too busy trying to survive. Initially the colonists were governed by a president and seven-member council selected by the King. In 1609, the Virginia Company received its *Second Charter, which allowed the Company to choose its new governor from amongst shareholders. Investment boomed as the Company launched an intensive recruitment campaign. Over 600 colonists set sail for Virginia between March 1698 and March 1609.
The growing middle class also saw stock purchasing as a way to better establishing's. *A Third Charter provided a short-term resolution to the Virginia Company's problems. The Company was permitted to run a lottery as fundraising venture. Other attractive features of the charter allowed Virginia's assembly to act as the colony's legislature and also added 300 leagues of ocean to the colony's holdings, which would include Bermuda (sometimes known as Virgineoal) as part of Virginia. But the colony was still on shaky ground until John Rolfe's successful experiment with tobacco as a cash crop provided a way to recoup financially.
By 1616 the "Headright System" was introduced. This was strongly supported by the Virginia Company for the goal was a permanent colony which would enlarge British territory, relieve the nation's overpopulation, and expand the market for English goods. The English nation was considered the same in America. The National Occupation of England. It, perhaps may not of been an International for it was not inter-mengalling with another nation.
Sir Thomas Smyth as the company's treasurer, had a different dream: the Virginia Company's mission was to trade and to make a profit. In the end, it was Edwin Sandy's, supported headright system. He was a leading force in the company. He had advised and urged colonists to diversity their plantings and thus become reliant on only one staple. *When a Fourth Charter, severely reducing the Company's ability to make decisions in the governing of Virginia, was proposed by the Crown, subscribers rejected it. King James I forthwith changed the status of Virginia in 1624. Virginia was now a royal colony to be administered by a governor appointed by the King. The Virginia Assembly finally received royal approval, in 1627 and this form of government, with governor and assembly, would oversee the colony of Virginia until 1776, excepting only the years of the English Commonwealth.
Governor Yeardley ~
State of Nature ~ Is a term in political philosophy used in social contract theories to describe the hypothetical condition that preceded governments. There must have been a time before government, and so the question is how legitimate government could emerge from such a starting position, and what are the hypothetical reasons for entering a "state of society" by establishing a government.
In some versions of social contract theory, there are no rights in the state of nature, only freedoms, and it is the contract that creates rights and obligations.
In other versions the opposite occurs: the contract imposes restrictions upon individuals that curtail their natural rights.
Social Contract ~ or Political Contract ~ Is an Intellectual device intended to explain the appropriate relationships between individuals and their governments. Social contract arguments assert that individuals unite into "political societies" by a process of mutual consent, agreeing to abide by common rules and accept corresponding duties to protect themselves and one another from violence and other kinds of harm. Social contract theory played an important historical role in the emergence of the idea that political authority must be derived from the consent of the governed. The starting point for most social contract theories is a "heuristic" examination of the human condition absent from any political order, usually termed the "state of nature". In this condition, individuals' actions are bound only by their personal "power" and "conscience". From this shared starting point, social contract theorists shared seek to demonstrate, in different ways, why a rational individual would voluntarily give up his or her natural freedom to obtain the benefits of political order.
David Hume ~ Published an essay in 1742 : "Of Civil Liberty" Hume argued that "consent of the governed" was the ideal foundation on which a government could rest, but that it had not actually occurred this way in general. _________________ He states also ~ My intention to exclude the consent of the people from being one just foundation of government where it has place. It is surely the best and most sacred of any. I only contend that it has very seldom had place in any degree and never almost in its full extent. And that therefore some other foundation of government must also be admitted.
United States Bill of Rights ~
9:52 A.M.
2:34 P.M. JOHN HANCOCK ~ He was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in May of 1766.
American Customs Board ~
Impressment ~
HMS Romney (1762) ~
Fort Independence on Castle Island - Boston Massachusetts - - 15 Acres (6.1 ha) Built in 1634.

Fort Independence 1852 Just after its completion.

Castle Island__Boston Harbor ~ 2009

HMS Liberty (1768) John Hancock The original owner of the Liberty.
Vice Admiralty Court ~ Were Juryless Courts located in British colonies that were granted jurisdiction over local legal matters related to maritime activities, such as disputes between merchants and seamen. Judges were given 5% of confiscated cargo, if they found a smuggling defendant guilty. This gave judges financial incentive to find defendants guilty.
Boston Corps of Cadets (Massachusetts) Formed in 1741. Its motto is Monstrat Viam - "It Points the Way" The original Corps can be traced to July 1726 when an organization called the "Company of Young Gentlemen Cadets" escorted the new royal governor of Massachusetts upon his arrival in Boston.
Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts ~
Governor Hutchinson approved the election of John Hancock of the Boston Cadets. Governor General Thomas Gage dismissed Hancock from the post as Colonel of the Boston Cadets. In October 1774, Gage cancelled the scheduled meeting of the General Court. In response the House resolved itself into the Massachusetts Provincial Congress, a body independent of British control.
Hancock was elected as president of the Provincial Congress and was a key member of the Committee of Safety. The Provincial Congress created the first minuteman companies, consisting of militiamen who were to be ready for action on a moment's notice.
John Hancock was born (January 23, 1737 [according to the old style calender then in use it was January 12, 1736] died on - October 8, 1793. Birthplace ~ Braintree Massachusetts. He inherited his uncles possessions. He Thomas Hancock and Lydia (Henchman) Hancock raised young John after his parents died. John acquired the business , Hancock Manor, two or three Household slaves, and thousands of acres of land. He was one of the wealthiest men in America. Find more history at Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia. A very interesting politician.
Map of Castle Island (Fort Independence) 1888

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This site is formatted to bring World Wide Wisdom to all Individuals. I David George DeLancey have many ideas that will be suitable here. For instance allow me to start with this terming Property Being. When one has nothing all one has is property being.
I am in the conjunction of affiliating myself with the DeLancey Brigade this is a Reenactment Group predicting the Revolutionary era, although I would like to see it reenact anything. The DeLancey Brigade is of descent; the family of New York were established as a Political entity, and of New York its first police force. New York always had a policing process, in fact the merchants since the 1600's used to carry a lantern and further in the 1700's a club. The club was used to check and see if people were frozen during, of course the winter period. The reason why this was is because during the 1700's early the Queen sent over from London its gangs. In fact London is discribed as having the first of gangs. The sons and daughters of the well to do or achieving in prosperity were nonoftheless unabaled to perhaps, find I guess the word here is work. Although there were some as stated through history whom did absolutely nothing. Hence in order to survive you might be engaged in things such as pick-pocketing and other looting processes. The Queen decided to send these particular people to four major colonies New York, North and South Carolina, Virginia, and Massachusetts.
The agreement of and to the people was to work for five years, after that the employer would give in charge a portion of land to the pertaining party. Who would then work that for five years and the next five years the resident would claim this by paying a duty tax. If the economy was not going so good the renter, employer and or merchant would say it will lapse until there is a recovery. Some just demanded the value and if one could not for-give it you were then told to vacate. Ultimetly some chose from the get go to secure what ever means possible with whom-ever would attain work for you. This led now some personage to aquire it by standard of approuch, I'll be there come hell over high water. If you did not hold your ground of establishment some-one else would. This in fact is why the club was used to check the possiblity of the coldness that would just maybe fade into someones bones while they were asleep.
You may now tell that some ordinance was settled for the assurance that once you have established your property-being no one else could take it from you. Years passed into the late and early 1700's when the Sons of Liberty took over the leadership from the unbalanced activity perhaps, caused by certain parties, being amongst them William Livingston. New York's riots involved the awareness of King George II to announce a formed force to include in the interuptions of colonial standard. Oliver DeLancey was to set up the Police Force. This is when the term force came to usage for the now department of police investigation.
This social activity mainly in detail through history is of the New York area. The DeLancey Brigade was now established as New York's first Police Force. The family of DeLancey did reside in other colonies and then as described as the United States after 1789. DeLancey's entry is still in research, the family are of sequence and high income at Cape Cod and other parts of Massachusetts, during the 1500's also in New York. I Found only one name before 1686 as Peter DeLancey and may have spelled the 1st d in DeLancey small as shown deLancey.
Modern times are the times of creation. Through our World this has been ( Modern times are a period of creation), there has always been creation, so in that there has always been modern time. Some individuals also left out the e between c'e'y and left out all together the de or De in DeLancey, the de is representing 'of' and 'the' as of Lancey or of the Lancey, Lancey being in general a place name in which was created through something of similarity of Lancy. Lassy and of the lance are recommended. Lassy is a place in France, although there are other place names there as well dealing with variations of ance. Vowels, years ago went like this Lasci lacei or Lascie. There is representation of this meaning, and where it derived from, as I will locate at another time. Lassy is more then likely a relation to Lancey. Or as was spelled Lancy. My research will be for the start of it, that lan and cey were somehow combined. It is also a recommendation that Y was a beginning of a first name, I have done some research on when the letter 'Y' started and will review a bit more before I post any of its recommendations.
In Cape Cod the usage of de and De with DeLancey also the 'e' between 'cey' was not used after and during the Civil War. In some cases based on the fact that individuals of a family had the same first name but not in all cases, are in consideration; those that served in the military now would receive retirement pay. To see that those individuals got that distribution they altered their names. The good but not yet sustainable reason why siblings had the same names for this was that each family member probably had something to do in which represented you, or were in favor of, that's the way they were anyway. For example, before the entry of America sons and daughters sometimes had the same name. As their siblings and mostly their parents named their children after their brothers and sisters so in most the cousins would have the same names, though in some cases would be carried with a title. If Charles was born 1623 from James and James's brother, Peter's son was born 1625 then Charles, Peter's son may be called Charles the second, if their was not a title for him such as a Duke or Baron.
In the lower class it was generally the same thing, though the individuals would know each other just by looking at them. Through documentation and prestige the name would have to be altered. In Provincetown Cape Cod, Benjamin was a name mostly used by the De Lancey family as explained earlier. When they would recieve their pentions from the war, in particular, they would have generally the same address and name, the only difference would be their age and prominence of what they did in their location. So they would arange their names by even adding a middle name to allow a better transaction.
Adding a middle name gave a more challenge because now there had to be a sufficient meaning and purpose of representation. This perhaps, went well as keeping in touch with family relations either past or through marriage. Sometimes some siblings even changed their last name or in most cases left it out completely. Moving from one area perhaps a country or whole different colonization was a unique form of occupency, that's what a relative would go through. For instance, in France in between a two hundred year course lets say the 1400's to the 1600's families would just grow, cousins were marry'-'ing cousins. This is because travel wasn't all that grand for many, but they still had the horse and connections. Most families way back didn't consider useing a last name though through time this was expected and through travel, representation, and imigration to other places and even a much more modern acceptance the last name was then adopted. But still even doing so when affiliating with a different place of acceptance one would still use their first name and their capability of survival, such as, I am good at doing this or many things. Alot of times denization was accepted and ones last name would not be a reason for acceptance but this practiced law became in knowledge that ones name would have to have in comparison the relation to another, through time this in itself was accepted just by the knowledge that one was or could be related. This would be a way to connect ones self to another, because families always would consider providing for a kin folk first. Some more advanced families would house and represent all that would pass, for the manner of recognition, to a society of many cultural peoples. America as well as places in Europe have been doing this for centuries. 10:58 A.M. 12-8-2010
Till next time 9:36 p.m. e.s.t. More adjustments: 4:43 p.m. 4-8-2011
Bank ~ A place that stores a commodity. Banks that hold a countries currency is a safe place to bring a negotiable kind -of leverage to ones well-being. In fact when deposites are branched off to other banks this assurity blends a trust to certain equities. Usually when a trade is inacted within a bank you will see a saving. Savings can be manipulated within other savings through the trust of the bank. A country can prosper from the trust of savings.
Debt ~ Usually a debt is a determined establishing brought through individuals. An economy will economically be challenged through the investments of its currency.
5-25-2011 1:28 p.m. e.s.t. ~ Alliance ~ the act of allying or state of being allied. ~ Correspondence in basic characteristics; affinity. The alliance between logic and metaphysics 1250-1300 aliance <OF, equiv, to ali (er) to ally + -ance -ANCE
Communications *+~`^ Since the 1630's Massachusetts has seen important innovations in various forms of communications, with many firsts in publishing, radio, and television. Other national firsts in communications include the first post office (in 1639, in Boston), the first postal route (in 1673, between Boston and New York City), and the first street mail box (in 1858, in Boston). The first Christmas Card was developed by Louis Prang (in 1875, in Boston) and Edgar Scott invented the Photographic postcard (in 1900, in Amherst). Six important telegraph and telephone inventions took place in the state. The earliest of these was the first telegraph system, developed by Jonathan Grout of Belchertown, in 1799. It was a visual transmission in relays going the 90 miles from Martha's Vinyard to Boston in five minutes. In 1832, Charlestown-born Samuel Morse worked out a telegraph system that opened and closed circuits to create printed messages. Through the end of the nineteenth century, Morse code was the dominant form of rapid communication in the World. On March 7, 1876, in Salem, Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone; three days later he made the World's first distinguished telephone call ("come here Watson, I want you") from his home in Boston. In the following years the first telephone for domestic use was installed (in Somerville, in 1877). The first toll line for commercial telephone service was built, connecting Springfield and Holyoke (1879), and the first long-distance telephone call was made (Boston to New York, 1884).
Guglielmo Marconi wireless radio, Wellfleet, Massachusetts. a greeting from Theodore Roosevelt to King Edward VI wellfleet 1903. 1869 (Aug 10) First motion-picture projector patented by O.B. Brown ( Maldon Ma). 1903 (Jan 18) 1st transatlantic wireless radio. 1906 (Dec 24) 1st radio program broadcast (Brant Rock in Marshfield Ma)
Legal Tender : is a medium of payments allowed by law or recognized by a legal system to be valid for meeting a financial obligation.
Payment : is the transfer of wealth from one party (such as a person or company) to another. A payment is usually made in exchange for the provision of goods, services or both, or to fulfill a legal obligation.
Obligation is a requirement to take some course of action, whether legal or moral.
Moral ("manner, character, proper behavior") "Descriptive" sense, refers to personal or cultural values, codes of conduct or social mores that distinguish between right and wrong in the human society. Right or wrong, regardless of what specific individuals think. Such as it is a Moral wrong to be without and it is Moral to take hold of ones self through security.
5-26-2011 9:44 a.m. e.s.t. Events that are of the 25th of December
Cristes maessan ("Christmas") first used in Anglo-Saxon Chronicle to refer to December 25th 1038 A.D.
273 A.D. Establishment of Roman imperial cult of Sol Invictus. ~ 336 A.D. Earliest recorded celebration of Christmas in Rome ~~~ 354 A.D. Pope Liberius makes December 25 the official date of Christmas. 379-Christmas observed in Constantinople. 529 - Emperor Justinian makes Christmas a civic holiday. 567 - Beginning of the "Twelve Days of Christmas" as decreed by Council of Tours. ~~~~~ 598 - England adopts the Julian calender. 877 - English servants begin 12-day Christmas holiday ordered by law code of Alfred the Great. 995 - Christmas observed for first time in Norway by King Olaf. 1131 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle uses "Christemesse" for first time as one word. 1158- Henry II, spending Christmas at Worcester, removes his crown, places it on an altar, and never wears it again. 1214 - King John spends Christmas alone at Worcester while English bearons discuss the list of demands they will present to him. 1239 - Henry III opens a hall of Windsor Castle to feed and clothe the poor. 1281 - Viciously cold weather in England, with "such a frost and snow as no man living could remember the like". 1326- Edward II spends Christmas as a prisoner of his rebellious nobles at Kenilworth 1358- Edward III entertaining the king of France and Scotland as his prisoners. 1392- Richard II and Queen Anne holds court at Langley; a dolphin "came fourth of the Sea and played himself in the Thames at London to the bridge". 1461 - A law of Edward IV of England permits card-playing and dice games at Christmas. 1492 - Christopher Columbus's ship Santa Maria runs aground on Hispaniola and has to be abandoned. 1535 - Jacques Cartier and crew celebrate first Christmas at Stadacona a place in the country that would become Canada. 1582 - Parts of the Netherlands accept the Gregorian calender. 1604 - French settlers on islands off Maine observe first Christmas, that place being in future America and then the United States. Maine is the State just above Massachusetts.
5-27-2011 10:21 a.m. e.s.t. ~~~Constantine 360 A.D. Emperor~~~ First Council of Nicaea was a council of christian bishops convened in Nicaea Bithynia (present day iznik in Turkey) by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in A.D. 325 The council was the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing Christendom. Its main accomplishments were settlement of the Christological issue of the relationship of Jesus to God the Father; the construction of the first part of the Nicene Creed; settling the calculation of the date of Easter, and promulgation of early canan law.
Theophilus of Antioch ~ succeeded Eros c. 169, and was succeeded by Maximus I c. 183, according to Henry Fynes Clinton, but these dates are only approximations. His death probably occurred between 183-185
Religious denomination ~ is a subgroup within a religion that operates under a common name, tradition, and identity.
Religion Before Christ
Second Temple was an important shrine which stood in Jerusalem between 516 BCE and 70 CE. It replaced the First Temple on the Temple Mount (also known as Mount Zion), before its destruction by Nebuchadnezzar II after the "Siege of Jerusalem of 587 BCE". According to the Hebrew Bible, the temple was constructed under Solomon, king of the Israelites. This would date its construction to the 10th century BCE, but it is possible that the temple continued on earlier "Jebusite" sanctuary predating the Isrealite conquest of Jerusalem. During the "King of Judah" the temple was dedicated to "Yahweh" the God of Isreal and housed the "Ark of the Covenant".

Second Temple : ~ above picture from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
King David ~ Tabernacle ~ Book of Samuel ~ Book of Kings. King Solomon requested the aid of King Hiram of Tyre to provide both the quality materials and skilled craftsmen. During the construction, a special inner room, named in Hebrew Kodesh Hukodashim (Holy of Holies), was prepared to receive and house the Ark of the Covenant (I Kings 6:19) and when the Temple was dedicated the Ark-containing the "Tablets of Stone" was placed therein (I Kings 8:6-9)
Book of Chronicles ~ Chronicles largely parallels the Davidic narratives in the Books of Samuel and the Books of Kings.
Yahweh ~ is the name of the biblical God. It is proposed by Friedrick Delitzsch (1903) that the name was related to the ending - yahu found in some Ugaritic personal names, though no further evidence has been found. Transcribed in Roman letters YHWH and known as the Tetragrammation, which appear or occures 6,828 times in the Hebrew text of both the "Biblia Hebraica and Biblia Hebraria Stuttgartensia. In English translations, it is often rendered in capital and small capital letters as "the Lord", following Jewish tradition which reads the word as "Adonai" ("Lord") out of respect of the name of God and the interpretation of the commandment not to take the name of God in vain. " "
D.G.DeLancey and today's date of not 5-27-11 "Name" a usage of character "Vain" the beleife of character "Lord" the part in which is annoited by and shared on the behalf, ordinance, and that all of that of what is and could be will be of the Lord thy God.
Original sin ~ The Fall of Man ~ or The Fall ~ Less the man of the women ~ And then of the tree, good and evil of to become by knowledge. The tree of conscience. Could it be that of more women than man in a time when art was conducted that the value of likeness to another perfect in want and mean, that the fruit of the tree, a tree of discriptive flavor would be the affectiveness of character. Two perfect resembling fruits apposed to another of kind favor. One only separated because of decision. Less the human body be in time a judgement for another, thy shall take hold of thy pleasure "time" and be of one. Yet more than one may apply to another for the time rightious "ripe" in familiar being. The family of gather in a place will through time lean on the character of another, thus leaving a or the family yet separated in good behalf. Evil is the expression ventured in land. Good is the gathering of others desired. Good and Evil. And ~+> a new day. 9:13 a.m. So perhaps, a vision was detailed through time and yet again put to the course "art" as art thou. Thou Art God ~ : Our Rightiousness In God In Needing A Love Sometimes Invites Need <~+~ original sin ~ Love +> Leaves Our Virtue Expressed.
Contingency (philosophy) is the status of "propositions" that are neither true under every possible "valuation" (i.e. tautolgies) nor false under every possible valuation (i.e. contradictions). A contingent proposition is neither necessarily true nor necessarily false.
DeLa ~ dela - adverb, beyond au d. de, over, past, beyond
Lacis ~ network
la (pronoun) ~ her / la (adjective0 ~ there, la - las adv. yonder, out there.
Alliance ~ the act of allying or state of being allied. ~ Correspondence in basic characteristics; affinity. The alliance between logic and metaphisics 1250-1300 aliance <OF , equiv, to ali (er) to ally + -ance -ANCE
Lan - Local Area Network
Lance Courtesy ~ a lance having a blunt head to prevent serious injury by a jouster to an apponent.
Landau ~ a four wheeled twinseated carriage with a top made in two parts that may be let down or folded back 1735-45 first made in Germany.
Langrenus ~ a walled plain in the fourth quadrant of the face of the moon: about 85 miles (135 km) in diameter.
Langrage ~ a kind of shot consisting of bolts, nails, etc., fastened together or enclosed in a case, formerly used for damaging sails and rigging in sea battles.
Lanneret ~/n. Falconry \ the male lanner, which is smaller than the laneret, (Lanner~the female of the falcon, 1250-1300 Laggaids and Cowards applied in the Middle Ages, term used of was Lanarius, Lanier a wool weaver. The Falcon known as the lanner because it was slow in flight and thought to be cowardly.
Lanny ~ a male given name, form of Lenny.
Lanolin a fatty substance, extracted from wool, used in oitments, cosmetics, waterproof coatings, etc. 1880-85
Lansberg ~ a walled plain in the third quadrant of the face of the moon: about 29 miles (46 km) in diameter.
Lantern Clock ~ an English bracket clock of the late 16th and 17th centuries having a brass case with corner columns supporting pierced cresting on the sides and front.
Lantern wheel ~ a wheel, used like a pinion, consisting essentially of two parallel disks or heads whose peripheries are connected by a series of bars that engage with the teeth of another wheel.
Lanyard ~ a short rope or wire rove through deadeyes to hold and touten standing rigging. ~ a cord with a small hook at one end, used in firing certain kinds of cannon. ~ white or colored cord warn decorated, also secured to the butt of a pistol of the police officer. ~ laniard=1475-85 ~ lanyer, laniere, lansniere thong equivelant, to lasne noose and yard.
Lanzhou ~ a city in and the capital of Gansu province, in North China, on the Huang He. also, Lanchou.
Lao plural Laos (louz) a member of a people of Laos and northern Thailand. The language of these people, belonging to the Thai group of languages
Laocoon ~ a priest of Apollo Troy who warned the Trojans of the Trojan Horse, and who, with his two sons, was killed by two huge serpants sent by Athena or Apollo
Laodamas ~ a son of Exteocies who defended Thebes against the Epigoni, killed Aegialeus, and was killed by Alemaeon. (In the Odyssey) the son of Alcinous who, not recognizing Odysseus, challenged him to Athletic contests when Odysseus landed in Phaeacia.
Laodamia ~ a daughter of Acastus who committed suicide so that she could join her husband, Protesilaus, in the underworld. The mother, by Zeus, of Sarpedon.
Concubine ~ a woman who cohabits with a man to whom she is not legally married. ~ of inferior rank.
Laodicea ~ ancient name of Latakia Laodice ~ a daughter of Priam and Hecuba who chose to be swallowed up by the earth rather than live as a Greek concubine.
Laodicean ~ luke warm or indifferent in religion, as were early christions of Laodices. 1605-15
Laomedon ~ a king of Troy and the father of Priam, for whom the walls of Troy were built by Apollo and Poseidon.
Orogeny : The process of Mountain making or upheaval
Charlemagne : Emperor 800 A.D. also Charles the Great ruler of the Franks for 47 years : 768-814 last 14 years as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Son of Pepin the short and grandson of Charles Martel. In 753 A.D. Pope Stephen III allied with Pepin the short, the Frankish King which insured the success of the Franks. During the 8th century the Franks were being threatened by Byzantine's rivals, the Lombards. He was also son of Bertrada of Lan, also called Bertha Broadfoot (cf Latin : Regina pede Ancae i.e. the queen with the goose foot), (between 710 and 727- July 12, 783) was a Frankish queen. She was born in Laon, in today's Aisne, France the daughte of Caibert of Laon.
Caribert (also spelled Charibert and Heribert) Count of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne, father of Bertilda. It may be his father is Martin of Laon. In 721 Caribert signed, with his mother Bertrada of Prum (also known as Bertha or Beltrada of the Merovigians), the foundation act of the Abbey of Prum. By 744 his daughter Bertrada of Laon (by Bertrada of Cologne) had married Pepin the Short, Mayor of the Palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later king of Franks.
Franks, Merovingian Nobility Maiores Domus of the Kingdom of Austrasia (also in Neustria from 688) A. Family of Adalgisel {Adalgisel 632-639} {Otto 640-643} B. Family of pepin "de Landen" -adviser of King Dagobert I 622 {Pepin I 639-640} C. Family of Wulfoald - 675 D. Family of Arnulf {Pepin Ii 687-714} {Theodebold 714-715} {Charles 717-741} {Carloman 741-747} {Pepin III 741-751} {Drogo 747-753} E. Ragamfred 715-717
Maiores Domus of the Kingdom of Burgundy.
Maiores Domus of the Kingdom of Neustria
Landeric 604-613- \ Gundoland 613-630/35
Aega 630/35-642
Erchinoald 642-657/58
Radobert 653
Ebroin 658-680
Leudesiu 675-676
Berthechar 686-688
Warato 680-686
Giselmar 685
other Merovingian Nobility Duces of Auvergne-a.~Champagne-b.~Gascony-C.~Transjurum-D.~Francorum-D, }6th to 8th centuries{ Mind there are also Counts
Bertrada of Prum 676-740 married Martin of Laon. Daughter possibly to Theuderic III 654-691 was king of Neustria (including Burgundy) on two occasions (673 and 675-691) and king of Austrasia from 679 to his death in 691. Thus he was the king of all the Franks from 679. The son of Clovis II and Balthild. He married Clotilda, a daughter of (Ansegisel and saint Begga of Landen was a duke under King Sigbert III of Austrasia 634-656 killed before 679 by his enemy Gundervin. married Begga daughter of Pepin of Landen, issue Pepin II 635or 640 December 16, 714, mayor of the palace of Austrasia and possibly Clotild of Heristal 650-699 married kinh Theodoric III of Neustria___Through the marriage of his Pepin I of Landen's daughter Begga Ansegisel, a son of Arnulf of Metz the clans of the Pippninds and the Arnulfings were united giving rise to a family which would eventually rule the Franks as the Carolingians.
Saint Arnulf of Metz 582 Lay-Saint-Christophe, Meurthe-et-Moselle-640 was a Frankish bishop of Metz and advisor to the Merovingian count of Austrasia, who retired to the Abbey of Remirement. Son of Baudgise or Baudegisel II of Aquitaine or Carthay d. 588, Palace mayor and Duke of Sueve, Arnulf's mother was Oda in English he is also known as Arnold. He could also be the son of Arnould a bishop of metz between 601 and 609 or 611, the successor of Agilulf. He was a son of Ansbertus, a Senator, and wife Blithilde, but Baudegisel has a higher percent considering data which reflects Royal Blood; soon to be on this site.
Martin of Laon~:~ Count of Laon in the late 7th century Laon is the capital of the Aisne department of Picardy in northern France. A place fortified by the Romans and successively checked by invasions by the Franks, Burgundians, Vandals, Alans and Huns.

5-29-2011 7:39 p.m. e.s.t. Above picture Michelangelo_Buonarroti
Subservience ~ A subservient or subordinate place or function (1676) Sub-serve-to promote the welfare or purpose of; to serve as an instrument or means in carrying out.
Ascension ~ The act or process of ascending; rising or increasing to higher levels, values, or degrees - mounting or sloping upward - rising upward usually from a more or less prostrate base or point of attachment.
Prerequisite ~ Something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of a function. Future greatness does not always inspire popularity. Coolness, in the high school or his sense of word, is not a prerequisite for first leadership - Evans Thomas, Newsweek, 2 Aug. 2004.
Early Syrian liturgical observance
Liturgics refers to those things having to do with a liturgy, and the obvious point of departure in gaining an understanding of liturgies is to understand the word itself. This is particularly in terms of liturgical music, because the terms religious music or sacred music, while describing the type of music, do not do much to explain the origins or practice. from:
Omnipresent ~ Present in all places at all times. The problem is omnipresent and unavoidable <seeking some much~needed relief from the omnipresent noise of the big city> 1st known use 1609
Omnipotent ~ Often capitalized : almighty 1 objective and noun ~ having virtually unlimited authority or influence <an omnipotent ruler> obsolete - ARRANT {14th century}
Infinitely wise ~ extended indefinitely : ENDLESS. immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive : INEXHAUSTIBLE. Extended beyond, lying beyond, or being greater than (Infinitely holy) any preassigned finite value however large <infinite number of positive numbers. Extending to infinity <infinite plane surface>. Characterized (Infinitely loving) by an infinite number or elements or terms <an infinite set><an infinite series> first use 14th century.
Omniscient ~ Having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight. Possessed of universal or complete knowledge. Origin Medieval ~ Me-die-val ~ circa 1604
Val ~ abbreviation as of to date; Value; Valued
Departure from Egypt
Use a magnifying glass
6-6-2011 1:57 p.m. e.s.t. notes were taken within 6-3-6-2011 Ancient Clocks found at Yahoo search Free Ancient Clock Pictures go to Ancient Clock - Image Results --- source of one of these pictures http// see images at ancient time telling device, and

The Egyptians invented two types of clocks, the sun clock and water clock; although the sand clock is pretty interesting bearing the fact that it pours just as well as water, only through "time" differently. Sun Clocks were built of "Obelisks, tapering monuments. Taking sections of the day upon the weather in which only by the sun would divide, was upon the "temp-era-ture". Three variations subceded the value of the "day" which are calculated as Morn-ing, After-noon, and Even-ing. ______The working clock. What is a clock; what does it represent, and how does it determine the value of one's challenge. Measure; we now can search what came first measure, time, or clock. Temp-era-ture, and Mea~sure are some fundamentals. Of course we'll have to locate or find or study the linguistics of the era. If you look at era and seek when it was formed we may have that term in use, in words such as measure, temperature, (temperament, as when "a denotes" and -ment- equals; perhaps, a subdivision.
If you hold your hands apart just enough to not feel your ears and keep them apart approaching forward in front of you or view you may be able to tell time or intend to find it. Stand on a beach preferably on an island so you could picture (pic-ture) {pic-t-ure} the sun. Thinking and perhaps by the moon dictate the longness of time by how you may have slept. Of course you will have to be up (awake) for a while to secure the initial curiousness. [interesting how curious and cousin are, well i'll have to look into that] Certain markings perhaps, by something will 'measure' the fold. One may realize that the shadow becomes very helpful, perhaps quite instantly or maybe not. Curiosity and a busy day bring excellent inventions. David George DeLancey Ancient Course of Survival, a technique worth Investigating. In the paragraphical venture I have these terms Island, Sleep, Moon, Sun, and a Particular Space, also measure.
A Valliant will bring fourth the Economy. What comes first? answer + an idea
Greek The Anikythera mechanism is the name of this founded piece. It was found among the ruins of a sunken ship. It is a corroded clock like object.

Lieutenant ~ The word lieutenant derives from French; the lieu meaning "in place" as in a position (cf. in lie of ) {cf., an abbreviation for the Latin word confer ~}~ is used in essays, theses, technical books and legal opinions. Its purpose is to compare (or contrast) the immediately preceding statement with another statement in the same work or, more commonly, a statement in another work. [work can be related to, task] } ~ { in lieu of., from French au lieu de < Latin locus (place). +preposition+ - 1. instead; in place of; as a substitute for}; and tenant meaning "holding" as in "holding a position", thus a "lieutenant" is somebody who holds a position in the absence of his or her superior (compare the Latin locum tenens). Similar words in other languages include the Arabic mulazin, meaning "holding place", and the Hebrew word segen, meaning "deputy" or "second to". Letters and spelling concerning Countries in Europe in early times considered "even" as ancient vary, although this is only in matter of the beginning of the word, the letters are of "g,w,f, as vowels. More direct history can be found at Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia. (first known use 14th century)
Marriam-Webster dictionary = Assistant: a person who assists: helper ; also : a person holding an assistantship ~ another Synonym of Lieutenant is Deputy ~ 1. a: a person appointed as a substitute with power to act b: a second in command or assistant who usually takes charge when his or her superior is absent. 2. a: a member of the lower "house" of some legislative assemblies.
Assemblies ~ Assemblage - 1: a collection of persons or things : Gathering. 2: the act of assembling : the state of being assembled. 3. a: an artistic composition made from scraps, junk, and odds and ends (as of paper, cloth, wood, stone or metal) b: the art of making assemblages.
Synonyms of Deputy: Assignee, Attorney, Commissary, Delegate, Agent, Envoy< Factor, Minister, Procurator, Proxy, Rep, Representative__Other Government and Politic Terms__agent provocateur, agitprop, autarky, cabal, egalitarianism, federalism, hegemony, plenipotentiary, popular sovereignty, socialism.
My next entry is of Lieutenant and its letters. Each one not in order but in chronological order taken from the Declaration of Independence. Here are the meanings of those words and terms. Time is 3:26 P.M. E.S.T. at start at Cape Cod Community College Library Massachusetts still 6-6-2011 and to finish in the surrounding area.
You may file the Declaration of Independence at and Lieutenant at Free ~ Merriam-Webster
{#1.}-Evident ~ clear to vision or understanding.
{#2.}-Endowed ~ to furnish with an income; especially : to make a grant of money providing for the continued support or maintenance of < endow a hospital >.
{#3.}-Unalienable ~ Inalienable ~ 1. Impossible to take away or give up 2. Incapable of being alienated, surrendering, or transferred < inalienable rights >.
{#4.}-Instituted ~ institute ~ 1: to establish in a position or office 2. a: to originate and get established : organize b: to set going : Inaugurate < instituting an investigation >
{#5.}-That-=~:~ 1.a: a person, thing, or idea indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situations <that is my father> b: the time, action, or event specified <after that I went to bed> c: the kind or thing specified as follows < the purest water is that produced by distillation> d: one or a group of the indicated kind <that's a cat-quick and agile. 2. b: the former one.
{#6.}-Right of the People ~ Bill of Rights perhaps in reference to the Right of the People:
{#7.}-transient ~ 1.a: a passing especially quickly into and out of existence : Transitory < transient beauty b: passing through or by a place with only a brief stay or sojourn <transient visitors>.
{#8.}- Accordingly 3:56 p.m. 6-7-2011 9:36 a.m. In accordance : Correspondingly 2: Consequently, so ~ accordingly In a proper or appropriate way : In a way that suits the facts, needs, or requirements of a situation
{#9}-They ~ 1. Those people, animals, or things 2. used to refer to people in a general way or to a group of people who are not specified. 3. he or she - used to refer a single person whose sex is not known or specified.
{#10}-Train ~ 1: a group of vehicles that travel on a track and are connected to each and usually to an engine : a connected group of railroad cars {({ count }=)=3. old fashioned : a group of people, vehicles, or animals that are moving in a line. 4: on orderly series of events, actions, or ideas} usurpations ~ usurp-action ~ { + adjective } formed : to take and keep (something, such as power) in a forceful or violent way and especially without the right to do so.
{#11}- Invariably ~ invariable : not changing or capable of change : staying the same : not variable + an invariable route + He is (invariable) { = always courteous + The disease is invariably fatal
{#12}-Evinces ~ evince {+ objective] formal : to show (something) clearly + The person evinced an interest in at an early age.
{#13}-Them ~ 1. used to refer to certain people, animals, or things as the objects of a verb or preposition 2. him or her used to refer to a single person whose sex is not known or specified. 3. informed + under ~ In a to a lower humorous : those - used place than (something) in nonstandard speech : below or beneath (something) underneath 2: guided or managed by (a person or group) 3: controlled or effected by (something) 4: In a particular state or condition : affected by a particular process 5: according to (something)
{#14}-Absolute ~ always used before a noun : complete and total 2.a: not limited in any way b: having unlimited power c: ruled by someone with unlimited power 3. not allowing any doubt 4.a: never changing : always true or real b: not depending on or compared with anything else
{#15}-Their ~ relating to or belonging to certain people, animals, or things 2: his or her : his: her: its - used to refer to a single person whose sex is not known or specified.
{#16}-Necessity [count] : something that you must have or do : something that is necessary | Necessities of life. [= things that a person must have in order to survive] [noncount] formal : the quality of being necessary - usually + of or for by or out of necessity = because of conditions that cannot be changed.
{#17}-The ~ used to indicate a person or thing that has already been mentioned or seen or is clearly understood from the situation. 2.a: used to refer to things or people that are common in daily life. 6. used titles after a person's name.
{#18}-Injuries ~ injury - : harm or damage : an act or event that causes someone or something to no longer be fully healthy or in good condition [noncount].
{#19}-All ~ the whole, entire, total amount, quantity, or extent of 3: any whatever For all : In Spite of (something)
{#20}-Establishment ~ [count] : a place or organization where people live or do business 2: [noncount] : the act of establishing something or someone : such as a: the act of starting something that will last for a long time b: the act of causing something one someone to be widely known and accepted.
{#21}-Tyranny ~ cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others [noncount] 2. [count] : a government in which all power belongs to one person : the rule or authority of a tyrant.
{#22}-Assent ~ [no objective] formal : to agree to or approve of something (such as an idea or suggestion) especially after carefully thinking about it - often to do.
{#23}-Laws ~ [noncount] a: the whole system or set of rules made by the government of a town, state, country, etc. b: a particular kind of law 3. a rule made by the government of a town, state, country, etc. [count]
{#24}-Immediate ~ 1.a: happening or done without delay b: happening or visiting now 2. always used before a noun a: close to a particular place b: close to a particular time or event 3. always used before a noun having no other person or thing in between coming straight from a cause or reason.
{#25}-Importance ~ [noncount] : the quality or state of being important : value a significance.
{#26}-Unless ~ used to say what will happen, be done, or be true if something else does not happen, is not done, or is not true.
{#27}-Those- plural of that (that pronoun) (that adjective) - used to indicate which person thing, fact, or idea is being shown, pointed to, or mentioned b: used to refer to a time,acting or event that was just mentioned.
{#28}-Legislature ~ [count] a group of people with the power to make or change laws.
{#29}-Inestimable ~ formal : too great, valuable, or excellent to be measured.
{#30}-Tyrants ~ [count] 1. a ruler, who has complete power over a country and who is cruel and unfair 2. someone who uses power in a cruel and unfair way.
{#31}-Together ~ 1. with each other 2. In or into one group, mixture, piece, etc. 3. In a close relationship 5. At the same time 4. So that two or more people or thing touch 6. To each other considered as a whole.
{#32}-Unusual ~ 1. not normal or usual [more unusually, most unusual] 2. different or strange in a way that attracts attention 3. not commonly seen, heard, etc.
{#33}-Uncomfortable ~ [more uncomfortable; most uncomfortable] 1.a: causing a feeling of physical discomfort b: feeling physical discomfort 2.a: causing a feeling of being embarrassed or uneasy b: feeling embarrassed or uneasy.
{#34}-Invasions ~ the act of invading something = such as a: the act of entering a place in an attempt to take control of it [count] b: In act of especially in a way entering a place in large numbers that is harmful or unwanted [count].
{#35}-Endeavoured ~ verb [+ obj] formal : to seriously or continually try do (something) ATTEMPT 1:13 p.m.
{#36}- To ~ 8:06 a.m. 6-8-2011 ~ used to indicate that the following verb is in the infinitive form. 2. Used to indicate the place, person, or thing that someone or something moves toward. 5. b: according to.
{#37}-Naturalization ~ 1. [+ obj] : to allow (someone who was born in a different country) to become a new citizen. 2. to course (a plant or animal from another place) to begin to grow and live in a new area [+ obj].
{#38}-Encourage ~ 1. to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident. 2. to make (something) more appealing or more likely to happen opposite DISCOURAGE b: to make (someone more likely to tell or advise.
{#39}-New ~ 1.a: not old : recently form, built or created b: not used by anyone else previously c: recently added to an existing group, organized, etc. 6: healthier or more energetic.
{#40}-Appropriations ~ formed [noncount] : the act of appropriated something : such as a: the act of getting or saving money for a specific use or purpose something especially in a b: the act of taking or using way that is illegal, unfair, 2. [count] an amount of money that is used or provided by a government for a specific purpose.
{#41}-Tenure ~ [count] the amount of time that a person holds a job, office, or title. 2. [noncount] the right to keep a job (especially the job of being a professor at a college or university) for as long as you want to have it [noncount] law : the right to use property.
{#42}-Amount ~ [count] 1. a quantity of something 2. a quantity of money.
{#43}-Erected ~ [+ obj] 1. to build (something) by putting together materials 2. to set or place (something) so that it stands up.
{#44}-Eat ~ to take food into your mouth and swallow it [+ obj] 2. To gradually destroy use, or take away something : to wear something away [+ obj] - usually + away [no obj] - usually + into, away at, or at.
{#45}-Times ~ multiplied by ~ : time ~ 4. an occurrence of an action or event : an instance of something happening or of someone doing something. {#46}-Affected ~ : not natural or genuine.
{#47}-Independent ~ 1. not dependent : such as a: not controlled or ruled by another country b: not controlled by other people c: not required or relying on other people for help or support d: not associated with or owned by a larger business.
{#48}-Unacknowledged ~ : not recognized, accepted, or admitted : not acknowledged.
{#49}-Acts ~ [count] something that is done [] an act of a natural event (such as a storm or earthquake) that cannot be controlled by people. [count] a law made by a group of legislation.
{#50}-Large ~ 1. great size or amount : BIG 2. not limited in importance, range, etc. at large 1. not having been captured 2. as a group : as a whole 3. US : not having a specific subject 4. presenting a whole state or area rather than one of its parts - used in combination with a preceding noun.
{#51}- Armed ~ 1. Involving the use of weapons 2. carrying weapons 3. having something that provides security or strength - usually + with.
{#52}-Troops ~ 1. a [count] a group of soldiers 2. [count] : a group of people or things 3. [count] : a group of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts.
{#53}-Among ~ [count] 1. a quantity of something 2. a quantity of money.
{#54}-Trial ~ 1. a formal meeting in a count in which evidence about crimes, disagreements, etc. is presented to a judge and often a jury so that decisions can be made according to the law [count] a: a test of quality, value, or usefulness of something b: a test of someone's ability to do something that is used to see if he or she should join a team, perform in a play, etc. 3. [count] a: something (such as a difficult situation or task) that should how patient, strong or trusting you are b: something or someone that is difficult to deal with : an annoying or unpleasant thing or person. {Inhabitants ~ 1.a: [noncount] : the activity or process of buying, seeing, or exchanging goods or services : COMMERCE b: the amount of things or services : are bought and sold : the money made by buying and selling things on services [noncount] 2. the act of exchanging one thing for another 3. a job; especially : a job that requires special training and skills and that is done by using your hands [count] 4. a certain kind of business or industry.
{#55}-Imposing ~ [more imposing ; most imposing] : very large or Impressive.
{#56}-Taxes ~ plural : an amount {of} money that "a government" requires people to pay according to their income, the value of their property, etc., and that is used to pay for the things done by the government [count].
{#57}-Transporting ~ [+ obj] 1. to carry (someone or something). from one place to another 2. to cause (someone) to imagine that he or she is in a different place or time b: literary : to cause (someone) to feel very happy interested, or excited - usually used as (be) transported 3. in the past : to send (a criminal) to live in a distant country as a form of punishment.
{#58}- Tried ~ past tense and past participle of TRY : to make an effort to do something : to attempting to accomplish or complete something : to attempt to accomplish or complete something [no obj] 2. to do or use 4. to test how good, strong etc. neighboring ~ : near or next to something or someone.
{#59}-Therein ~ formal 1. in or into that place or thing 2. In that statement, fact, or detail.
{#60}-Arbitrary ~ 1. [more arbitrary. most arbitrary] : Not planned or chosen for a particular reason : not based on reason or evidence 2. done without concern for what is fair or right.
{#61}-Enlarging ~ to make (something) larger or to became larger [+ objects] enlarge on/upon (something) formal : to give more information about (something).
{#62}-It ~ that one just mentioned - used to refer to an object or substance - used to refer to a living thing whose sex is unknown or is being ignored. 6. previously the general situation : things in general 7. something discussed or known.
{#63}-Example ~ 1. a person or way of behaving that is seen as a model that should be followed [count] 2.[count] a: someone or something that is mentioned to help explain what you are saying or to show that a general statement is true b: something or someone chosen from a group in order to show what the whole group is like 3. [count] a: a phrase or sentence that shows how a word is used b: something (such as a problem that a student has to solve) that is used to teach how a rule or process works.
{#64}-Instrument ~ [count] 1. a tool or device used for a particular purpose ; especially : a tool or device designed to do careful and exact work 4. someone or something that can be used to do or achieve something 5. law : an official document that shows legal rights or duties.
{#65}-Introducing ~ [+ obj} 1. to make (someone) known to someone else by name 2. a: to cause (something) to begin to be used for the first time b: to make (something), such as a type of plant or animal) to a place for the first time - often + to 2. b: to make available for sale 7. to put or insert (something) into something else.
{#66}-Abolishing ~ [+ obj] : to officially end or stop (something), such as a law) : to completely do away with (something)
{#67}-Altering ~ 1. to change (something) [+ obj]
{#68}-Themselves ~ 1. Those same people, animals, or things : a - used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to people, animals, or things that have already been mentioned.
{#69}-Invested ~ 1. to use money to earn more money : to use your money to purchase stock in a company future profit.
{#70}-Legislate ~ 1. to make laws [no obj] 2. [+ obj] to control, create, or cause (something) by making laws.
{#71}-Us ~ 1. used to refer to the speaker and another person or group of people as the indirect object or direct object of a verb.
{#72}-Abdicated ~ 1. to leave the position of being a kind or queen 2. [+ obj] formal : to fall to do what is required by (a duty or responsibility)
{#73}-Against ~ 1.a: in opposition to (someone or something) 4. not helping or favoring 6.b: in preparation for (something) 9. with the background of (something) 10. as a charge on (something).
{#74}-Towns ~ 1. [count] a place where people live that is larger than a village but smaller than a city 4. the town where someone lives. 5. having things of a specified kind or in a specified place.
{#75}-Lives ~ 1. [noncount] the ability to grow, change, etc., that separate plants and animals from things like water or rocks. 7. energy and spirit b: activity and movement.
{#76}-Is ~ see BE (verb) fact (noun) + be ~ used to indicate the identity of a person or thing.
{#77}-At ~ 1. used to indicates the place where someone or something is 3. used to indicate something that is being tried or attempted At it ~ doing some activity.
{78}-Time ~ 1. [noncount] : the thing that is measured as seconds, minute, hours, days, years, etc. 4. [count] : an occurrence of an action or event : an instance of something happening or of someone doing something.
{#79}-Transporting ~ to carry (someone or something) from one place to another 2. a: to cause (someone) to imagine that he or she is in a different place or time 3. to send - to cause.
{#80}-The ~ used to indicate a person or thing that was already been mentioned or seen or is clearly understood from the situation.
{#81}-Already ~ 1. before this time : before now 2. so soon : so early 3. used to describe a situation that exists now and that will continue to exists. 4. US. formal - used to express impatience or annoyance.
{#82}-In ~ used to indicate location or position within something. 17. used to describe how common something is by comparing a smaller number to a larger number.
{#83}-Ages ~ the amount of time during which a person or animals has lived.
{#84}-Totally ~ completely or entirely.
{#85}- New Oxford American Dictionary -Unworthy ~ non deserving effort, attention, or respect : having little value or merit.
{#86}-Nation ~ a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory : leading industrialized nations. a North American Indian people or confederation of people.
{#87}-Taken ~ lay hold of (something) with one's hands; reach for and hold + [trans] remove (someone or something) from a particular place + capture or gain possession by force or military means + dispossess someone (something); steal or illicitly remove.
{#88}-Arms ~ weapons and ammunition; armaments 2.distinctive emblems or devices originally borne on shields in battle and now forming the heraldic insignia of families. See also Coat of Arms.
{#89}-Excited ~ very interesting and eager 2. physics of or in an angry state higher than the normal or ground state ~ a violent uprising against an authority or government. {#89}-Insurrections ~
{#90}-Endeavored ~ endeavor ~ endevour ~ try hard to do or achieve something.
{#91}-Undistinguished ~ lacking distinction; unexceptional : used to connect words of the some part of speech, clauses, or sentences that are to be taken jointly : used to connect two clauses when the second happens and ~ after the first ; results from the first.
{#92}-Every ~ (Preceding a singular noun) used to refer to all the individual members of a set without exception : used before an amount to indicate something happening at specified intervals. (used for emphasis) all possible ; the utmost - used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being.
{#93}-These ~ Plural for this ~ indicated or experienced : used to introduce something or someone 2. referring to a specific thing or situation just mentioned : a word or phrase used to describe a.
{#94}-Terms ~ thing or to express a concept esp. in a particular kind of language occasion; a way of expressing oneself 2. a fixed or limited period for which something, e.g., office, imprisonment or investment, lasts or is intended to last.
{#95}-Answered ~ A thing said, written, or done to deal with or as a reaction to a question, statement, or situation : the correct solution so a question : a solution to a problem or dilemma [in sing] a thing or person that imitates or for-answer to ~ fills the same role as something or someone else.
{#96}-Thus ~ as a result or consequence of this; therefor 2. in the manner now being indicated or exemplified; to this point; so in this way 3. [as submodifier]. ORIGIN Old English, of unknown origin.
{#97}-Act ~ take action : do something (act on) take action accordingly (act for) take action in order to bring about (act from/out of) be motivated by (act as) fulfill the function or serve the purpose of.
{#98}-Unfit ~ [predict] (of a thing) not of the necessary quality or standard to meet a particular purpose : (of a person) not having the requisite qualities or skills to undertake something competently 2. (of a person) not in good physical condition, typically failure to exercise regularly.
{#99}-A ~ (an before a vowel sound) [called the indefinite article] 1. used when referring to someone or something for the first time in a text or conversation.
{#100}-Attention ~ a: the act or state of applying the mind to something b: a condition of readiness for such attention involving especially a selective narrowing or focusing of consciousness and receptivity.
{#101}-Extend ~ cause to recover a larger area; make longer or wider : extend in scope, effect, or meaning : postpone (a starting or ending time) by and the original limit : straighten or spread out [intrans] spread from a central point to cover a wider area.
{#102}-Unwarrantable ~ adjective : not able to be authorized or sanctioned; unjustifiable.
{#103}-Emigration ~ verb : leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another. ORIGIN~: late 18th century.
{#104}-Appealed ~ verb : [intrans] 1. make services or urgent request, typically to the public 2. Law apply to a higher court 3. be attractive or interesting.
{#105}-Native ~ noun : a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not : a local inhabitant.
{#106}-Ties ~ verb [trans] attach or fasten (someone or something) with string or similar cord : fasten : form (a knot or bow) in this way (a string, ribbon, or lace).
{#107}-Inevitably ~ adjective : certain to happen; unavoidable : war was inevitable : Informed so frequently experienced or seen that it is completely predictable.
{#108}-Interrupt ~ stop the continuous progress of (an activity or process) stop (someone speaking) by saying or doing something 2. break the continuity of (a line or surface)
{#109}-Too ~ 1.[as submodifier] to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively : informed very : you're to kind : In addition also : moreover (used when adding a further point) therefor~adverb : for that reason; consequently.
{#110}-Acquiesce ~ verb : [intrans] accept something reluctantly but without protest. ORIGIN early 17th century Latin acquiescere, from ad-'to,at' + quiescere 'to rest'.
{#111}-Enermies ~ enormous : adjective - very large in size, quantity, or extent. Origin 16th cent.
{#112}-United ~ adj : joined together politically, for a common purpose, or by common feelings. Origin Late Middle English.
{#113}-Assembled ~ verb [trans] (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose. Origin Middle Late English : from Old French asembler, based on Late ad-'to + simul 'together'.
{#114}-Appealing ~ 1. attractive or interesting 2. (of an expression or tone of voice) showing that one wants help an ad-'to' + Pellere (to drive.
{#115}-Intentions ~ A thing intended; an aim or plan : the action or fact of intending 2. Medicine the healing process of a wound.
{#116}-Name ~ A word -noun- or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to : regarded as existing merely as a word and lacking substance or reality.
{#117}-Authority ~ noun : the power : a famous person or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience (often authorities) a person or organization having power or control in a particular, typically political or administrative, sphere : the power to influence others, esp. because of one's commanding manner or one's recognized knowledge about something.
{#118}-Independent ~ free from outside control; not depending on/another's authority : (of a Country) self-governing : not belonging to or supported by a political party : (of broadcasting a school, etc. 2. not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence).
{#119}-Absolved ~ set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.
{#120}-Allegiance ~ noun : loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or course. Origin late Middle English : from Anglo-Norman French, variant of Old French ligeance from liege, liege association with Anglo-latin alligantia "alliance".
{#121}-Levy ~ verb : (-vies, - vied) [trans] 1. often be levied) impose (a tax, fee, or fine) : [intrans] (levy on/upon) seize (property) to satisfy a legal judgment 2. archaic enlist (someone) for military service : begin to wage war.
{#122}-Establish ~ set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis : achieve permanent acceptance for (a custom, belief, practice, or institution).
{#123}-Things ~ an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to : used to express one's disapproval or contempt to something : an action, activity, event, thought, or utterance : a quality or tribute.
{#124}-Each ~ adjective pronoun : used to refer to everyone of two or more people or things, regarded and identified separately : adverb ~ to, for, or by every one of a group (used after a noun or an amount).
{#125}-Lives ~ plural form of life : noun 1. The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, formational activity, and continual change preceding death : living things and their activity : the state of being alive : a particular type or aspect of people's existence : vitality, vigor or energy : the existence of an individual human being or animal : (Religious and Conscience. The way one may conduct another or in their own manner upon death or after death : The recognition that survival will not alone, but with other things until the life expires : completely alive. D.G.DeLancey).
6-8-2011 3:36 p.m. Parliament and the DeLancey Faction - search of this history was at Centerville Massachusetts Public Library 2005. David George DeLancey Art Economics History
Political Colonial Events of 1761 ~
Trade deficient of Britain and the Monetary policy of Colonial America ~
Fiscal Crisis ~ Budget Crisis ~ is an informal name for a situation in which the legislative and the executive in a presidential system deadlock and are unable to pass a budget. A budget crisis can also occur if the legislative branch has a constitutionally mandated dissolution or suspension date and the budget hasn't been passed up to that point.
Restructing Crisis ~ During times of financial crisis, including cash-flow uncertainty, lack of adequate credit to maintain ongoing operations, excessive leverage, high inventory levels or under - utilization of fixed assets, restructuring is the corporate management term for the act of reorganizing the legal ownership, operational, or other structures of a company for the purpose of making it more profitable, or better organized for its present needs. Alternate reasons for restructuring include a change of ownership or ownership structure, demerger, or a response to a crisis or major change in the business such as bankruptcy, repositioning, or buyout. Restructuring may also be described as corporate restructuring, debt restructuring, a financial restructuring Wikipedia source ___+ensure the company has enough liquidity to operate during implementation of a complete restructuring ___+ produce accurate and clear lines of communication with creditors who mostly control the company's ability to raise financing ___+ update detailed business plan and considerations. 6-14-2011 11:33 p.m.
Currency Act ~ added to site 6-25-2011 at 6:55 p.m. e.s.t. ~ Currency Act of 1751, the currency depreciated in relation to the British pound sterling. the pound, is the official currency of the United Kingdom, its Crown Dependencies (the Isle of Man) and the Channel Islands) and the British Overseas Territories of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, British Antarctic Territory and Tristan da Cunha. It is subdivided into 100 pence (singular : penny). The Channel Islands (Bailiwick of Guernsey and the Bailiwick of Jersey) and the Isle of Man produce their own local issues of sterling; see Guernsey pound, Jersey pound and Man pound. The pound sterling is used in Gibraltar (alongside the Gibraltar pound), the Falkland Islands (alongside the Falkland Island pound) and Saint Helena and Ascension (alongside the Saint Helena pound). Gibraltar, Falkland Islands and Saint Helena pounds are separate currencies, pegged at parity to the pound sterling.
Sterling is the fourth traded currency in the foreign exchange market, after the US dollar, the euro and the Japanese yen. Together with those three currencies it forms the "basket of currencies" which "calculate the value" of IMF Special Drawing Rights, with an 11.3% weighting as of 2011. Sterling is also the third most held "reserve currency" in "global reserves".
IMF ~ International Monetary Fund - is an intergovernmental organization that oversees the - (global financial system... ~ [ is the financial system consisting of institutions and regulators that act on the international level as apposed to those that act on a national or regional level. The main players are the global institutions, such as International Monetary Fund and (Bank for International Settlements ~ is an international organization of central banks which "fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central bank. It is not accountable to any national government). ] ~ following the macroeconomics policies of its member countries, in particular those with an impact on exchange rate and the balance of payments. Its objectives are to stabilize international exchange rates and facilitate development through the encouragement of liberalizing economic policies in other countries as a condition of loans, debt relief, and aid. It also offers loans with varying levels of conditionality, mainly to poorer countries. Its headquarters is in Washington D.C. The IMF's relatively high influence in world affairs and development has drawn heavy criticism from some sources.
The International Monetary Fund was conceived in July 1944 originally with 45 members and came into existence in December 1945 when 29 countries signed the agreement, with a goal to stabilize exchange rates and assist the reconstruction of the world's international payment system;... (-Payment System is a system for the transfer of money. Payment Systems are used in lieu of (tendering ~[ = Procurement is the acquisition of goods and/or services). in "domestic" and international transactions and consist of a major service provided by banks and other financial institutions. In the US, they are regulated by different state statutes (UCC)... ~ Uniform Commercial Code, a uniform act to harmonize state contract law for sale of goods in the respective states of the United States also can refer to UCC ~ Universal Copy-right Convention, which was adopted in Geneva in 1952, is one of the two principal international conventions protecting copyright; the other is the Berne Convention. -{[(~_I think I'll wait for the copy-wrights of my five issue presidential plan based on circumstantial laws within the United States, your vote counts, David George DeLancey_~)]}-
Back to the Pound Sterling ~ Anglo-Saxon : The pound was a unit of account in Anglo-Saxon England, equal to 240 silver pennies and equivalent to one pound weight of silver. It evolved into the modern British currency, the pound sterling. The accounting system of 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound was adopted from that introduced by Charlemagne to the Frankish Empire (se French livre) source found at wikipedia. The origins of sterling lie in the reign of King Offa of Mercia, (757-796) who introduced the silver penny. It copied the denarius of the new currency system of Charlemagne's Frankish Empire. As in the Carolingians system 240 pennies weighed 1 pound (corresponding to Charlemagne's libra), with the shilling corresponding to Charlemagne's solidus and equal to 12d. At the time of the penny's introduction, it weighed 22.5 troy grains of fine silver (30 tower grains; about 1.5g), indicating that the Mercian pound weighed 5,400 troy grains, (the Mercian pound became the basis of the tower pound, which weighed 5,400 troy grains, equivalent to 7,200 tower grains). At this time, the name sterling had yet to be acquired. The penny swiftly spread throughout the other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and became the standard coin of what was to become England.
Back to the Act of 1751 ~ restricted the emission of paper money by the colonies of New England. These colonies had issued paper fiat money known as "bills of credit" to help pay for military expenses during the French and Indian wars. Because more paper money was issued than what was taxed out of circulation, the currency depreciated in relation to the British pound sterling. The resultant inflation was harmful to merchants in great Britain, who were forced to accept the depreciated currency from colonists for payment of debts. The act limited the future emission of bills of credit to certain circumstances. It allowed the existing bills to be used as legal tender for public debts (i.e. paying taxes), but disallowed their use for private debts (e.g. for paying merchants.
Act of 1764 ~ extended the 1751 act to all of the British colonies of north America. Unlike the earlier act this statute did not prohibit the colonies from issuing paper money, but it did forbid them from designating future currency emissions as legal tender for public or private debts. This tight money policy created financial difficulties in the colonies, where gold and silver were in short supply.
Benjamin Franklin, a colonial agent in London lobbied for "repeal" of the act over the next several years, as did other agents.
Repeal ~ is the removal or reversal of a law. This is generally done when a law is no longer effective, or it is shown that a law is having far more negative consequences than were originally envisioned.
The colonial government of the Province of New York insisted that the Currency Act prevented funds for British troops in compliance with the Quartering Act. As a result, in 1770, Parliament gave permission (10 Geo. III c. 35) ~ wikipedia ~ for New York to issue 120,000 in paper currency for public but not private debts. parliament extended these concessions to the other colonies in 1773 by amending the Currency Act of 1764 (13 Geo. III c. 57) wikipedia ~ permitting the colonies to issue paper currency as legal tender for public debts. After nine years, the colonial agents had secured a paper currency for the provinces. But the Americans had tacitly, if not implicitly, acknowledged the authority of Parliament and in the final analysis this was all the imperial government wanted.
Declaration of Rights ~ The Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress (also known as the Declaration of Colonial Rights, the Declaration of Rights, or the Declaration of Rights and grievances) was a statement adopted by the First Continental Congress on October 14, 1774 in response to the Intolerable Acts passed by the British Parliament. The Declaration outlined colonial objectives to the Intolerable Acts, listed a 'colonial bill of rights', and provided a detailed list of grievances. The Declaration concluded with an outline of Congress's future plans : to enter into a boycott of British trade (the Continental Association) until their grievances were redressed , to publish addresses to the people of Great Britain and British America, and to send a petition to the king.
Intolerable Acts ~ or the Coercive Acts were names used to describe a series of laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 relating to Britain's colonies in North America.
Declaratory Act of 1766 ~ which accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act of 1765. The government repealed the Stamp Act because boycotts were hurting British trade and used the declaration to justify the repeal. The declaration stated that Parliament's authority was the same in America as in britain and asserted Parliament's authority to make binding laws on the American colonies
The Colonial legislature created what is now known as the (Stamp Act Congress was a meeting on October 19, 1765 in New York City of representatives from among the thirteen colonies. Robert R. Livingston wrote that what gave the delegates the most trouble was whether to acknowledge the authority of Parliament to regulate trade even though they fully accepted its right to do so.
Regulate ~ Regulation ~ is administrative legislation that constitute or constrain rights and allocates responsibilities. It can be distinguished from primary legislation (by Parliament or elected legislation body) on the one hand and judicial decisions on the other hand. Regulations, like any other form of Coercive action, have costs for some and benefits to some people exceed the total costs to others.
Stamp Act ~ The Stamp Act met great resistance in the Colonies. The colonies sent no representatives to Parliament, and therefore had no influence over what taxes were raised, how the were ("levied"), or how they would be "spent". Many colonists considered it a violation of their rights as Englishmen to be taxed without their consent - consent that only the colonial legislatures could grant. (Most of the people in the colonies who leaned on authority got their voice heard, D.G.DeLancey). Colonial assemblies sent petitions and protests. Protests and demonstrations initiated by the Sons of Liberty often turned violent and destructive as the masses became involved. (It appears colonists were fighting those and or of others in the colonies; protection was now a matter of concern. D.G.DeLancey/when representatives of a forming government are to be categorized and influence from a source accrues at another source it may be that the forming governmental capabilities still in support of the recognition of law by a council jury, protection would be considered.
George Grenville ~ Grenville started appointing Stamp Distributors almost immediately after the Act passed Parliament. Debate in the colonies over the Stamp Act had actually begun in the spring of 1764 when Parliament passed a resolution that contained the assertion. "That, towards further defraying the said Expenses, it may be proper to change certain Stamp Duties in the said Colonies and Plantations. Both the Sugar Act and the proposed Stamp Act were designed principally to raise revenue from the colonies.
In May 1764, Samuel Adams of Boston drafted the following that stated the common American position: For if our Trade may be taxed why not our lands? Why not the Produce of our Lands and every thing we possess or make use of? This we apprehend annihilates our Charter Right to govern and tax ourselves - It strikes our British Privileges, which as we have never forfeited them, we hold in common with our Fellow Subjects who are Natives of Britain : If Taxes are laid upon us in any shape without our having a legal Representation where they are laid, are we not reduced from the Character of free Subjects to the miserable State of tributary Slaves. (It appears he was asking for help, D.G.DeLancey)
7:52 p.m. 6-26-2011 Representation ~ 1: 0ne that represents : as a : an artistic likeness or image _ b (1) a statement or "account" made to influence opinion or action (2) an incidental or collateral statement of fact on the faith of which a contract is entered into _ c : a dramatic production or performance _ d (1) : a usually formed statement made against something or to effect a change (2) : a usually formal protest _ 2 : the act or action of representing : the state of being represented : as _ a : Representationalism _ 2 b (1) : the action or fact of one person standing for another so as to have the rights and obligations of the person represented (2) : the substitution of an individual or class in place of a person (as a child for a deceased parent) c : the action of representing or the fact of being represented especially in a legislative body. 3 : the body of persons representing a constituency __ First known use of Representation 15th Century and
Contract ~ taken from Representation - The Legal status of a statement made with regards to contract law. Is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties with mutual obligations. Contract law is based on the principle expressed in the Latin phrase pacta sunt servanda, which is usually translated "agreements to be kept" but more literally means "pacts must be kept". _____ Contract law can be classified, as is habitual in civil law systems, as part of a general law of obligations, along with tort, unjust enrichment, and restitution.
Search Stamp Act 1765 - go to wikipedia then go to Colonial opposition. Keep in mind of the DeLancey Faction Faction and Livingston Faction along with the Currency Act; Representation, and what possible tax could have been in an informing government concerned with a Federal Unionized currency to adopt a tax to defray expenses. This oppositional effort of who was going to have the final policy was very strong amongst both factions.
Search DeLancey Official Action ~ One great reading is of the "Levermore" Whigs of Colonial New York, by Levermore, Charles H. American Historical Review 1 (January 1896)
Liquidity of New York - Basing an America and it's Monetary system at large Colonial Era ~ 6-27-2011 3:17 p.m. The Stamp Act 1765 Parliament passed to raised money from the colonies. New York had previously passed its own stamp act from 1756 to 1760 to raise money for the French and Indian War. The extraordinary response to the Stamp Act can only be explained by the French and Indian War. The colonies were experiencing the effects of a very tight monetary policy caused by the trade deficit with Britain, a fiscal crisis in Britain restricting credit, and the Currency Act, which prevented the issuing of paper currency to provide liquidity. The New York Assembly petitioned the British House of Commons on December 11, 1765 for the Americans 'Right of Self Taxation. The Stamp Act went into effect on November 1. The day before, James DeLancey organized a meeting at Burns Tavern of New York City merchants, where they agreed to boycott all British Imports until the Stamp Act was repealed. (It may be all who attended did not agree completely to the Boycott. In all regards if there was a boycott to be acknowledged, why were there intimidations and beatings of stamp agents, which was widely reported such as in August 1765. Since the DeLancey's held the police force those matters would have been represented. It is known that some Sons of Liberty accessed in rights and the antagonism of free-hold colonial stated agenda were to begin in that formed alliance a new government and with it the growth of a new entity, perhaps William Livingston would assist this venture. 3:44 p.m.
Livingston's Rule of Law ~ 5:10 p.m. found under : search Livingston Faction Rule of Law: found this piece at The Charters of Freedom America's founding fathers - Delegates to the Constitutional... Livingston was born in 1723 at Albany, NY. His maternal grandmother reared him until he was 14, and he then spent a year with a missionary among the Mohawk Indians. He attended Yale and graduated in 1741.
Rejecting his family's hope that he would enter the fur trade at Albany or mercantile pursuits in New York City, young Livingston chose to pursue a career in law at the latter place. Before he completed his legal studies, in 1745 he married Susanna French, daughter of a well-to-do New Jersey landowner. She was to bear 1`3 children.
Three years later, Livingston was admitted to the bar and quickly gained a reputation as the supporter of popular causes against the more conservative factions in the city. Associated with the Calvinists in religion, he {{("apposed")}] the dominant Anglican leaders in the colony and wielded a sharply satirical pen in "verses" and broadside, Livingston *(attacked)* the Anglican attempt to charter and control King's College (later Columbia College and University) and the dominant DeLancey 'party' for its Anglican sympathies, and by 1758 rose to the leadership of his {faction}. For a decade, it controlled the colonial assembly and fought against Parliament interference in the colony's affairs. During this time, 1759-61, Livingston sat in the assembly.
In 1769 William Livingston's supporters, split by the growing "debate" as to how to respond to British taxation of the colonies, lost control of the assembly. Not long thereafter, Livingston, who had also grown tired of legal practice, moved to the Elizabethtown (present Elizabeth), NJ, area, where he had purchased land in 1760. There, in 1772-73, he built the estate, Liberty Hall, contained to write verse, and planned to live the life of a gentleman farmer.
The Revolutionary upsurge however brought Livingston out of retirement. He soon became a member of the Essex County, NJ, committee of correspondence; in 1774 a representative in the First Continental Congress; and in 1775-76 a delegate to the Second Continental Congress. In June 1776 he left Congress to command the New Jersey militia as a brigadier general and held this post until he was elected later in the year as the first governor of the state.
Livingston held the position throughout and beyond the war - in fact, for 14 consecutive years until his death in 1790. During his administration, the government was organized, the war won, and New Jersey launched on the path as a sovereign state. Although the pressure of affairs often prevented it, he enjoyed his estate whenever possible, conducted agricultural experiments, and became a member of the Philadelphia Society for promoting Agriculture. He was also active in the antislavery movement.
In 1787 Livingston was elected as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention through his ("gubernatorial") duties prevented him from attending every session. He did not arrive until January 5 and missed several weeks in July, but he performed vital committee work, particularly as chairman of the one that reached a compromise on the New Jersey Plan. In addition, he spurred New Jersey's rapid ratification of the Constitution (1787). The next year Yale awarded him an honorary doctor of laws degree.
Livingston died at Liberty Hall in his 67th year in 1790. He was originally buried at the local Presbyterian Churchyard, but a year later his remains were moved to a vault his son owned at Trinity Churchyard in Manhattan and in 1844 were again relocated, to Brooklyn's Greenwood Cemetery. His Image can be found at the New York Historical Society.
DeLancey's Rule of Law ~ During the middle years of the 1700's, politics in New York revolved around the rivalry of two great families, the Livingston's and the DeLancey's. Both of these families had amassed considerable fortunes. New York City had an "inordinate" influence on New York politics because several of the assembly members lived in New York City rather than in their district. In the 1752 election DeLancey's relatives and close friends controlled 12 out of the 27 seats in the assembly. The DeLancey's lost control of the assembly in the election of 1761. Governor Cadwallader Colden tried to organize a popular party to appose the great families, thus earning the hatred of the city elite of both parties. The Livingston's looked to the imperial ties as a means of controlling the influence of James DeLancey and his faction. The DeLancey's regarded imperial ties to be a tool for personal advantage.
What is rule of law - is an Competing Governmental entity, which law and order has the respected acknowledgement of a rule.
The Sons of Liberty switched their allegiance from the DeLancey Faction to the Livingston Faction.
Rule ~ rule of law _ Antiquity ~ In western philosophy, the Ancient Greeks initially regarded the best form of government as rule by the best men, such as Plato's idealized philosopher king. Plato nevertheless hoped that the best men would be good at respecting established laws, and he explained why : Where the law is subject to some other authority and has none of its own, the collapse of the state, in any view, is not far off; but if law is the master of the government and the government is its slave, then the situation is full of promise and men enjoy all the blessings that the gods shower on a state. More than - Plato attempted to do, Aristotle flatly apposed letting the highest officials wield power beyond guarding and serving the laws. In other words, Aristotle advocated the rule of law. It is more proper that law should govern than any one of the citizens : upon the same principle, if it is advantageous to place the supreme power in some particular persons, they should be appointed to be only guardians, and the servants of the laws. According to the Ancient Roman statesman Cicero, "We are all servants of the laws in order hat we may be free. Rule ~ usually refers to standards for activities
There's not much on the rule of law of the DeLancey Faction, although as history of New York's politics and the DeLancey Faction rule of law would be any law pertaining to civil liberties and any law to be adopted pertaining the liberties of a public at large. Commerce, Trade, crossing the street, abiding fire rules, racing of horses, and other humane circumstances along with the trying and attempting of a fluctuating currency that may supply a tax, in this would be some rule of law.
The New York assembly petitioned the British House of Commons for the Americans right of self taxation ~ 6-28-2011 8:23 p.m. e.s.t. ~ go to The History Place-American Revolution : Prelude to Revolution, after typing in the above topic. The Petition of Right is a Major English constitutional document that sets out specific liberties of the subject that the king is prohibiting from infringing. The Petition of Rights was produced by the English Parliament in the run-up to the English Civil War. It was passed by Parliament in May 1628, and given the Royal assent by Charles I in June of that year. The Petition is most notable for its confirmation of the principles that taxes can be levied only by Parliament, that martial law may not be imposed in time of peace, and that prisoners must be able to challenge the legitimacy of their detentions through the writ of habeas corpus. The Petition's ban on the billeting of troops is reflected in the Third Amendment to the United States Constitution.
In the Spring of 1769, New York was in a depression, from the recall of paper boycott and the British Boycott. By the Currency Act New York was required to recall all paper money. London allowed the issuance of additional paper money, but the attached conditions were unsatisfactory. While New York was boycotting British Imports other colonies including Boston and Philadelphia were not. The DeLancey's tried to reach a compromise by passing a bill which allowed for the issuing of paper currency of which half was for provisioning of the troops. Internet source : searched DeLancey Faction Rule of Law, a category is; The Province of New York 9:00.p.m.
DeLancey Brigade ~ New York Police Force ~ 1766 or later ~
No Assembly February 1768 ~
Assembly temporarily suspended for failure to comply with the Quartering Act in 1769 ~
1768. In December, the assembly passed a resolution which stated the colonies were entitled to self-taxation ~
Governor Moore and the resolution of the Laws of England ~
Repugnant ---to the laws--- ~
DeLancey Faction won the Assembly 1768 ~ 6-28-2011 9:13 p.m. Assembly of 1769 was that of the election of the DeLancey Faction of 1768. These were the people who knew how to submit to law, and the Sons of Liberty knew this. While not yet in a full bloom army the rebellious activists knew that time was only away. It is said that James DeLancey and his Faction or if not just him spoke out of two interests, the support of the Sons of Liberty and also the support of the Government which was in active assembly in regards to the European cause. The influence of this government would only be in Faction to its standard of approach. This may have been the attempting of a currency at large to be reckoned with a self taxing effort something of a national interest. The DeLancey Family had been involved with bureaucracy government for many years. Where now is law and order. 1769 was the period of decision. it would only be of time when one would have to protect themselves from the advantages of a rebellious mob. In this affect are the outer colony family members that would either submit to neutrality or the choosing of an armed force. Most likely starting with rebellious representatives would submit peoples to the fact that either you chose or your dwelling was burned and plundered. The British of course retaliated and also took prisoners to only board ship off the coastal waters of the eastern sea-board preferably of the New York territorial waters. Of course as well with the British you would also either choose to assist on their behalf or board the ships. It is well know that after the rebellious efforts those of the British also went the way of fire and plunder. Although through some effort of reprimand those particular soldiers and commanders went through some obedient decision making from other officers of how to act like a sufficient war like troop. The DeLancey brigade held their grounds and were one of many elite corps of the time. Those directly affiliated with the DeLancey Faction and its Brigade led a marvel performance of sacrifice and bravery while yet standing a guard for an improvising talent, the American population at large and its affiliates in and out of the colonies. Its national governing was of some importance, and if the revolutionary effects of adjusting judgment did not go so harshly and fast maybe the government prior to the revolution and even the early 1770's would have gone a way of progressive accountability of many to seek the law at hand. Law is a representation of the people, law itself represents also leadership amongst wisdom. Leadership is the capability to start, assist, and regulate any form of governing. Obeying law through standard approach, which only involves those that acquire it, meaning all and are eventually in representation of course submission and decision making will acquire the effects of law and that governing, in manner would be a government. Through time this effort would be in the seeking of awareness. In the legislative account of this venture the wisdom would be the first representational standard, and that standardized account would have to be a characterization of the people. This in a voting would need the judgement to be set fourth for future relations. Law the ultimate accountability of any government comes from the governing of the people. This we see as the people being the overall government and that body as to acquire the talents of the now official behavior of that representation. This would have been going on during the periods before the Revolutionary era and the perhaps making of the pending accounts of the Factions of the time. These factions hold the course of assembly in true affiliation towards the government and its official actions. These official actions are the representations of said governing system. When law and government are yet still growing and new, and people of different character are yet still in approach to a forming government the representation can become affiliated with a larger nationalization. This will have to bring a surety to its domain. In this matter a legal tender binding currency for all to represent would have to be affiliated. This had been going in the attempts since the early colonial era, and heavily during the Albany Convention under the presiding president James DeLancey whom tried to affiliate a FEderal Standard. 10:14 p.m. I shall finish at another date concerning the DeLancey Faction of the American Colonies, and also the jealous attempts of other factors whom wanted a grip on the monopoly of historic facts. There is also a religious factor of tolerance with the submission of the forming government. We may take note that I shall study the involvement of jealousy and the religious matters of this historical dilemma, and the crowns rule of colonization and treaty alliance's, which may have been eventually a normal accountability and unique talent of perception. 10:22 p.m.
Depression of 1769 ~ In the spring of 1769, New York was in a depression, from the recall of paper boycott and British boycott. 10:53 p.m.
London allows the issuance of Paper Currency (money) 1769 ~
Boston and Philadelphia did not boycott British imports (considering New York, Boston, and Philadelphia as three colonies at this point ~
Law a published false statement that is ' Libel; damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation. Compare with Slander. (in admiralty and ecclesiastical law) a plaintiff's written declaration.
Operating a Government to; Balance a Government in a particular governed area and province of activity. The art of economics amongst the history of itself. Native to a National. Through time a country will colonize and even assume boarders of an acknowledged area. When in colonization the effort; (the country boarder-ing the kind must declare a territorial factor of balance). This provision sometimes documented by an appropriation through time will organize a standard. A standard is self evident to the March of its "own" Country. To adopt leadership is an area of temporary factors. The colonizing through time will still be in recognition of adopting a self-evident settlement. In coherence with the territory and its country; Leadership of Governing said colony may experience the dwelling of habitat of said country. In the adoption of matter the rule of law is common. Common Law based on administrative leadership will again provide for a self-evident rule. This form of living is considered an independent based on dependent virtues. Through time of an expected nation it will lead to a more permanent settlement. Separation from one country through time and due course of municipality the settlement can still for-see relations to the country in which colonized or in an association with. This now will lead and adjust all forms of correspondence and if so commerce.
Commerce ~ While business refers to the value -creating activities of an organization for profit, commerce means the whole system of an economy that constitutes an environment for business. Commerce primarily expresses the family abstract. 6-14-2011 late p.m.
To the Betrayed Inhabitants of the City and Colony of New York. By Alexander Mc Dougall ~6-28-2011 9:01 p.m. He was born about 1731 - 1786 was an American Seaman, merchant, a Son of Liberty leader from New York City before and during the American Revolution, and a military leader during the Revolutionary War. When revolutionary fever grew with resistance to the stamp act, McDougall became active in the Sons of Liberty and later was their leader in the city. Difficulties in the city and colony were increased by the Quartering Act, which required the Colonists to provide housing and support to the British troops. The Province of New York Assembly had refused to pass appropriations for their housing in 1767 and 1768, and been prorogued. Then the New assembly of 1769 approved money for their support. McDougall wrote and had printed an anonymous broadside, To the Betrayed Inhabitants, which criticized the vote and sparked the battle of Golden Hill. ___ The vote was the new assembly of the DeLancey Faction. 9:13 p.m.
Denouncing ~ 1. to condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible. See Synonyms at criticize 2. To accuse formally. 3. To give formal announcement of the ending of (a treaty) 6-14-2011 late p.m.
Libel ~
Parliament and the granting of self-taxation 1775 ~
Governor of New York and Pennsylvania 1692 to 1694 ~
Governor of New York, Massachusetts and New Hampshire 1698 to 1701 ~
6-14-2011 9:50 p.m. e.s.t. Habeas Corpus ~ meaning you may have the body, ~is a unit or legal action, through which a prisoner can be released from unlawful detention.
Arbitrary State Action ~ but some rights are enforceable against individuals. It could be Abraham Lincoln dismissed Habeas Corpus a circumstance Pierce didn't want dissolved for a time, because during war; The prisoner, or another person acting in his or her behalf, may petition the court, or a judge, for a writ of habeas corpus. But war is different it pertains to neutral grounds whereas though war not all ground can be neutral.
David Glasgow Farragut ~ Born in Tennessee, in the town that now bears his name, on July 5, 1801. His father, George, was an old sea hand from the island of Minorca, one of the Belearic groups, who brought Farragut up with a great appreciation of the United States Navy. In 1808, he was assigned to his first ship in new Orleans. Farragut's mother died of yellow fever in new Orleans that same year.
After meeting Secretary of the navy Paul Hamilton, Farragut was appointed a midshipman in the Navy on December 17, 1810. The first action he saw was aboard the Essex, serving under Captain David Porter, in the War of 1812 off the coast of canada and new England. In the spring of 1819, he was appointed an acting Lieutenant at only 18 years of age. He received his first command aboard the Ferret in 1823.
In 1841 he was commissioned as Commander, in charge of the Delaware, his first ship-of-the-line. In 1854 he was assigned at the first naval commandment of More Island Shipyard near San Francisco. His job was to oversea the construction of the U.S. Navy. In 1865 he was promoted to captain, the highest grade in the Navy, and upon completion of the shipyard in 1858 he was assigned to the first steamer, the Brooklyn. This would also be the last single vessel he would command. His Civil War record brought him from naval officer to American hero. His leading of the naval units in the taking of New Orleans, his passing of Port Hudson and his blockade of Mobile and the subsequent Battle of Mobile Bay made Farragut's name commonplace throughout the United States and Europe. Following the war Congress created the rank of Admiral, and bestowed it upon him in July, 1866.
Unfortunately, his personal life was not quite as happy as his professional life. He married Miss Susan C. Marchant of Norfolk on September 24, 1823. She passed away on December 27, 1840, after Farragut had been by her side nursing her for almost two years. She had suffered from an illness, since shortly after they had gotten married, that caused her great pain at times. On December 26, 1843, Commander Farragut married Virginia Loyall of Norfolk. Their family moved to california while Farragut was at More Island, living out of a boat for the first seven months, and then returned to Norfolk in 1858, after the secession of Virginia, Farragut found his Union leanings running counter to the majority of the Norfolk naval officers that he had been associated with and wisely moved to new York in 1860.
Farragut's only child, Loyall, entered the Naval Academy at West Point in 1863 and was there when Farragut received his Civil War fame. He would go on to a short naval career and later published a biography of his father that would include long extractions from his journals. After the war, Farragut received great honors from all over the United States and Europe. Entertained by Kings and Princes in Europe, and mayors and businessmen in the United States, he received $50.000 from the citizens of New York, his adopted home during the war and other wondrous gifts. He also traveled to Spain to discover more about his heritage, spending most of the time in Barcelona and the Balearic Islands. his health, however, failed him shortly after the end of the war. His weak-end constitution from yellow fever in the 1830's and his travels after the war took their toll. Farragut passed away in January of 1870. After his passing, Congress approved $20.000 for a statue to be erected in his honor in Washington, and another was erected by the State of New York. Source (University of Tennessee Finding Aids) - Finding Aid for David G. Farragut Papers, 1815-1964. University of Tennessee special Collection Library, Knoxville, Tenn. encoded by: Elizabeth Dunham, August 31, 2006. [source found by a search at of David George DeLancey. /
6-15-2011 8:44 p.m. e.s.t. A Valliant Will Bring Fourth The Economy. What Comes First? Answer, An Idea.
DeLancey Floyd-Jones ~ (January 20, 1826 - January 19,1902) was a career officer in the United States Army, serving in the Mexican-American War and the American-Civil War, and well as on frontier duty in the west. DeLancey Floyd-Jones ~ He was born in South Oyster Bay, New York. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, 45th in the class of 1846. Post War Career. After the War, DeLancey Floyd-Jones served in a variety of administrative posts, commanding Newport Barracks in Kentucky from October 1865 to March 1866, and the occupation garrison of Little Rock, Arkansas, from March to August 1866. Following sick leave, he was assigned as Acting Assistant Inspector General and Judge Advocate of the Department of Arkansas from December 1866 to February 1867. He was then in command of Fort Smith, and then Fort Gibson and the District of Indian Territory until January 1886. On June 25, 1867, he was promoted toColonel and assigned to the 6th U.S. Infantry. He served as Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Idaho Territory from June 1869 to November 1870, then at various times commanded Fort Dodge, Fort Hays, the post at Holly Springs, Mississippi, Jackson Barracks in Louisiana, and the garrison in Helena, Montana. In 1871, he was assigned to the 3rd U.S. Infantry. He retired March 20, 1879. Was the fifth child of Major General Henry Onderdonk Floyd-Jones and Helen M. Watts.
He was also the founder and builder , in 1896, of the first free library on the south shore of Long Island, The DeLancey Floyd-Jones Free Library, contributing his personal books. In 1847, he was among the establishing's of The Aztec Club of 1847. In 1865 he was elected treasurer of the club. In 1892 he presented the club with a silver centerpiece an Ancient Aztec Teocalli. The centerpiece is still used at their annual meetings to this day. In 1894 he was elected vice president of the club, and succeeded to the presidency the following year, while also remaining treasurer. He was also an active member of the South Side Sportsman's Club. The St. Nicholas Society, the Loyal Legion of the United States, and was a lifetime member of the Sons of the Revolution.
DeLancey Floyd-Jones is in relation to (through direct line of marriage) William Floyd, Philip Livingston, both signers of the Declaration of Independence; writer James Fenimore Cooper; John Loudon McAdam (creator of the road construction style named after him); Daniel Webster, Governor Dewitt Clinton of New York, Edith Wharton, and Alexander Hamilton. The Pendleton Family may have been pre-distant cousins.
11:17 p.m. e.s.t.
6-16-2011 9:04 p.m. researched on 5-30 2011 ____Lapatianci____ An Ancient Gallaecian Celtic Tribe, living in the north of Modern Salicia, in the Cedeira's county. Pre-Roman peoples of the Iberian Peninsula Celtic tribe resided above the Douro river, according to Ptolemy, these Callaeci were the first tribe in the area to battle the invading Romans. Stone objects from the Middle Paleolithic (or old stone age) it spanned from 300,000 to 30,000 years ago. Artistic Expression was admired during this time perhaps to occupy and or the fitting of occupation. Nevertheless of what one should or shall do Cult-invasion. Next periods are, Bronze Age, Iron Age, and all those ancient names who lived on in turn to be changed some how, possibly still exist through time. 9:18 p.m.
6-19-2011 Late Morning -__________________- Happy Father's Day
David George DeLancey Born 12-27-1961 Dorchester Massachusetts Raised in New Bedford Massachusetts, Grammer School: Our Lady of Mt Carmel, High School's: Plymouth-Carver Intermediate, Falmouth High, Quincy Vo-Tech, Chandler High ~ Chandler Arizona gone for full time work or should we say to accumulate more of the job status 1979, GED Cape Cod Community College 2008, Bristol Community College Fall River two year course for Associates in Liberal Arts. should be completed, 2011 December. And on to more qualifications of Art Economics History in that order. Till Next Time 9:30 p.m. e.s.t. Trying to have a country in balance of economics is like a war, and having the more of its capability is also like war. So having more money in the Federal Reserves Bank is a standard of war. War should be noted as a conclusion-al destiny of some capability. With A Reason. Having a reason will only extend the nature of war. We Are Receiving, With A Relationship. If one capability goes to war with another capability it is a common factor that when amongst reaching some form of balance an equal has accrued. Now that we've talked all about a certain type and forming of war lets get back to the beginning, as to what constitutes a war like segment. It would most definitely be the first tooling proportions of the intended armory, town, region, and or country, amongst other things many years ago described. This tooling is the main article of which a gathered occupancy will use in order to meet a standard. In our country it is most likely a form of currency, in which is based on a forming currency and or currencies based on a trade. Trade goes back many years. It is "Trade" that corresponds individuals with survival. Take the Lion for one unavailable circumstance of association. It will conquer just about anything, although if tamed it will be a companion for many a turn-around eye glinching venture. How does one correspond with society. Society first started with one, and then it gathered another gifting and agreeable correspondence. It was then agreed to be affiliated for sometime; with each other this means differed through time, as well as we know the term society is as foreign as a green apple on a tree with red apples. Although through character both apples can be devoured in one segment. David George DeLancey. DeLancey History Files 10:25 p.m. 6-19-2011 Fathers Day. Listening to Classical 107.5 F.M. Radio
Next entry of 6-21-2011 10:40 p.m.
6-22-2011 9:18 p.m.
6/21/12 11:47 A.M. Search was DeLancey History Files A Factional Political Recognition : One find was - Gregory Afinogenov | Lawyers and Politics in Eighteenth... /journals/Nyh/89.2/afinogenov.html